
  • 网络share repurchase;stock repurchase;Redemption
  1. 股份回购(ShareRepurchase)是指股份有限公司购回本公司已发行在外的股份的法律行为。

    Share Repurchase is a kind of legal act which Incorporated Company buys back the issued shares .

  2. 在这里,本文介绍了基于股份回购、投资者关系管理(IRM)和知识管理的价值提升策略。

    The Share Repurchase , Investor Relationship Management and Knowledge Management was introduced in this part .

  3. 根据数据提供商I-NInformationSystems的数据,去年有587家上市公司进行了股份回购,较2007年上升了33%。

    There were buy-backs at 587 listed companies last year , according to figures from data provider I-N Information Systems – a 33 per cent increase on 2007 .

  4. 股份回购可以通过减少资产负债表上的现金和股票发行数量,来增加投资者的回报。美国SteelPartners等维权活跃分子基金普遍要求公司进行股份回购。

    Buy-backs , which can increase returns for investors by reducing cash on the balance sheet and cutting the number of shares in issue , are a common demand of activist funds , such as Steel Partners of the US .

  5. 花旗集团的stevenwieting预测,企业红利和股份回购将会在来年出现飙升的场面。

    Steven wieting of Citigroup projects that both dividends and share repurchases will rise sharply next year .

  6. 许多公司拿出大量资金用于股份回购:贝莱德(BlackRock)表示,今年4月,标普500成分股公司用于股份回购上的资金达到创纪录的1330亿美元。

    Many have poured money into share buybacks : SP 500 companies spent a record $ 133bn on buybacks in April this year , BlackRock says .

  7. 中国上市公司股份回购的系统研究

    Systematic Study on Repurchase of Shares of Listed Companies of China

  8. 我国有限责任公司异议股东股份回购法律制度重构

    Legislative Reconstruction on Appraisal by Dissenting Shareholder of Ltd. in Our Country

  9. 上市公司低负债与股份回购关系研究

    Listed Companies : Relations Between Low Debt and Stock Repurchasing

  10. 我国股份回购有着特殊的使命&减持国有股。

    Stock repurchase in china has a special mission-to lessen state-owned stocks .

  11. 我国上市公司股份回购效应分析&兼论股权分置改革背景下回购的作用

    An Empirical Analysis on Share Repurchase of Chinese Listed Companies

  12. 股份回购中中小股东利益的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of Minority Stock holders ' Interests in Stock Repurchase

  13. 第一部分:股份回购的概念与特征。

    The first part : the concept and features of stock repurchase .

  14. 但必和必拓没有发布市场广泛预期的股份回购消息。

    But there was no news of a widely anticipated share buy-back .

  15. 分析了股份回购同每股收益和每股净资产之间的关系。

    The relationship between share repurchase and EPS was analysed .

  16. 抵债式股份回购的特点及其法律障碍

    On the Characteristics and Law Obstacles of Share Repurchase for Debt - Collection

  17. 第四章基于全文的分析并结合我国的国情,提出我国在股份回购制度安排方面的建议,希望对我国今后的股份回购有些许现实意义。

    Finally , suggestion on laws and regulations of stock repurchase is put .

  18. 第二,完善股份回购请求权制度。

    Second , improve the appraisal right of dissenters .

  19. 中外上市公司股份回购问题比较研究

    Comparative Study on Share Repurchase by Listed Companies between China and Foreign Countries

  20. 股份回购在经济发展中有许多积极作用。

    Repurchasing stocks has a lot of positive function in the economic development .

  21. 股份回购现在已经成为成熟资本市场中常见的一种资本运作方式和公司理财手段。

    It has become a common form of capital operation and corporate financing .

  22. 上市公司股份回购法律问题略探

    Legal Problems on Stock Buyback of A Listing Company

  23. 股份回购:提升公司内在价值的新思路

    Share Repurchase : A New Way to Improve the Value of A Company

  24. 阐释了异议股东股份回购请求权的基本理论。

    It describes the basic theories of appraisal rights .

  25. 在文章最后对我国股份回购的现状进行了简单探讨。

    Thirdly , the paper briefly discusses the present situation of share repurchases .

  26. 以该文件的发布为契机,笔者对我国上市公司股份回购法律规定重新进行了审视。

    It is the latest file regulates share repurchase of listed company in China .

  27. 我国上市公司股份回购市场效应的统计分析

    On Statistical Analysis of Market Effect of Share Repurchase of China 's Listed Companies

  28. 股份回购的战略性运用价值

    Strategic operation value of share buying - back

  29. 论股份回购的立法原则和立法设计

    Legislative principle and design of counterpurchase of stock

  30. 上市公司股份回购的动因分析及政策建议

    On Buyback Motivation of Listed Companies On repurchase of B-share On the Auditing Reason