
  • 网络Cross-cultural communication;Intercultural Communication
  1. 谈《申报》的广告传播跨国跨文化传播笔谈

    On Advertisement Propagating of Shen Daily Transnational Intercultural Communication : Pen Talk

  2. 中国本土品牌全球化的跨文化传播效果评估

    The Evaluation of Global Branding 's Intercultural Communication Effects for Chinese Local Brands

  3. 因势利导趋利避害融合创新&中国加入WTO后跨文化传播的思考

    Utilizing the Advantages , Avoiding the Disadvantages and Introducing Innovation ── Meditation on the Cross_ culture Communication after China 's Accession to WTO

  4. 对于这种跨文化传播活动,日本政府几乎没有参与,大部分工作都是铃木镇一及其支持者开展的。其中包括索尼公司联合创始人井深大(MasaruIbuka),他本人就是著名的儿童早期教育倡导者。

    The Japanese government had little to do with this cross-cultural dissemination : Much of it was the work of Mr. Suzuki and his supporters , including Masaru Ibuka , Sony 's co-founder and himself a great early-childhood education advocate .

  5. 国际广告的跨文化传播成为可能。

    Make the possible of the cross-cultural dissemination in international advertisement .

  6. 视觉符号在跨文化传播中的价值研究

    Visual Symbols in a Cross-Cultural Communication in the Value of Research

  7. 试论全球化语境下跨文化传播控制的不可与不能

    Control of Trans-cultural Communication under Global Background is Impossible and Unable

  8. 高语境广告特点及其跨文化传播策略

    Characteristics of High Context Advertisements and Strategies of Their Cross-cultural Communication

  9. 从跨文化传播角度看广告翻译

    A Study of Advertising Translation from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication

  10. 论跨文化传播中的融入与超越

    An Opinion of the Melting and Transcendence in Cross-cultural Transmission

  11. 试析民族文化符号在电影跨文化传播中的二度编解码

    The Second-degree Code / Decoding of National Culture Symbols in Cross-cultural Movies

  12. 《圣经》是在跨文化传播的过程中流传的。

    The Bible has been spreading in the process of transcultural communication .

  13. 论媒介技术对跨文化传播的影响

    The Impact of Media Technology on Cross - cultural Communication

  14. 而创制接近性文本是实现跨文化传播的重要途径。

    Creating similar context is the important way to realize crossing-culture communication .

  15. 论语言的跨文化传播跨文化传播在全球语境下面临的问题

    The Problem before Cross & Cultural Communications in the Global Language Environment

  16. 中英间品牌广告的跨文化传播比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and UK 's Across-Communication of Brand Advertisement

  17. 跨文化传播中国家形象的媒体误读研究

    Study on Misunderstanding of National Image by the Media in Cross-cultural Communication

  18. 浅析李大钊的跨文化传播思想

    On the Thought of Intercultural Spread of Li Dazhao

  19. 略论民族旅游中的跨文化传播

    A Chief Discussion on Transcultural Dissemination in National Tourism

  20. 游客对旅游地的跨文化传播之初探

    A original exploration of the cross - cultural transmit in destination from tourist

  21. 这对于缓解跨文化传播不对称的现状具有积极的意义与实际效用。

    It has positive significance to alleviate the situation and the actual effect .

  22. 论欧洲电视跨文化传播的历史进程及文化效应

    The Historical Progress and the Cultural Effects of the European TV Cross-cultural Communications

  23. 基于效果的文化产品跨文化传播及文化产业发展路径探析

    Analysis Based on Results of the Path of Cultural Products ' Intercultural Communication

  24. 昆曲;海外传播;第三方文化建立;跨文化传播效果;

    Kunqu ; Overseas communication ; Third culture building ; Intercultural communication effects ;

  25. 中国传统节日文化的符号学解读&兼谈节日文化的跨文化传播

    Chinese Traditional Festivals and the Interpretation from Semiotics-On the Festival Cultures in Cross-cultural Communication

  26. 全球化语境下,电影是跨文化传播的重要媒介之一。

    Movie is one of the important medium of intercultural communication in the globalization .

  27. 少数民族跨文化传播的伦理构建&以新疆少数民族跨文化传播为例

    Ethics Construction of Minorities Intercultural Communication & Taking Xinjiang Minorities Intercultural Communication As an Example

  28. 跨国跨文化传播笔谈

    Culture Transnational Intercultural Communication : Pen Talk

  29. 论佛教在古代中国的跨文化传播

    The Communication of Buddhism in Ancient China

  30. 全球化与中国想象&当代电影的跨文化传播策略研究

    Globalization and Imagination of China & Study on the Intercultural Communication Strategy of Contemporary Movies