
  1. ICB的一揽子提案还包括更强的“亏损吸收能力”——更多股权筹资以及更多随时可转换为股权的债务。

    The ICB 's package of proposals also included greater " loss absorbency " - more funding by equity and debt that is readily convertible into equity .

  2. 浅谈我国企业的股权筹资偏好

    Comments on Equity Financing Preference of China 's Enterprises

  3. 上市公司偏好股权筹资的研究

    Research on the preference of China 's listed companies on finance by issuing stock

  4. 摩根士丹利通过这些股权筹资10亿美元的希望似乎落空了。

    Morgan Stanley 's hopes of raising $ 1bn for its stake appeared to be dashed .

  5. 在不完善的公司治理结构的影响下,我国上市公司表现出明显的股权筹资偏好。

    By the effect of the imperfect governance structure , the listed companies are inclined to equity - financing .

  6. 年度数据显示,今年以来,创纪录的债券发行和激增的股权筹资活动带来巨额费用收入,已大大抵消并购交易收入锐减对华尔街银行的影响。

    Record fees from debt issuance and a big jump in capital raisings this year have more than offset plunging deal revenues at Wall Street banks , annual figures show .

  7. 全股权筹资项目税前财务现金流量表用于考察项目融资方案确定前(即不算借款利息)及所得税前整个项目的盈利能力;

    The pre-tax of income financial cashflow statement on financing from only equity capital is used to study the profitability of a project before financing approach ( without interest ) and income taxing ;

  8. 银行家认为,友邦的内在价值为200亿美元,出售大量少数股股权可筹资数十亿美元。

    Bankers believe AIA has an embedded value of $ 20bn and that selling a substantial minority should yield several billion dollars .

  9. 分别从股权结构、筹资角度、政策法规、公司治理等方面对形成以上问题的原因进行深度剖析。

    Then this test analyze the formation of the reasons Separately from the ownership structure , financing point of view , policies and regulations , corporate governance and other aspects of the problem .

  10. 在进行了现代资本结构理论回顾及国外融资结构分析之后,本文证明中国上市公司存在股权融资偏好及筹资效果不理想。

    After reviewing the modern capital structure theories and comparing with the foreign capital structures , it is proved that the funding preference on stock market does exist in Chinese listed companies and the funding effect is off the course .