
  • 网络economic system analysis
  1. 网络营销渠道策略的经济系统分析

    Economic System Analysis on Online - marketing Place Strategy

  2. 风险型动态规划模型应用于经济系统分析

    Risking dynamic programming model applied in economic system analysis

  3. 本论文采用自上而下方法,开发了能源经济系统分析模型;采用自下而上方法,以终端能源技术为基础,建立了考虑CDM项目引入影响的能源技术模型。

    Using a bottom-up approach , based on terminal energy technology to develop energy technology model which takes the CDM effect into consideration .

  4. 农村经济系统分析和建模初探

    A preliminary study on analysing and modeling of rural economic system

  5. 鄱阳湖区土地资源生态经济系统分析

    Analysis on land resource ecological economy system in Poyang Lake area

  6. 不确定性系统理论在经济系统分析中的应用

    The application of uncertainty systems in the analyses of economic system

  7. 动态经济系统分析的经济计量模型与方法

    Econometric model and method for analysis of dynamic economic system

  8. 农村水环境经济系统分析与决策研究

    Investigation on Rural Water Environment Economy System Analysis and Decision

  9. 农业经济系统分析中的灰色模型及应用

    Grey Models in Analysis of The Agricultural Economic System and Their Applications

  10. 拜泉县农业持续发展的生态经济系统分析

    An Eco-economic Systematic Analysis of Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Baiquan County

  11. 人口-资源-环境-经济系统分析模型体系

    An Analyzing Model System on Population , Resources , Environment and Economics

  12. 基于耗散结构理论的化工安全经济系统分析

    Analysis on Chemical Industry Safety Economics System Based on the Dissipative Structure Theory

  13. 对冲基金冲击虚拟经济系统分析

    An Analysis of the Hedge Funds ' Impact on the Virtual Economic System

  14. 优化的灰色方法在经济系统分析中的应用

    Research of Economic Systems Analysis Using Optimized Gray Method

  15. 第三章,海洋循环经济系统分析方法与评价指标体系建设。

    The building of the index system and research method of marine circular system .

  16. 基于演化模型的宏观经济系统分析方法

    Methodology based evolution modeling for macroeconomics systems analysis

  17. 鲁棒控制理论应用于宏观经济系统分析

    Analysis of macroeconomic system using robust control theory

  18. 非线性视角下的经济系统分析

    Economic System Analysis from the Perspective of Nonlinearity

  19. 对经济学的危机与经济系统分析的认识

    On Economics Crisis and Economic Systems Analysis

  20. 奉化市生态经济系统分析

    The Systematic Analysis of Fenghua Ecology-Economy System

  21. 中国城镇发展的经济系统分析

    Economic System Analysis of Chinese Towns Development

  22. 随机经济系统分析

    A Stochastic Analysis on the Economic System

  23. 博弈论在经济系统分析中的应用

    Applications of Game Theory on Economic Analysis

  24. 大足县南北山区农田生态经济系统分析研究

    An analysis on farmland eco-economical system in the north and south mountain area of Dazu County

  25. 最后针对浙江省海洋经济系统分析和预警的结果,提出了浙江省海洋经济发展的对策建议。

    Finally , according to the results of early warning , made corresponding policy recommendations for Zhejiang marine economic development .

  26. 本文就试图从优化的灰色预测方法和优化的灰色评估方法在经济系统分析中的作用这一问题提出一些思路。

    This thesis try to put forward some ideas about the effects of optimized grey forecasting method and grey evaluating method in the economy system analysis .

  27. 本文以回归模型在经济系统分析中的应用为例,对灰色性方法与随机性方法作了较为全面的比较。

    A whole comparision was given between grey method and random method taking the application of the regression model in economy system analysis as an example .

  28. 本文以课题的工作实践为背景,介绍几种灰色模型在农业经济系统分析中的应用。

    In this paper , we introduce the further applications of some gery system mothods in analysis of agricultural economic systems , based the background of our practice .

  29. 追溯了静态投入产出模型,提出了基于多部门多时段的以效用最大化为目标的动态循环经济系统分析模型,并将生产部门和循环部门有效的结合起来;

    Static Input-output model is reviewed ; By integrating production sectors and recycle sectors , dynamical circular economy models based on multi-sector , multi-period and maximal economical utility are put forward .

  30. 本文对经济学的危机与经济系统分析作了综合分析,提出了经济系统分析的现实与课题及需要注意的问题。

    This paper makes a synthetic analysis of Economics Crisis and Economic Systems Analysis . The facts , the researches and the noticeable problems of Economic Systems Analysis are set forth in this paper .