
  • 网络Private capital;nongovernmental capital
  1. 促进辽宁民间资金向民营资本转化问题研究

    Analysis on transformation accelerating of nongovernmental fund to nongovernmental capital

  2. 民间资金向民营资本转化是促进经济发展的重要手段之一。

    The transformation of nongovernmental fund to nongovernmental capital is the main way to accelerate the economic development .

  3. 给予民营资本与FDI同等地位刻不容缓。

    It is high time that Chinese private capital should be given an equal status as FDI .

  4. 本文详细论述了民营资本投资公路建设的四种方式:TOT、BOT、BT、PPP。

    This article deals with four ways of private capital investment in road construction : TOT , BOT , BT and PPP .

  5. 本文从信用角度进行了民营资本投资BOT项目的障碍分析,并针对性地提出了一些对策和建议。

    From the angle of credit , this paper analyses the barriers of private capital investment BOT project and puts forward some relative countermeasures and suggestions .

  6. 第三,通过其他省份BOT项目成功带来的启示,分析该项目建设中利用BOT融资方式吸引民营资本,解决资金紧张问题。

    In the light of BOT projects from other provinces , analyzes in this project construction to use the BOT financing way attraction privately operated capital , solution fund tense question .

  7. 假定资金约束是政府引入民营资本的基础,着重研究不同的合约条件对PPP合约设计的影响。

    Assuming that financial restriction is main reason of cooperation between the government and the private finance , we focus on the effect of informational contracting condition on a PPP contract and its efficiency .

  8. 当经营收益不可缔约时,民营资本全额投资并获取全部经营收益的PPP典型合约是有效的政府均衡选择。

    When the operational revenue is uncontractible , the typical PPP contract that private organizations finance all the project investment and gain all the operational revenues is both optimal choice of the government and social efficient .

  9. 而改革开放以来,我国民营资本的力量不断发展壮大,PPP项目的投资主体从早期的以外资为主,逐步向内资扩展。

    With the continues development of private capital in last 30 years , the main investors of PPP projects in China has been gradually extending to the internal capital from the external capital in the early stage .

  10. 作为项目融资的方式之一,BOT越来越广泛的得到应用,并从最初只适用于外商投资项目,到适用于包括民营资本投资在内的各种基础设施项目。

    As a approach of project financing , BOT have been widely applied more and more in our country , at first it only apply to the project of foreign capital , and then it apply to all project include private investment .

  11. 项目PPP融资模式在中国公共事业项目管理中的成功应用说明实现投资渠道多元化,特别是吸引国内外民营资本进入公共事业项目化管理领域是加快我国公共事业项目管理发展的必由之路。

    PPP mode 's successful application in Chinese public project management has accounted for realization of multiple investments . And the attraction of domestic and foreign private capital into public project management is especially an obligatory way for the acceleration of Chinese public project management .

  12. 同时在云南民营资本逐渐壮大的情况下,提出引入BOT这种先进的投资模式吸引民营资本投入澄江~江川段建设中,为云南省交通建设提供新的融资方式。

    Meanwhile in the situation which the Yunnan privately operated capital expands gradually , proposed introduces the BOT this kind of advanced investment pattern attraction privately operated capital to invest in the Chengjiang ~ Jiangchuan construction , provides the new financing way for the Yunnan Province transportation construction .

  13. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  14. 在这种背景下,借鉴引进20世纪90年代在西方发达国家基础设施及城市公用事业中流行起来的PPP模式,对推动我国城市公共交通引进民营资本有着非常重要的意义。

    Under this kind of background , to introduce the popular PPP model used in the infrastructure sector , such as urban transport , in the western developed countries in 1990s , has very important meanings for introducing the private capital to promote the urban public transport in our country .

  15. 基础电信:何时对民营资本松口?

    Basic telecom : when to open itself to private capitals ?

  16. 民营资本投资教育产业的风险研究

    A Research on the Risk of Educational Investment by Private Capital

  17. 民营资本挺进民航业的机会与风险

    The Opportunities and Risks of Private Investment to Civil Aviation

  18. 南京市城市基础设施建设吸收民营资本的问题研究

    Research on Domestic Private Capitals Participating in the Urban Infrastructure of Nanjing

  19. 民营资本农业投资方式及机会研究

    Study on the Pattern and Opportunity of Agricultural Investment for Private Capital

  20. 民营资本是与国有资本相对的一个概念。

    Private Capital is a concept corresponding to State - owned Capital .

  21. 民营资本介入农业产业化问题探讨

    Issue of Capital Run by Private Citizens in Agriculture Industrialization

  22. 民营资本投资公路建设方式研究

    Study on Ways to Invest in Roads for Private Capital

  23. 钢铁产业发展与民营资本准入

    The Development of Iron and Steel Industry and Entry of Private Capital

  24. 论民营资本发展环保产业的有效性

    Discussion on the Efficiency of Developing Environmental Protection Industry with Private Capital

  25. 民营资本在收费公路中的发展问题研究

    Research on the Development of Private Capital in Toll Roads

  26. 同样,民营资本也开始投资于民用航空业。

    Of course , private capital invest in the civil aviation industry .

  27. 港口业民营资本投资问题研究

    The harbor industry privately operated capital investment question research

  28. 金信系是一个由民营资本控制的大的金融家族。

    Jin Xin is a big private financial conglomerate .

  29. 民营资本:深度作业中国金融

    Civilian capital : deeply works on china 's Finance

  30. 黑龙江省林业市场化与民营资本投资机制研究

    Forestry Marketization and the Investment Mechanism of Private Capital in Hei Longjiang Province