
  • 网络static equilibrium;dynamic equilibrium;stationary equilibrium
  1. 动态能力理论突出了动态性,从而摆脱资源基础观的静态均衡模型的限制。

    Dynamic capabilities theory highlights the dynamic , thus get rid of resource based view of the static equilibrium model restrictions .

  2. 人力资本的零值静态均衡和高水平动态均衡是传统农业和现代农业的一个重要分界。

    The two factors , null static equilibrium and high dynamic equilibrium of human capital , are the dividing line between traditional and modern agriculture .

  3. 基于NANDFlash的静态均衡损耗算法

    A Static Wear-leveling Algorithm Based on NAND Flash

  4. 新古典经济学所遵循的还原论方法的核心概念是竞争和静态均衡。

    The core conception of the reductionism method of new classical economics is competition and equilibrium .

  5. 演化经济学主张用超越静态均衡分析的眼光审视和认识事物的演变历程,演化经济学的理论方法已经成为分析和描述复杂经济管理现象与过程的重要方法。

    The methods of evolution economics have been important for analyzing and describing the complicated economic management phenomenon and the processes .

  6. 在完全垄断市场的静态均衡中,垄断厂商可以通过价格歧视获取消费者剩余,增加利润,影响社会分配的公平性,但是与单一定价相比有可能增加社会福利。

    With monopoly , price discrimination enables the monopolist to extract consumer surplus , which may obstruct the fair distribution of welfare .

  7. 在此概念基础上,分析了区域技术创新生态系统的调节机制:稳定性调节机制,多样性调节机制和静态均衡机制。

    Based on the concept the regulation mechanism of RTIES were analysed including the stability mechanism , the diversity mechanism , and the static state equilibrium mechanism .

  8. 正是基于此本质内涵,本文得以从基本概念及基本理论上突破主流公司财务学由于受资源配置论分析范式影响而形成的静态均衡定价分析框架。

    Precisely based on that essence , the article breaks through the Static Equilibrium Pricing analyze framework of Finance , which is derived from resources deployment theory .

  9. 其次,创新性地从均衡思想的角度回顾资本结构理论的发展脉络,主要从局部均衡和一般均衡、静态均衡和动态均衡两个方面考察了均衡思想在资本结构理论中的运用和体现。

    Next , we review capital structure theory development from equilibrium thought angle , mainly from partial equilibrium to general equilibrium , static equilibrium to the dynamic equilibrium .

  10. 研究双寡头竞争的文章国内外非常多,但前期研究基本上都是建立在完全理性的基础之上的,文章的重点都是讨论静态均衡。

    There are many articles to study duopoly game , but they base on the totally rational foundation basically , most articles focus on to discuss the static equilibrium .

  11. 本文认为新古典经济学的静态均衡模式,始源于经典科学的思维范式,对动态过程的经济竞争及其演进缺乏科学的解释。

    The paper balanced model of new classical economics come from classical sciences made of thinking , and was lack of scientific explanation on economy competition and its evolution of dynamic progress .

  12. 企业是一具有复杂的适应性系统,在看待企业本质问题上应该用动态、进化的观点,而不应该局限于静态均衡的分析。

    Enterprise is a complex system possessing on characteristic of adaptability . The viewpoint on enterprises should be dynamic and evolutionary , and the analysis on enterprises should not be confined to the method of static and equilibrium .

  13. 通过研究存在地方政府的静态均衡,表明地方政府在财政分权体制下,是否考虑坏的生产方式所带来的负的外部性即环境成本将决定其不同的行为。

    By studying the static equilibrium with local government , we show that under fiscal decentralization system , whether or not considering the negative externality brought from " bad " technology will decide different behavior of local government .

  14. 在众多的开创性工作中,有两条基于均衡思想的思路最值得关注:一是从局部均衡到一般均衡的思路,二是从静态均衡到动态均衡的思路。

    In the many foundation work , two methods that based on the equilibrium thought have been paid much attention : One is from partial equilibrium to general equilibrium ; the other is from the static equilibrium to dynamic equilibrium .

  15. 第三,作者在研究过程尽量突破新古典的静态均衡分析方法,运用复杂系统分析方法,结合真实的企业案例研究企业知识的非线性运动,本文还结合山西汾酒案例对这个模型进行印证。

    Third , the author tries to breakthrough the new classical static equilibrium analysis methods in the research process , and uses the complex analysis method with the real business case to study the nonlinear dynamic movement of enterprise knowledge .

  16. 面对经济与金融系统复杂性的理论挑战应运而生的行为金融学和演化经济学,在研究方法上实现了由静态均衡分析到动态非均衡分析的革命性变革,为克服这场理论危机带来了希望。

    Action finance and evolvement economics were born in the theoretical challenge of complexity of economic and financial system . In the study method , it realized the revolutionary transform from static state equilibrium analysis to dynamic non - equilibrium analysis , and accordingly brought hope for this crisis .

  17. 并且结合通用并行处理机群及SAR图像目标检测的特点,提出了一种基于测试反馈的最优静态负载均衡算法。

    Base on the character of parallel processing and target detecting , a new algorithm named best static load balancing on the basis of test - feedback control is proposed .

  18. 但它是一种静态负载均衡的开源软件,运行于Linux操作系统之上,很多著名的负载均衡器生产厂商都是将其嵌入到了硬件里面实现静态轮转负载均衡。

    However , it is a static load balancing open-source software running on the Linux operating systems and many famous load balancer producers embed it into hardware to implement static round robin load balancing function .

  19. 研究了分子动力学数值模拟方法、BSP并行计算模型、循环映射法和递归对剖法静态负载均衡、动态负载平衡等关键技术。

    Molecular dynamics simulation method , BSP parallel computing model , static load balance method , dynamics load balance method was studied .

  20. 在Daniel、Hirshleifer和Subrahmanvum(2001)研究的基础上,增加了过度悲观投资者,建立一个静态股市均衡定价模型,并讨论了在投资者比例及认识精度不同的情况下股市均衡价格的变化。

    A new equilibrium model are built based on research of Daniel 、 Hirshleifer and Subrahmanvum ( 2001 ) . In the model we add a new kind of investor & over-pessimism investor . We discuss movement of equilibrium price caused by scale of investors and cognition precision of investor .

  21. 负载均衡可分为静态负载均衡和动态负载均衡两类。

    Load balancing can be divided into static load balancing and dynamic load balancing .

  22. 本文针对上述军用并行图像处理平台建立模型,解决了在该模型下的静态负载均衡问题,给出了最短时间划分条件。

    This article establishes an analyzing model for the above system , and answer the question of the least execution time .

  23. 另外新产业组织理论对于产业组织模式变迁的研究是基于静态的均衡,而非动态的过程。

    And the research of the new industrial organization theory is based on the static equilibrium , rather than dynamic process .

  24. 没有需求风险时博弈存在静态纳什均衡且不会发生羊群效应;

    When demand risk does not exist , the static state Nash equilibrium exists in the game and the herding does not take place ;

  25. 静态负载均衡策略通过工作中的卷服务器选择,避免系统进入负载不均衡状态。

    Static load balance strategy choices the volume server with lightest work load to serve the Client VM , keeping the system away from load unbalanced state .

  26. 其参与主体间复杂、动态的关系既被整体影响,又能影响整体,因此一般静态局部均衡分析法不适用。

    Their participant have one complex and dynamic relationship , they have been the overall impact , but also affect by the overall . So general static partial equilibrium analysis not a good idea .

  27. 根据闪存的块擦除方式确定了闪存损耗均衡的性能指标,在此基础上从动态损耗均衡策略和静态损耗均衡策略两方面对闪存损耗均衡进行了系统分析和设计。

    According to the way of flash memory block erase operation identified the wear-leveling performance indicators , on the basis of a dynamic wear-leveling and static wear-leveling strategy the flash wear-leveling algorithm is analyzed and designed .

  28. 农村小额信贷各主体之间的关系是复杂的、动态的、是受全局影响而又反作用于全局的、不能用一般的静态局部均衡分析来解决问题。

    Rural micro-credit relationship between the main body is complex , dynamic and affected by the overall impact on the overall situation and counter-productive , can not use normal static partial equilibrium analysis to solve the problem .

  29. 文章构建了静态的一般均衡,从生产最优出发,指出了效率来源的微观基础,对生产效率和全要素生产率的衡量进行了界定。

    Firstly by constructing a static general equilibrium with optimization of production , the paper describes the micro foundation of the efficiency while the productivity and total factor productivity are defined .

  30. 但总体来说,这一研究脉络的分析方法主要限于理想化的、静态的、均衡的分析,因而不能很好地解释市场失败和竞争的激烈争夺过程;

    However , this theory is confined to idealistic , static and unbalanced conceptions and cannot therefore give a clear description of the process of failures and competition in the market .