
ɡǔ fèn zhuǎn rànɡ
  • transfer of shares;stock transfer
  1. 第二部分首先指出了我国公司股票场外IPO和非上市公众公司新股发行信息披露标准的缺失,然后集中评述了我国代办股份转让系统这一主要场外交易市场的持续披露规则。

    Part two argues that there lacks a disclosure standard for the IPO of unlisted securities and Secondary Public Offerings by unlisted public companies , then gives comments on the continuous disclosure regime of the Stock Transfer Agent System , which is the principle OTC market in China .

  2. 风险投资股份转让的博弈分析

    An Analysis of Stock Transfer of Venture Capital with Games Theory

  3. 上市公司MBO的股份转让比例与公司财务绩效之间存在非线性关系。

    There are nonlinear relations between the shares transferring ratio of listed company and the company financial performance .

  4. 摩根士丹利在中金公司的主要合作伙伴中国建设银行(CCB)已经将所持股份转让给中投公司(CIC)。

    China Construction Bank , Morgan Stanley 's principal partner in CICC , has transferred its stake to China Investment Corp.

  5. 深证证券交易所代办股份转让系统中新三板企业正是OTC主体市场的典型代表。

    And the New Third Board in the Agency Share Transfer System of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is exactly the typical model of the OTC market of China .

  6. 表面上看,来宝集团似乎已采取足够行动维持其投资级评级。该集团本月达成协议,将其在一家农业交易合资企业的剩余股份转让给中国的中粮集团(Cofco),筹集7.5亿美元资金。

    Noble appeared to have done enough to retain an investment grade rating when it reached an agreement this month to raise $ 750m from the sale of its remaining stake in an agricultural trading joint venture to Cofco of China .

  7. 来宝集团表示,“不幸的是”,穆迪对大宗商品价格的“负面看法”,“压过了”将来宝农业(NobleAgri)49%股份转让给中粮集团的举措。目前,大宗商品价格已跌至金融危机以来的最低水平。

    Noble said it was " unfortunate " that the sale of its 49 per cent stake in Noble Agri to Cofco had been " outweighed " by Moody 's " negative view " on commodity prices , which have hit their lowest levels since the financial crisis .

  8. 转让方与投资者签订股份转让协议;

    Stock transfer contract signed by the transferor and the investor ;

  9. 议代理非上市公众公司股份转让行为

    On Agent Behavior of Share Transfer in Non-listed Public Company

  10. 石油储量和油田股份转让价格的确定原则和方法

    Determination Principle and Method of Petroleum Reserves and Oil Field Equity Assignment Prices

  11. 他将自己的股份转让给女婿。

    He set over his share to his son-in-law .

  12. 他把股份转让给了他的外甥。

    He transferred the shares to his nephew .

  13. 国家股份转让效果分析

    The Effects of State-Owned Shares Transfer in China

  14. 他把股份转让给妻子。

    He transferred his shares to his wife .

  15. 定向发行合同或股份转让协议;

    Introduction contract or share transfer agreement ;

  16. 也就是于2013年正式揭牌运营的全国中小企业股份转让系统。

    officially , the National Equities Exchange and Quotations , launched in Beijing in 2013 .

  17. 本文第三、四两章讨论了股份转让的效力问题。

    The third chapter and the fourth chapter discuss the problem of the stock transfer 's force .

  18. 特恩布尔指出,中铝还将有权力把这些股份转让给另一家中国企业。

    Mr Turnbull noted that Chinalco would also have the power to transfer those stakes to another Chinese enterprise .

  19. 第三章主要用民法的理论分析了股份转让的效力基础问题。

    The third chapter use civil law theory as a tool to analyze the basis of stock transfer force .

  20. 董事会应当拒绝接受股份转让,如果买方不签字,并接受股东协议。

    The Board shall deny acceptance for transfer of shares if the buyer does not sign and accept the Shareholders'Agreement .

  21. 他们表示,意欲将这些地中海俱乐部的股份转让给赢得竞购的出价者,或者是在市场上出售。

    They intend to tender their Club Med shares to the winning bidders or sell them on the market , they said .

  22. 上次私人股票交易出现的类似大幅增加,致使一些非上市企业收紧了股份转让的规定。

    The last time there was a similar surge in activity , it led some private companies to tighten share transfer rules .

  23. 在获得预期收益后,风险资金可选择股份转让、股份回购两种退出方式。

    When the prospective income is acquired , the venture capital can drop our in two ways : share transfer and share redemption .

  24. 而随着上海国际金融中心的建设,上海非上市公众公司股份转让市场的建立也被纳入了日程。

    With the construction of Shanghai international hub , the establishment of the non-listed companies stock transfer market has also been put into agenda .

  25. 向社会公开的股份转让信息内容不得包括出让股份的价格条件。

    It shall not be permitted to include the price terms for transfer the shares into the information of the transfer of shares open to public .

  26. 同时,对于从主板、创业板退市的公司,新三板市场可以提供一个股份转让交易的场所。

    Meanwhile , the new third market can provide a shares trading place for the delisting company from the main board and the growth enterprise board .

  27. 为了进一步明晰股份转让的效力基础,本章还对股票及股票交易的性质做了分析。

    For the further discussion of the basis of stock transfer force , the writer research the character of stock and stock bargaining in the third chapter .

  28. 第二章从法理基础、内容和发展趋势三个角度阐述了不同的法律对股份转让的规制,并做了总体的评价,为股份转让规制的法律选择提供了一些实在法上的分析。

    In the second chapter , the writer makes a collective evaluate on different law system and provide some practice analyze on the problem of the stock transfer restriction .

  29. 伴随中印核电兴建潮,是远期世界范围的铀供给不足。铀矿生产企若能放低身价,就会有大的股份转让成交。

    The world faces a long-term uranium shortage as China and India build new nuclear plants , and major buying opportunities may emerge for shares of some beaten-down uranium producers .

  30. 随后在周二,股份转让受益人拿出了何鸿燊的签名申明,表示股份转让是百分百根据何鸿燊本人意愿实施的。

    Then on Tuesday , the beneficiaries of the transaction distributed signed statements by Mr Ho saying the share transfer had been 100 per cent in accordance with his wishes .