
  • 网络stock account
  1. 存在股票账户上用来借钱买卖短期证券的资金。

    Excess over the debit balance ( money borrowed ) in a stock account .

  2. 因此,库藏股票账户应作为股东权益项目的减项,出现在资产负债表中。

    For this reason , the Treasury Stock account should appear in the balance sheet as a deduction in the stockholders ' equity section .

  3. 仅在上周,两市新开股票账户总数达到440万,创下了新纪录。

    Last week alone , 4.4m new stock trading accounts were opened & a new record .

  4. 在中国,资金少于10万元的个人股票账户占75%。

    Seventy five percent of the individual stock accounts in China have less than 100,000 yuan ( $ 16,000 ) .

  5. 在看到股价两年之内翻了两番后,最近几周,每天都有超过10万中国人加入到股票账户的开户行列,因为新一代中国中产阶级已开始喜欢股市投资。

    Having watched share prices quadruple in two years , more than 100,000 Chinese have been opening trading accounts every day in recent weeks as a new generation of middle-class Chinese has gained a taste for playing the market .

  6. 随着中国散户投资者继续忽视有关股市泡沫风险的警告,仍在源源不断地将新资金投入股市,中国的股票账户数量日前突破1亿户。

    The number of share trading accounts established in China now exceeds 100m as the country 's retail investors continue to ignore warnings about the risks of a stock market bubble and continue to put new money into the market .

  7. 401K计划成员在接到有关他们的戴尔股票基金账户将进行一次性配置调整(如果超过计划总余额的20%)的特定日期的通知之后,有5个月的时间采取行动。

    401k plan members had 5 months notice of the specific date their Dell stock fund accounts would have a one-time reallocation if they exceeded 20 percent of their total plan balance .

  8. 今年1月,国内新开设股票交易账户138万个&平均每个工作日6.9万个。

    In January , 1.38m share trading accounts opened - 69,000 every working day .

  9. 麦格理表示,单单5月头两周,中国投资者新开股票交易账户就高达近500万个。

    Chinese investors opened almost 5m new share trading accounts in the first two weeks of May alone , Macquarie said .

  10. 与此同时,最近几个月,中国内地投资者一直在迅速开设股票交易账户并将资金投入股市。

    Meanwhile , in recent months mainland investors have been rapidly owning equity trading accounts and putting money into the stock market .

  11. 中国的散户投资者上个月新开了37万个股票交易账户,创下三年多来的月度总高。

    Retail investors in China opened 370,000 stock trading accounts last month , the highest monthly total in more than three years .

  12. 上周发布的官方数据显示,在1亿多个股票交易账户中,只有4300万个账户真正有股票。

    Official figures released this week showed that only 43m of the more than 100m equity trading accounts actually owned any shares .

  13. 今年初以来,中国内地股票交易账户一直在以每周100万户的速度增长。

    Chinese have been opening new stock trading accounts at the rate of about 1m a week since the start of the year .

  14. 仅在今年5月一个月,中国新开股票交易账户就超过了1200万&这一数字甚至略高于希腊人口总数。

    In May alone , more than 12m equity trading accounts opened in China & a figure somewhat higher than the population of Greece .

  15. 在4月份和5月份,中国每天新增数十万个股票交易账户,这种气氛有时类似于淘金热。

    In an atmosphere that sometimes resembled a gold-rush , several hundred thousand new share trading accounts were being opened every day in April and May .

  16. 这个行业组织称,在2013年曾是最积极黄金买家的中年妇女,近来一窝蜂开立股票交易账户。

    Middle-aged women , who were among the most prolific gold buyers in 2013 , had rushed to open stock accounts instead , the trade body said .

  17. 最近几周,中国每天新开立的股票投资账户约有30万个,账户总数量超过8000万个。

    In recent weeks , the Chinese have been opening about 3 00000 new stock trading accounts every day , taking the total number of accounts to more than 80m .

  18. 中国股市在2006年上涨130%,结束了5年的下跌走势,现在中国每天都有成千上万的投资者开设股票交易账户。

    Having seen the market rise 130 per cent in 2006 , bringing to an end a five-year slump , thousands of investors are signing up every day to open brokerage accounts .

  19. 尽管越来越多的迹象显示,中国内地股市正重新出现泡沫,但中国内地散户投资者蜂拥开设股票交易账户的速度比以往任何时候都快。

    Chinese retail investors are rushing to open new share-trading accounts at a faster rate than ever before , in spite of increasing signs of a resurgent bubble in the mainland market .

  20. 尽管5月份中国每日新增股票交易账户数量约为30万,但过去两周的平均数据仅略超过10万。

    But in May , although about 300,000 new share trading accounts were being opened each day in China , the average figure over the last two weeks has been just over 100,000 .

  21. 然而,在目前牛市环境下,随着每周动辄新开上百万个股票交易账户,高层官员的劝诫突然变得似乎很无力。

    In the current bull market , however , with new stock trading accounts being opened at the rate of more than 1m a week , the admonitions of senior officials suddenly seem impotent .

  22. 股市是有点暗,运气是有点惨,股票的账户显得有点绿,操作貌似简单,却入了陷阱,让我无法逃亡。

    Stock market was a bit of a dark , luck is a bit miserably , stock account seems a little green , operating seemingly simple but into the trap , let I can 't escape .

  23. 对于那些在过去几个月刚刚开设股票交易账户的数百万中国人而言,一个相当紧迫的问题是:中国股市是否已经步入新一轮萧条期,抑或只为了进一步上涨而进行必要的“回调”?

    For the several million Chinese who have opened stock trading accounts over the past few months , the pressing question is whether the market has entered a new slump or whether this is a necessary " correction " that will allow for rising prices .

  24. 接下来的一周里,戴尔公司告知员工,他们将被迫把各自持有的戴尔股票占养老金账户总额的比例在10月19日之前缩减至20%。

    The following week , Dell informed employees that they would be forced to reduce their Dell exposure to the 20 % level by October 19 .

  25. 散户投资者大举涌入市场的证据之一是,结算所数据显示,至少持有一些股票的交易账户数量在5月底达到6800万,比一年前增加27%。

    Reflecting the surge of retail investors into the market , trading accounts holding at least some stock hit 68m by the end of May , up 27 per cent from a year earlier , according to clearing houses .

  26. Day-by-day行为数据集广泛存在于实际应用中,比如:日复一日的股票市场由众多股票账户生成的交易数据。

    Day-by-day behavioral datasets have been widely generated in real applications , such as the transaction data in stock market created by accounts day by day .