
  • 网络The medium is the message;Media is message;media is the message
  1. 麦克卢汉提出媒介即讯息。

    Marshall McLuhan pointed out that The Medium is the Message .

  2. 传播学大家麦克卢汉认为:媒介即讯息本身。

    As the Communication master Mcluhan sayed : the medium is the message itself .

  3. 对“媒介即讯息”的再审视

    A review of the theory " media equal to information "

  4. 媒介即讯息:报纸新闻文体演变回顾

    The Media Is Message : On the Development of Newspaper Styles

  5. 正如麦克卢汉所言:媒介即讯息。

    As McLuhan says ," The media is the message " .

  6. 媒介即讯息,媒介从来不是一个单纯的载体。

    And the media is more than a carrier .

  7. 正如传播学大师麦克卢汉提出的媒介即讯息,在人类社会发展中,媒介本身的发展即是真正有意义的讯息。

    Just as communication master put forward " the media is the message ", in the development of social society , the development of media itself is the truly meaningful information .