
  • 网络Media research
  1. 福建省登革热监测与媒介调查

    Surveillance on Dengue Fever and Investigation on Vector in Fujian , China

  2. 基因检测技术用于疟疾媒介调查的研究

    Study on Gene Detection Techniques for Malaria Vector Investigation

  3. 深圳市鼠疫宿主动物及媒介调查

    Surveillance on Major Species of Host Animals and Vectors of Plague in Shenzhen City

  4. 关注中国媒介调查业

    On China 's Media Survey Industry

  5. 信誉问题是中国媒介调查业急待解决的问题。

    The credit issue of China 's media survey industry turns out to be an imperative one .

  6. [方法]将简阳市1950~2006年疟疾发病资料、流行病学调查、媒介调查、防治、监测资料进行全面分析。

    [ Methods ] Data of malaria incidence , epidemiological and intermediary survey , control and surveillance were collected and analysed .

  7. 近十年来国内6次媒介调查结果显示,新闻道德失范的危害性极大,经由自律路径根治新闻道德失范几乎不可能。

    Six finding reports to media show that harmfulness of the press of corruption can not almost be wiped out by moral way .

  8. 收视率近年来成为业界所关注的焦点,作为媒介调查的重要手段,它对中国电视产业化发展进程有着深远影响。

    The ratings In recent years become the focus of attention of the industry as an important means to investigate the media , its Chinese television industry has a far-reaching impact on the development process .

  9. 江苏省莱姆病生物媒介的调查研究

    Investigation on vectors of Lyme Disease in Jiangsu Province

  10. 入境集装箱携带媒介生物调查和处理

    An investigation and treatment on the freight container carried with vector of entry

  11. 天津市汉沽区媒介生物调查初报

    Investigation of vector Biological at Hangu District in Tianjin

  12. 黑龙江中俄边境地区莱姆病螺旋体的主要动物宿主及媒介生物调查

    Animal hosts and vector investigation of Lyme disease from China-Russia border in Heilongjiang province

  13. 马尾口岸媒介生物调查结果分析

    The survey of disease vectors at Mawei Port

  14. 异尖线虫病传播媒介的调查研究

    Investigation on Transmitting Vectors of Anisakiasis

  15. 内蒙古额济纳旗大沙鼠和蜥蜴体内的利什曼原虫及其媒介的调查研究

    Studies on Leishmania in Big Gerbils and Lizards and Its Sandfly Vectors in Ejin Banner , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  16. 新疆北部大沙鼠的生存环境以及鼠间的利什曼原虫和媒介的调查

    Studies on the Living Environment of Great Gerbil and ItS Natural Infection of Leishmania and Sandfly Vectors in North Xinjiang , China

  17. 方法进行沿线居民带虫调查、疟史访问、施工人员带虫调查、两个乡卫生院近2年发热病人疟原虫检出情况及媒介按蚊调查。

    Methods Survey of parasite-carrying rate in the inhabitants , malaria history , malaria parasite examination in the construction workers , blood examination of feverish patients in two township health centers in recent two years and vector survey were carried out .

  18. 山东省滨湖不同生境主要媒介蚊虫种群调查

    Survey of populations of important mosquito vectors in different habitats of lakefront

  19. 十堰高校大学生媒介素养现状调查报告

    The Investigation of the Media Accomplishment of College Students in Shiyan City

  20. 关于高校招生宣传媒介应用的调查分析与对策

    Analysis of Medium Applied to College Enrollment and Countermeasures

  21. 密云地区莱姆病螺旋体宿主动物和传播媒介感染状况调查

    Investigation on reservoir hosts and vectors infected by Borrelia burgdorferi in Miyun area

  22. 灵山县乙型脑炎媒介蚊虫的调查及控制方法

    Survey and control of the vector mosquitoes of Japanese B encephalitis in Ling

  23. 京冀非城市儿童图书媒介接触行为调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Non-urban Children 's Behaviors of Using Books in Beijing and Hebei

  24. 河北太行山某恙虫病疫源地传播媒介与宿主调查

    Investigation on the Vector and Host of Tsutsugamushi Disease in Epidemic Focus , Taihang Mountains , Hebei Province

  25. 运用实证研究方法对不同地区的不同人群进行媒介素养状况调查是其路径之一。

    Using empirical research method to describe the media literacy situation of different people in different districts is one of its research paths .

  26. 就舆论监督而言,美国的文献中就没有这样的词语搭配的,美国是以媒介监督或调查性报道来达到类似效果。

    On the supervision of public opinion , American literature has no such collocation , America is media supervision or investigative reporting to achieve a similar effect .

  27. 本文除绪言外,共分为五个章节,其中第二章我国网络期刊媒介特征的调查与分析和第四章网络期刊的编辑对策是全文的重点。

    Apart from Preface , this paper consists of five chapters , of which the second chapter " Researching and analyzing of media characteristics of Network Periodicals in china " and the fouth chapter " Editing methods of Network Periodicals " are the key parts of this paper .

  28. 浙江省登革热传播媒介白纹伊蚊调查研究

    Investigation on the distribution of dengue vector Aedes albopictus in Zhejiang province

  29. 桂林高校大学生媒介素养的现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Students ' Media Literacy in Guilin Universities

  30. 广东省韶关市区媒介生物本底调查

    A Survey on the Insect Vectors in Shaoguan City