
  • 网络equity trust
  1. 只是国有企业股权托管较为普遍而已。

    Equity trust is quite popular with state-owned enterprises .

  2. 第二部分是股权托管法律调整的目标与原则。

    The second part is about the goal and principle of legal adjustment on equity trust .

  3. 所以从法学的角度对股权托管这一问题进行研究是其现实必要性。

    Angle . RESEARCH The research on it from the angle of law is rare .

  4. 第二,规范通过股权托管进行的股权转让行为,保护国有资产不流失,从而保护国有股东和中小股东的合法权益。

    Secondly , to maintain the state-owned assets and protect the legal benefits of the stockholders ;

  5. 股权托管制度的基本模式&单一法律调控模式不适合中国股权托管法律调控。

    The basic pattern of equity trusteeship system-unitary legal regulation pattern-does not suit legal regulation of equity trusteeship in China .

  6. 股权托管法律调整的原则是:一保护中小股东利益的原则;二信息披露的原则。

    Theprinciples are : to protect the benefits of middle and small stockholders , and to reveal information , to preve .

  7. 主要表现在:第一,对企业托管研究多,对股权托管的系统研究少。虽然企业托管与股权托管有很多相同之处,但他们毕竟不是同一事物,各自应该有属于自身的特点。

    Firstly , the research on enterprise trust is often made , but the research on equity trust system is little .

  8. 随着资产证券化不断加强,股权托管逐渐成为中国近年来资产托管的重要种类。

    With increasing assets securitization , equity trusteeship has gradually become an important type of assets trusteeship in China in recent years .

  9. 股权托管法律调整的目标是:第一,规范股权托管行为,建立良好的股权托管运行秩序;

    The goal is : firstly , to standardize the behavior of equity trust and set up good operational order for state-owned capital ;

  10. 股权托管在中国已经不是什么新鲜的事物,实际上自从2000年下半年以来,民企受让上市公司股权的运作一直没有停止过。

    Since the latter half of 2000 , the operation that the equity of listed company is entrusted to private enterprises has never stopped .

  11. 中国应当构建公法与私法相结合、信托法与合同法并用的复合型法律调控模式,以实现对股权托管的充分与恰当的调控。

    China should establish a compound legal regulation pattern that integrates public law and private law and combines trust law and contract law , so as to realize adequate and appropriate regulation of equity trusteeship .

  12. 目前,虽然实际中已经发生了大量的案例,对股权托管的研究还很缺乏,这不仅表现在有关的托管实际操作的不规范,还表现在法律界和经济界对此问题的漠视。

    A large number of cases have showed that research on equity trust is insufficient , which is reflected not only by the nonstandard operation in the practical equity trust , but also by the ignorance of it in the law and economic circle .

  13. 首先提出商业银行可以采取创新的股权托管+股权金融的模式,以股权托管平台为中心,通过基础服务+增值服务+协同服务的三大服务层次来拓展股权金融业务的发展战略。

    Firstly , commercial banks can adopt innovative " equity trust + equity finance " model , with equity trusteeship platform as the center , through the " basic services and value-added services + cooperative service " three service levels to expand the equity financial business development strategy .

  14. 如建立场外股权交易市场和柜台交易市场;第五,完善私募股权资本市场的中介机构功能,如专注于私募市场的会计、律师事务所,为企业提供股权登记服务和托管服务的中介机构。

    The fifth proposed that it should improve the intermediary functions of private equity capital market to provide enterprises with share registration services and trusteeship intermediaries .