
  1. 文中进一步阐述了财权的静态配置与资本结构的动态调整。

    The paper expounds further the stagnant allocation of financial power and the financing structure-the dynamic readjustment of capital structure .

  2. 本文研究弥补以往以静态模型研究资本结构的不足,从行业层面分析影响电力企业资本结构及调整速度的因素更具指导意义。

    This article will make up the shortages existing in the static model and is more significant to analysis capital structure and adjustment speed in the view of the whole industrial level .

  3. 在此基础上,本文选择了其中多个影响因素作为解释变量,通过构建静态和动态资本结构模型,分别对实际资本结构、最优资本结构及其动态调整速率的影响因素做实证分析。

    Base on the analyses above , this paper selects several factors as independent variables , analyzes the determinants of real capital structure , optimal capital structure and the speed of adjustment , by designing static and dynamic models .