
  • 网络Shareholders Representative Action;Shareholder Representative Litigation;derivative action
  1. 论股东代表诉讼中公司的法律地位

    The Legal Status of Corporation in the Derivative Action

  2. Fossv.Harbottle规则与中国股东代表诉讼

    The Rule in Foss v.Harbottle and the Shareholders ' Derivative Action in China

  3. 第一节阐释股东代表诉讼的含义和特征。

    Section I explained the meaning of shareholder lawsuit and characteristics .

  4. 股东代表诉讼制度产生于英美法系,在大陆法系得到广泛的引入和发展。

    The shareholder representative action comes from the British-American law system .

  5. 最后,应当完善股东代表诉讼制度。

    Finally , must consummate the shareholder to represent the lawsuit system .

  6. 第一章股东代表诉讼概述。

    The first chapter : general introduction of shareholder 's representative suit .

  7. 第一部分:股东代表诉讼的基本含义。

    The first part : representatives of shareholders litigation overview .

  8. 一是关于股东代表诉讼的原告股东的要求。

    First , plaintiffs on behalf of shareholders of shareholders .

  9. 论股东代表诉讼制度及其完善

    On the Lawsuit System of Shareholder Represents and Its Consummation

  10. 第三部分:公司在股东代表诉讼中的法律地位。

    Part 3 : company in the status of representative lawsuit shareholders .

  11. 股东代表诉讼制度相关法律问题研究

    Shareholder on Behalf of Lawsuit System Related Legal Matter Research

  12. 目前,美国的股东代表诉讼最为发达。

    At present , this kind of lawsuit is most developed in America .

  13. 论公司股东代表诉讼制度在我国的完善

    Perfecting Chinese Litigious System for Corporate Shareholders ' Representatives

  14. 第六章建立中国股东代表诉讼制度的构想。

    The sixth chapter : construction of shareholder 's representative suit in China .

  15. 第二部分是股东代表诉讼的当事人及诉讼范围。

    The second part is parties theory and litigation range of this system .

  16. 股东代表诉讼法律后果的探讨

    On the Legal Result of Shareholder Representative Action

  17. 股东代表诉讼制度正是这些强制规范实施机制的一个重要环节。

    Shareholders deputy litigation system is an important tache of these coercive criterion mechanisms .

  18. 三是完善公司治理制度建设,建立股东代表诉讼制度。

    And 3 . establishment of collective lawsuit .

  19. 第三节主要阐述股东代表诉讼的法理基础。

    Section III describes the main legal basis for action on behalf of shareholders .

  20. 第二章股东代表诉讼与几个近似概念的区别。

    The second chapter : differences between shareholder 's representative suit and several similar concepts .

  21. 第三章股东代表诉讼的设立原因。

    The third chapter : the reason of the creation of shareholder 's representative suit .

  22. 对股东代表诉讼制度的思考

    On " Litigation of Shareholder Representatives "

  23. 第二节主要阐释股东代表诉讼制度的起源及发展。

    Section II illustrates the main shareholder litigation on behalf of the origin and development .

  24. 股东代表诉讼与中小股东权益保护

    Shareholder Representative 's Lawsuit and Protecting Interest of Holders with a Small Sum of Shares

  25. 第二部分:股东代表诉讼的原告和被告。

    The second part of the shareholders representing the plaintiff and defendant in the lawsuit .

  26. 日本公司法的这些最新变化对中国新公司法所确立的股东代表诉讼制度的完善具有一定的启示作用。

    This research paper comments on the new developments of the shareholder derivative suit in Japan .

  27. 法庭上的较量和商战同样残酷股东代表诉讼中董事诉讼费用补偿研究

    On the Compensation of Directors ' Court Costs in the Lawsuits Conducted by Shareholders ' Representatives

  28. 又分了四个小节对股东代表诉讼的一般理论进行具体的阐述。

    Was divided into four sections on the general theory of shareholder lawsuit for specific elaboration .

  29. 简析德国股份公司法关于股东代表诉讼的最新改革

    On the Recent Reform of the German Stock Companies Act Concerning the Shareholders ' Derivative Action

  30. 在此部分,将详细论述公司应当参加股东代表诉讼的理由。

    In this part , will detail the company shall attend the shareholders ' representative lawsuit reasons .