
  • 网络econometric analysis
  1. 城市特征和FDI的空间经济计量分析

    Urban Characteristics and the Pattern of FDI Location in China : A Spatial Econometric Analysis

  2. 中国对外贸易的非均衡经济计量分析

    Disequilibrium Econometric Analysis of Foreign Trade in China

  3. 山东省对外贸易的经济计量分析

    An Economic Measuring Analysis on the Foreign Trade in Shandong Province

  4. 货币政策传导机制与动态有效性的经济计量分析

    Econometric Analysis of the Transmission Mechanism and Dynamic Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  5. 信息资源的价值、增值机制的经济计量分析

    Economic Measurement Analysis of the Value and Increment Mechanism of Information Resource

  6. 中国能源需求的经济计量分析

    The Econometric Research on Energy Demands of China

  7. 保费收入的经济计量分析

    Econometrical analysis of insurance premium income

  8. 反通货膨胀手段的经济计量分析

    An Econometric Analysis of Anti-Inflation Means

  9. 中医药治疗非小细胞肺癌的经济计量分析:中国广州的实证

    Economic evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine in treating non-small cell lung cancer patients : guangzhou data

  10. 人口增长的经济计量分析

    Econometric analysis of population growth

  11. 国内外的一些实证研究表明,汇率对出口没有长期的显著影响,对中国出口数据所做的经济计量分析也证明了这一结论。

    The empirical analysis of domestic and international research show that rate of exchange has not effect on export over a long period of time .

  12. 根据经济计量分析的结果,得出的一个合理结论是,储蓄减少了,但减少了多少并不清楚。

    A reasonable conclusion on the basis of the econometric results is that saving has been reduced , but by how much is not clear .

  13. 采用经济计量分析方法对其发展的趋势进行预测。

    I have studied the main activities and found the history origin of all kinds of problems and forecast its trend with the method of economic estimation .

  14. 本研究采用实证研究与规范研究相结合、定性分析和定量分析相结合、微观分析与宏观分析相结合、比较分析和经济计量分析方法,首次对新疆羊产业发展进行了全面系统地分析。

    This research firstly makes an all-round systemic analysis on the development of sheep industry in Xinjiang through the empirical analysis and the theoretical analysis , the quality analysis and the quantity analysis , the macroscopic analysis and the microscopic analysis , compared analysis and economical measurement analysis methods .

  15. 黑龙江省房地产投资与国民经济增长计量分析

    Econometric analysis of real estate investment and regional economic growth in Heilongjiang province

  16. 西安市教育投资经济效益计量分析

    Analysis of Economic Benefit of Education Investment in Xi'an

  17. 摘要依据吉林省农户调查数据,我们应用经济计量方法分析了农村劳动力流动的收入分配效应。

    This paper uses econometric method to analyze the income distribution effects of the rural labor migration based on farmer data of Jilin province .

  18. 经济金融计量分析中的时间序列数据是经常处理的数据,对其进行分析和研究具有十分普遍的意义。

    In the financial field , Time Series Data is the important one of this kind , which is very great meaningful for the analysis and research .

  19. 利用经济计量模型分析发现:工农业总产值、公路营运里程以及居民消费价格指数是影响中国公路货物运输市场的主要因素。

    By using econometrics model analysis , it is found that the major factors , consisting of Length of Road , Regulated Industrial and Agricultural Production and Consumer Price Index , play important roles in the development of market of highway freight transportation in China .

  20. 通过对中国的实际经济数据进行计量分析,可认识中国的消费、投资等行为,并进而探讨中国的IS-LM模型,为测算中国的财政政策乘数提供基础。

    Through an econometric analysis of real economic data , this paper advances our understanding of consumption and investment behavior in China and then examines its IS-LM model , providing a foundation for measuring its fiscal policy multiplier .

  21. 中国旅游业发展对国民经济贡献的计量分析

    Econometric Analysis of Chinese Tourism 's Contribution to National Economy

  22. 财政支出有效性与经济增长的计量分析

    A Metric Analysis on the Validity of Financial Expenditure and Economic Growth

  23. 阜新市经济增长的计量分析

    The measuring analysis of economic growth in Fuxin

  24. 云南省宏观经济模型的计量分析研究

    Quantitative Analysis of Macroeconomic Model Yunnan Province

  25. 经济计量学者要分析统计材料。

    The econometrician analyzes statistical data .

  26. 文章又深入的考察了货物贸易开放度和服务贸易开放度对经济增长的计量分析。

    Furthermore we analyze the trade openness in goods and trade openness in service on economic growth in the same way .

  27. 中国公共投资与经济增长的计量分析&兼论公共投资对私人投资的挤出效应

    An Econometric Analysis of China 's Public Investment and Economic Growth and A Comment on the Crowding-out Effect of Public Investment on Private Investment

  28. 本文以新古典收敛模型为框架,对转型时期各省区的经济发展进行计量分析,得出了条件收敛的结论。

    Further econometric analysis based on the neo-classical convergence framework on inter-provincial economic growth during the transitional period leads to the conclusion of conditional convergence .

  29. 通过建立经济计量模型,分析软投入对教育的巨大作用,以及会宁县的状元县成因。

    Analyze the huge role of the soft input on education as well as the " champion county " causes , through the establishment of an econometric model .

  30. 基于向量自回归经济计量模型,分析中日贸易与日本经济发展的长期关系和因果关系等问题。

    Based on econometric vector auto regression model , this paper mainly investigated the long run and short_run as well as causal relationships of international trade between China and Japan .