
  1. 随着政策的大力推动和人民币汇率形成机制改革的深化,跨境人民币业务得到了迅速发展。

    Supported by the push-up policy and the improvement of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism , cross-border RMB business has undergone a remarkable development .

  2. 目前,跨境人民币业务研究较多从宏观和微观角度进行,较少从商业银行角度开展。

    Since the current cross-border RMB business research is mostly carried out from the perspective of macro or micro economic perspective , seldom considering the view of commercial banks .

  3. 然而,无论在理论分析层面,还是从实际调查的角度,跨境人民币结算业务都存在着巨大的争议。

    However , whether in theoretical analysis or investigation , RMB Settlement in cross-broader trade transaction is still in dispute .

  4. 上述账户在规定期限内未转为人民币同业往来账户的,不得再用于办理跨境人民币结算业务。

    The aforesaid accounts which fail to be changed into inter-bank current accounts of RMB within the prescribed time limit shall not be used to handle cross-border RMB settlement businesses any more .

  5. 试点以来,辽宁省跨境贸易人民币结算业务平稳增长。

    Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .

  6. 中国银行周一宣布已于当日清晨完成首笔跨境贸易人民币结算业务。

    The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .

  7. 到2011年第一季度,中国跨境贸易人民币结算业务量升至550亿美元,占当季贸易结算总量的7%。

    By the first quarter of 2011 , $ 55 billion of China 's trade 7 % of the total was settled in yuan .

  8. 双方同意在各自的职责范围内,对澳门银行办理个人人民币业务和跨境贸易人民币结算业务进行监管并相互配合。

    The two sides agreed in the cooperation with each other and their respectively responsible areas of regulation of personal RMB business at Macau bank and RMB business for cross-border trade .

  9. 与此同时,银行家们希望这些措施能触发一个“反馈回路”:香港人民币投资产品增多,刺激跨境贸易人民币结算业务的增加,反过来再推动香港创设更多人民币投资产品。

    Meanwhile , bankers hope that the measures will trigger a feedback loop in which the creation of more renminbi-denominated products in Hong Kong spurs greater cross-border trade settlement , and vice versa .

  10. 金融危机后,我国政府对于推动人民币的国际化采取了许多措施&与周边多个国家进行了货币互换、随后大力推进跨境贸易人民币结算业务,并适时在香港离发行了人民币债券等等。

    After the financial crisis , our government took a number of measures to promote the internationalization of the RMB . Such as having a currency swap with neighboring countries , promoting cross-border trade in RMB business in Hong Kong vigorously timely issuing RMB bonds in Hong Kong .