
mín zú zhì
  • ethnography
  1. 本文通过参与式民族志考察,以上海HEAVEN卡拉OK为入口,剖析城市娱乐空间的区隔距离、空间治理和生产循环。

    Through the participatory ethnography investigation , this article studies a case about HEAVEN Karaoke Club in Shanghai to analyze the segmentation , government and production of urban entertainment space .

  2. 石门的民族志全方位展现了该地居民的日常生活。

    This ethnography fully shows the residents daily life of Shimen .

  3. 本文通过参与式观察和非结构化访谈的民族志研究方法,探索了深圳市P医院医务社会工作资源链接与整合的实务内容。

    By participant observations and unstructured interviews , this paper has studied the linkages and integrations to resources of medical social work of Hospital P in Shenzhen .

  4. 基于民族志方法的个人信息管理行为研究

    Research on the Personal Information Management Behavior Based on Ethnography Method

  5. 维谢洛夫斯基的历史起源学研究与普罗普的民族志主义;

    Secondly , the studying on the historical genesis and ethnographism ;

  6. 本文是一份实验性田野工作的实验性音乐民族志。

    This dissertation is a musical ethnography based on an experimental fieldwork .

  7. 独白,还是对话?&民族志叙述声音分析

    Monologue or Dialogue : Analysis on Narrative Voice of Ethnography

  8. 最后对民族志意义上的课堂观察研究者自身应具备的素质进行了规约。

    Finally , it sets the qualities of ethnographic classroom observation researchers .

  9. 民族志与翻译:翻译研究的人类学视野

    Ethnography and Translation : An Anthropological Perspective of Translation Studies

  10. 依附者还是构建者?&关于妇女亲属关系的一项民族志研究

    Dependant or Constructor : An Ethnographical Study of the Women 's Kinship

  11. 关于乡村传播研究中民族志方法的一些思考&以一个土家村落的田野工作经验为例

    Reflections on the Approach of Ethnography for Country Communication Research

  12. 民族志的科学范式的奠定及其反思

    SCIENCE The Establishment of the Scientific Norm for Ethnography and its Revelation

  13. 角色与生存&一个基层科技机构的民族志调查

    Role and Existence & Ethnographic Study of a Primary Level Scientific Organization

  14. 话语分析与交际民族志:语言人类学的两个研究视角

    Discourse Analysis and Ethnography of Communication : Two Research Angles of Anthropological Linguistics

  15. 民族志方法与传播研究

    Studies on the Emergence and Communication of Cybernetics Methods and Dissemination of Ethnography

  16. 从人类学中借用的民族志法是消费者行为研究的前沿方法。

    Anthropology law is the consumer behavior latest method .

  17. 清代采风民族志中台湾熟番的社会文化

    The Social Culture of Aboriginal Tribes from the Ethnographic Description during Qing Dynasty

  18. 后现代语境中的民族志生产:一个困惑的追求

    Ethnography Production in Post-modern Context : a Confused Pursuit

  19. 从文学到人类学&关于民族志和写文化的答问

    From Literature to Anthropology : Queries and Answers in Ethnography and Writing Culture

  20. 网络日志:一种自我反射式民族志文本的可能

    Weblog : Possibility of a Self-reflected Text of Ethnography

  21. 本论文是对湘中地区民间信仰的民族志田野研究。

    This paper is an ethnographic study on folk beliefs in central Hunan .

  22. 给予与禁忌&一个泰国村庄选举实践的民族志

    Giving and Banning : An Ethnography of Election Practice in a Thai Village

  23. 音声:认知与释义&对音乐民族志研究中认知人类学及阐释学方法的读解

    " Sound ": Cognition and Interpretation-Cognitive Anthropology and Hermeneutic Method for Musical Ethnography

  24. 话语分析和交际民族志是语言人类学研究的两个重要视角。

    Discourse analysis and ethnography of communication are two important angles of anthropological linguistics .

  25. 直观与理性的交融:艺术民族志书写初论

    Perception and Rational in Harmony : An Initial Discussion on Writing Ethnography of Art

  26. 民族志记录和边疆形象

    Ethnographic Photography and the Image of the Frontier

  27. 小说化:民族志书写的一种可能性

    Novel-orientation : A Possibility of Writing Ethnography

  28. 米德·弗里曼·萨摩亚&兼论人类学田野调查与民族志写作

    Mead · Freeman · Samoa : with a Discussion on Anthropological Fieldwork and Ethnographic Writing

  29. 民族志方法与传播研究六山六水民族调查中的民族历史文献:关于本土的历史民族志

    Methods and Dissemination of Ethnography Ethnic Historical Documents of Fieldwork Investigation : about Historical Ethnography

  30. 此课程乃是针对人类学中民族志的实地考查与写作法的实务运作进行研究讨论。

    This course is a practicum-style seminar in anthropological methods of ethnographic fieldwork and writing .