
  • 网络stock market crash
  1. 1987年的股灾之后,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)在其头版为“放肆的镀金时代”祭上了一篇讣告,文章援引大思想家的话,预言肆无忌惮的自利行为行将在美国消亡。

    After the 1987 stock market crash , the New York Times offered up a page-one obituary for a " gilded , impudent age , " quoting great minds who predicted the demise of unbridled self-interest in America .

  2. 1987年股灾和1998年长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)覆没的一大教训是,如果反应快速,政策制定者可以将“华尔街”与“商业街”隔离开来。

    One of the big lessons of the 1987 stock market crash , and again the 1998 long-term capital management debacle , is that by their fast reactions , policymakers can isolate " Wall Street " from " main street " .

  3. 尽管存在出现纳斯达克(Nasdaq)式泡沫的风险,但假如未来爆发股灾,有可能涌现出更多的类似亚马逊(Amazon)或阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的企业。

    While the danger is a Nasdaq-like bubble , the hope is that a few more Amazons and Alibabas emerge from any future crash .

  4. 人们指责卖空者引起了17世纪荷兰郁金香市场的崩溃和1929年的华尔街股灾,并在今年帮助摧垮了纽约投行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)。

    Short-sellers were accused of bringing about the crash of the Dutch tulip market in the 17th century , the Wall Street crash of 1929 and , this year , for helping to bring down Bear Stearns , the New York investment bank .

  5. 上海股灾日正是全球意识到风险的日子。

    Shanghai Day was the day the world woke up to risk .

  6. 1929年,在他担任总统不到8个月时,华尔街爆发了股灾。

    The Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months into his term .

  7. 股市危机,亦称股灾、股市崩盘、股市泡沫破裂等。

    The SMC is also called Stock Disaster , Stock Smash and stock market foam rupture .

  8. 如果还需要其它例子,人们总会提及1987年股灾的黑色星期一。

    If another example is needed , there is always the Black Monday crash of 1987 .

  9. 2008年的股灾及随后的经济衰退耗尽了许多婴儿潮一代的积蓄。

    The market crash of 2008 and the subsequent recession depleted the savings of many baby boomers .

  10. 不过,抛开股灾不论,眼下要么是欧洲股价太低,要么就是美国股价太高。

    Disaster apart , though , either European shares are too low or US shares are too high .

  11. 1940的华尔街已经开始从股灾中复苏,但人们仍心有余悸。

    Wall Street in 1940 had begun to revive from the crash , yet remained a chastened place .

  12. 我们应当记住:上世纪30年代政治动荡的背景,正是1929年的华尔街股灾。

    It is worth remembering that the backdrop to the political turmoil of the 1930s was the Wall Street crash of 1929 .

  13. 1929年华尔街股灾后,市场被认为已经失效,美国立法者试图通过管制找到穿越危机的捷径。

    After the Wall Street crash , markets were deemed to have failed and US lawmakers attempted to regulate short-cuts through the crisis .

  14. 哦,不,他并不是在令全世界惊慌失措的中国股灾中遭受了损失。

    And , no , he had not lost a packet in the stock market slump that has rattled the rest of the world .

  15. 中国这次股灾始于6月中旬,此前中国政府曾试图限制融资融券业务——即借钱炒股业务。

    China 's stock market rout began in mid-June following a clampdown on margin finance - the use of borrowed money to buy shares .

  16. 由于投机,他先是得到后又失去了一大笔财富,而他投机的对象就是佛罗里达房地产市场(这是花旗集团没有汲取的一个教训)和1929年股灾中的股票。

    He made and lost a fortune speculating on Florida property ( a lesson Citigroup did not learn ) and shares in the 1929 stock market crash .

  17. 这一悲观预断发表于1987年股灾发生前后,当时人们对美国预算与经常项目双赤字忧心不已。

    This downbeat verdict came around the time of the 1987 stock market crash , when there was continuing concern about the twin US budget and current account deficits .

  18. 1987年纽约股灾以后,加强证券市场风险防范和控制成为国际金融界的主要议题。

    After the 1989 's ' Black Monday ' in New York Stock Exchange , global financial organizations began to pay their attention on the strategies of market risk management .

  19. 然而,在一些经验丰富、经历过1987年股灾和2000年互联网泡沫破灭的交易员看来,贪婪的回归最终将战胜恐惧。

    However , for some seasoned traders who experienced the 1987 crash and implosion of the dotcom bubble in 2000 , the return of greed will eventually triumph over fear .

  20. 经济学家对市场反应强烈,不过多尔指出,自大萧条以来,跌幅达15%或以上的股市下跌共计有30次,但只有两次股灾引起了衰退。

    Economists react strongly to the market & but doll pointed out that there have been 30 market declines of 15 % or more since the great depression , and that only two led to recessions .

  21. 由股票市场风险事故给股票市场带来的直接影响是:证券资产迅速贬值(股灾),各经济主体(投资者、筹资者、国家)蒙受损失。

    The direct influences brought to stock market by the risk accidents are : the securities assets rapid depreciating ( burst of calamity ), every economic entity suffering losses ( the investors , fund-raisers and the country ) .

  22. 记得在1987年黑色星期一股灾过后的几年里,日本的资产价格从昂贵发展到高得离谱,日经指数令人眩晕地飙升至39000点,令看空者大跌眼镜。

    Remember that it was in the years following the 1987 Black Monday crash that Japanese assets went from being expensive to absurdly overvalued and the Nikkei 's dizzy rise to 39,000 forced the bears to throw in the towel .

  23. 1929年华尔街股灾、1987年黑色星期一股灾、1990年东京股市崩盘以及2000年美国纳斯达克崩盘,在现实世界中都没有或几乎没有导火索。

    The Wall Street crash of 1929 , the Black Monday crash of 1987 , and the collapses of the Tokyo stock market in 1990 and of the US NASDAQ in 2000 , all started with little or no trigger from the real world .

  24. 这本书就是亚卡特•艾哈迈德的著作《金融之王》。这本书是对在1929年华尔街股灾以及之后的1930年代大萧条之前和期间任职的4名央行高官(他们分别效力于德国、英国、法国和美国的央行)的传记。

    It was instead Lords ofFinance by Liaquat Ahmed , a biography of the four central bankers in Germany , Britain , France and the US who worked before and during the Wall Street Crashof 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression of the 1930s .