
  • 网络Stock rating;stock recommendations;Analyst Rating
  1. 市场人气还受到摩根士丹利(morganstanley)将其股票评级从“增持”下调至“减持”的打击。

    Sentiment was also hit after Morgan Stanley downgraded its rating on the stock from " overweight " to " underweight " .

  2. 周二午盘,苹果股价创下历史新高,达到674.88美元。但是,受研究机构OracleInvestmentResearch将苹果股票评级从买入下调至持有这一传闻的影响,投资者午后开始抛售苹果股票。

    The stock hit a fresh all-time high of $ 674.88 in midday trading , but started selling off as word circulated that a research outfit called Oracle Investment Research had downgraded Apple to hold from buy .

  3. 下调该公司股票评级的就是贝尔德证券的分析师鲍尔。他还列举了其他风险,包括内容成本激增,国际扩张的成败,以及来自亚马逊(Amazon)、Hulu和YouTube的竞争加剧。

    Mr. Power , the analyst at Baird who downgraded the stock , outlined other risks , including escalating content costs , international expansion and rising competition from Amazon , Hulu and YouTube .

  4. 瑞银集团执行董事米切尔•古滕贝格(MitchelGuttenberg)涉嫌在6年多的时间里,向数家对冲基金的交易员提前发出股票评级变化警告。

    Mitchel Guttenberg , a UBS executive director , allegedly gave traders for several hedge funds advance warning of stock upgrades and downgrades for more than six years .

  5. 中国上市公司股票评级的财务结构模型分析

    Financial SEM Analyzing on Stock Evaluation in Circulation of China

  6. 分析各个因素对股票评级的影响;

    Analyzed effects of various factors on stock evaluation ;

  7. 利益冲突对证券分析师股票评级准确性的影响研究

    The Impact of Interest of Conflicts on Analysts ' Security Recommendations ' Accuracy

  8. 投资经理们使用一套股票评级系统,而且对内部研究的依赖程度很高。

    Managers use a stock rating system and rely heavily on in-house research .

  9. 股票评级比较研究及模型设计

    The Comparing Research of Stock Rating and Model Design

  10. 建立股票评级经验模式值。

    Established experience mode value of stock evaluation .

  11. 但最终,该集团股票评级被下调,收购对象也抵制它的收购请求。

    But eventually the stock rating declined , and takeover targets resisted its entreaties .

  12. 他重申对分众传媒股票评级为“买入”,目标股价为66美元。

    He reiterates grade of stock of bisect numerous medium is " buy ", target share price is66 dollars .

  13. 我国上市公司股票评级研究&财务结构模型分析法在股票市场中的应用

    Study of Evaluation of Stock of Listed Company & Application of Analysis of Financing Structure Mode in Stock Market

  14. 苹果股票评级遭下调的事情并不经常发生,特别是在大多数华尔街人士对苹果信心满满的时候。

    An Apple downgrade doesn 't happen all that often , especially as most of Wall Street remains bullish .

  15. 高盛昨日将美国银行股票评级上调至买进,估计其筹资过程已完成了一半。

    Goldman Sachs upgraded BofA to buy yesterday , estimating that its capital raising was 50 per cent complete .

  16. 随着社会的发展,资本市场在经济发展中越来越重要,而股票评级是一国资本中介市场中的重要一环。

    With the developing of society , capital markets being more and more important . Stock rating is an important part of capital intermediary .

  17. 摩根斯坦利根据市值把欧洲银行股票评级从减持上调为中性,同时也上调了科技板块的股票评级。

    Morgan Stanley upgraded the banking sector to neutral from underweight based on valuation and also made the same call for the technology sector .

  18. 本月她将安踏股票评级从“中性”上调至“强于大盘”,并将该股12个月的目标价格从8.80港元上调至10.50港元(合1.35美元)。

    This month , she upgraded the stock to'outperform'from'neutral'and raised her12-month target price to HK $ 10.50 ( US $ 1.35 ) from HK $ 8.80 .

  19. 使用现代数理统计方法建立了股票评级模型,对中外股票评级的宏观环境进行了比较研究并提出相应政策建议;

    Using model statistics method establish the model of stock rating ; comparing of macroscopic environment between of China and America , putting forward recommendations of policy .

  20. 总体而言,中国证券分析师所发布的盈余预测和股票评级存在乐观性偏差,其背后的原因是分析师所面临的复杂利益关系。

    Generally , the forecasts and recommendations made by security analysts in China are over-optimistic , and the reasons behind which are the complicated interest relations facing the analysts .

  21. 在美国,基金评级已与债券评级、股票评级共同构成了资本市场信用评级的三大支柱。

    In the United States , the fund rating with bond rating , the rating of common shares constitute a credit rating of the three pillars in the capital market .

  22. 我们相信这个趋势将会在2007年持续下去并且提升盈利能力。所以,我们提升股票评级从持有到买入,六个月的目标价格为74美元。

    We believe this trend will continue in2007 and improve profitability . thus , we rate the stock a buy from hold , with a six-month target price of $ 74.00 .

  23. 它的股票评级在业内所有领先企业中独占鳌头,其中部分原因在于,多数其它公司都愿意买入它的股票,只要它们买得起。

    And its share rating is the highest of any leading company in the sector , partly because most of the others would love to buy it-if only they could afford to .

  24. 股票评级的信息含量与分析师声誉正相关,但与所评级公司的规模之间关系并不显著。

    Besides , the information content of stock recommendation is positively related to analysts ' reputation , while its relationship with the size of the rated company is not significant . 3 .

  25. 总体来看,股票评级具有一定的投资参考价值,依靠分析师的投资建议进行股票操作在相当大的范围内能够获得超额收益。

    In conclusion , stock rating has some investment reference value to a certain extent , and on a large scale it is quite probable to gain excess earnings depending on the investment advice of securities analysts .

  26. 本文的研究试图弥补我国股票评级研究中理论研究的不足和解决我国股票评级过程中亟待解决的两个重大问题&评级模型的设计和股票评级宏观环境的改善。

    The purpose of this article 's research is try to make up with the defect of our country 's research of stock rating , and try to solve the difficult of rating model design and improve stock rating 's macroscopic environment .

  27. 同时,依据理论分析和证券市场现实提出关于分析师股票评级信息含量影响因素的5个假设,并对之进行了实证检验,为相关财务学理论和政策效应的检验找到了新的途径。

    Moreover , this paper has raised five hypotheses on the factors that influence analyst recommendations ' information content , and has carried out empirical examination accordingly , finding a new path for the tests of relevant financial theory and policy effects . 4 .

  28. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)和野村证券(NomuraSecurities)的分析师周四下调了对微软股票的评级,导致该公司股票被抛售。

    Analysts at Goldman Sachs and Nomura Securities downgraded their recommendations on Microsoft shares on Thursday , contributing to a selloff in the company 's shares .

  29. 在中国石油4月份公布业绩后,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)能源分析师许利源(KevinKoh)将该公司股票的评级下调为卖出,原因是炼油损失扩大。

    After PetroChina 's earnings announcement in April , Kevin Koh , an energy analyst at Goldman Sachs , downgraded the stock to a sell because of widening refining losses .

  30. 一位分析师下调了该公司股票的评级,理由是美国付费观众的增长不如预期,于是Netflix股价周一出现下跌。

    On Monday , Netflix shares dropped after an analyst downgraded the company 's stock , citing concerns over weaker-than-expected subscriber growth in the United States .