
  1. 况且facebook也还没有解决所有互联网媒体企业面临的问题:准入门槛低、竞争残酷。

    And Facebook has not solved the problem confronting all Internet media companies : low barriers to entry and vicious competition .

  2. 周林生(2005)。论新媒体企业开展网络电视的状况和效果。北京,中国首届IPTV峰会。

    Zhou Linsheng ( 2005 ) . The Studies on the Situation and Questions on the Development of IPTV in the New Media Enterprise .

  3. Twitter推出这一举措之际,包括Facebook和谷歌(Google)在内的美国社交媒体企业也一直试图扩大与中国广告商的业务往来——即使它们的服务在中国内地依然被封禁。

    The move comes as other US social media companies , including Facebook and Google , have also been trying to expand their reach to Chinese advertisers , even while their services remained blocked there .

  4. 一直以来,香港出生的摄影师刘香成(LiuHeungShing)最为人所知的是他对中国的纪录,以及身居北京多家媒体企业高层的身份。

    The Hong Kong-born photographer Liu Heung Shing has long been known for documenting China and pursuing media ventures from a perch in Beijing .

  5. 为了始终保持较好的盈利以配合IPO融资目标,新媒体企业必须根据市场环境不断调整自己的定位,拥有优秀的管理团队和技术团队。

    To maintain a healthy profit rate for a long-run to underpin the IPO financing objective , new media companies must adjust their positions according to market environment , and have elite management and technical teams .

  6. 分析师们此前预测,鉴于iTunes用户的庞大基数,苹果的服务将有大量粉丝,但没有多少人认为苹果能够超越其他音乐流媒体企业。

    Analysts have predicted that Apple 's service will find a strong following due to the vast installed base of iTunes users , but few think the iPhone maker will eclipse other music streaming companies .

  7. 传统型通信企业向新媒体企业的战略转型研究

    Study of Traditional Telecommunications Enterprise to New Media Enterprise Strategic Transition

  8. 其他社交媒体企业最近也麻烦不断。

    Other social media companies have also run into trouble recently .

  9. 风险资本进入新媒体企业的决策研究

    Study on the Decision-making of Venture Capital Enters the New Media Enterprise

  10. 媒体企业界的大亨康拉德黑色被判诈欺而且阻隔正义,但是诈取钱财清除的。

    Media tycoon Conrad Black is convicted of fraud and obstructing justice , but cleared of racketeering .

  11. 有几个已经被大型媒体企业如索尼以及时代华纳所收编,这使它们的这种特征更加明显。

    Several have been acquired by media conglomerates like Sony and Time Warner , making them even more so .

  12. 在线广告的迅猛增长,鼓励了无数初创企业和传统媒体企业采用同样的业务模式。

    Heady growth in online advertising encouraged countless start-ups and traditional media businesses to chase the same business model .

  13. 媒体企业之间基于综效及强化竞争力等因素而引起的并购活动是近年来企业成长,以及媒体集团快速出现、整合的主要方式。

    Mergers and acquisitions brought by media enterprises to enhance competitiveness are the major means to the emergence of media groups .

  14. 尽管它们在这些大的方面具有共识,但迄今为止,各媒体企业采取的方式似乎仍略有区别。

    While they agree on those broad points , so far each of the media companies appears to be taking a slightly different approach .

  15. 目前国内外在数字化新闻采编管理系统研究方面发展很快,并且广泛应用到了新闻媒体企业管理中。

    At home and abroad Press releases editor system has developed rapidly , and widely applied to the corporate management of the news media .

  16. 如果决定出售雅虎,则将有三类显然的买家:大型媒体企业、大型科技类企业和私人股本。

    If the decision is to sell Yahoo , there are three obvious types of buyer big media , big technology and private equity .

  17. 最后,总结前面的理论和实例分析,对投资者进入新媒体企业提出几点建议以便参考。

    Finally , we summarize the theory and examples of the previous investors into the new media enterprises make a few suggestions for easy reference .

  18. 这一事件引发了传统媒体企业的竞争本能,它们已开始抢夺那些在线分销视频产品的新网站。

    That episode captures the competing instincts of traditional media companies as they come to grips with new websites that distribute video on the internet .

  19. 虽然本书的确植根于新经济,但书中的分析和处方却并不仅适用于尖端的新媒体企业和突然崛起的初创公司。

    While the book does betray its new-economy origins , the analysis and prescriptions are not reserved for edgy new media companies and quirky start-ups .

  20. 由于资本的逐利性和国家政策的扶持,新媒体企业在融资方面也具有传统媒体所无法比拟的优势。

    Because of the capital profit chasing and assisted by the national policies , new media company has a huge advantage that no other traditional media can compete with .

  21. 以往,中国只让国有媒体企业的商业运作资产上市,没有让编辑业务(执行审查的关键)上市。

    In the past , China had only listed the commercial operations of state media companies but kept editorial operations , the key to enforcing censorship , off the market .

  22. 虽然这将是一宗大规模的交易,但至少雅虎近期糟糕的股价走势表明,它的市盈率不再是与大型媒体企业相脱节的情况了。

    While it would be a huge deal , at least Yahoo 's recent poor share price performance means it no longer trades at a multiple completely detached from those of media conglomerates .

  23. 同时,媒体企业应辨识出自身所拥有的关键资源,并尝试将资源延伸应用,透过资源间的串连与重组,试图开创出新的成长机会。

    Meanwhile , media companies should identify themselves have resources , and try to extended application of resources , through resource links between companies and restructuring to try to create new growth opportunities .

  24. 民间慈善组织当进入到稳定发展阶段后,利用媒体企业宣传公益精神变得尤为重要,其中也出现了不少成功的案例,但在与媒体的实际合作中还有很多问题。

    When entering after the steady progression stage , Chinese Private charitable organizations have the very great demand of cooperation with the media cooperation . But there are also many blind spots and the difficulties in the practical cooperation .

  25. 但是,苹果考虑收购最显赫的媒体企业之一的事实,凸显出这家科技集团越来越希望提供自家的内容。目前,时代华纳的市值接近600亿美元。

    But the fact that Apple considered bidding for one of the most prominent media companies - Time Warner has a market capitalisation of almost $ 60bn - underlines the tech group 's growing desire to offer its own content .

  26. 另一方面,媒体企业也想对华尔街证明,它们没有重复音乐产业最近的历史,没有在一种眩目的新技术面前退缩&有观点认为,这一技术将是今后音乐公司必不可少的产品分销方式。

    On the one hand , media companies want to prove to Wall Street that they are not repeating the recent history of the music industry and backing away from a dazzling new technology that some believe could be an integral way to distribute their products in the near future .

  27. 一国陷入衰退,净债务相当于全部产出的90%,而它的政客却告诉一名首席执行官说,他不适合管理有史以来最成功的媒体企业之一听到这个时,很多美国人笑了。

    To many Americans the idea that politicians in a country that has just fallen back into recession with gross debt equivalent to 90 per cent of output can tell a chief executive he is not fit to run one of the most successful media companies ever built is laughable .

  28. 在荷兰社交媒体监测企业clipit的天使投资人的帮助下,这个创意转变成了一个原型。

    The idea turned into a prototype with the help of angel investors at clipit , a Dutch social media monitoring company .

  29. 基于数字媒体的企业识别系统研究

    A Study on the Corporate Identity System Based on Digital Media

  30. 解析《超级女声》:媒体、企业、大众的共谋

    Super Girl : Collusion of Media , Enterprises and Popular