
  1. 最后构建了我国农民专业合作经济组织运行效果评价指标体系以规范其运行机制。

    At last , this chapter builds the index system of running effect evaluation on farmer specialized cooperative organizations .

  2. 其次,论文应用所建立的效益评价指标体系,对黑龙江省十个典型农村专业经济合作组织进行效益评价,通过分析综合评价结果,总结效益较好的组织发展经验。

    Secondly , applying the evaluation index system , the paper carry on the performance evaluation of ten typical model villages of Heilongjiang province cooperation organization . Passing to analyze the comprehensive evaluation result , it obtains the good development experience of organization .

  3. 首先,论文在研究农村专业经济合作组织理论体系,分析比较国内外农村专业经济合作组织的基础上,建立了一套农村专业经济合作组织效益评价指标体系。

    The theories field still has not analyzed completely on the aspect At first , on the basis of studying the theories system , analysis more domestic and international organization , the paper builts up a set of an evaluation index system of rural special economic cooperative organization .