
  • 网络Total shareholder return;TSR;TRS;Total Share-holder Return
  1. 该排名平等地衡量了去年一年的股东总回报、已动用资本回报率以及薪酬水平。

    The ranking equally weighted one-year total shareholder return , return on equity employed , and pay , all for 2008 .

  2. 整个设想是把重点放在提高股东总回报水平上,以此让我们重新回到同类企业排名的前三分之一之列。

    The whole idea is a total shareholder return that gets us back into the top third of our corporate peer group .

  3. 多数薪资计划仍基于不合适的衡量标准,如股本回报率、股价或股东总回报。

    Most continue to be based around inappropriate measures , such as return on equity , share prices or total shareholder return .

  4. 这周波士顿咨询集团的一项研究发现,自2008年到2012年,在全球所有大公司中,腾讯拥有最高的股东总回报(股价升值加上分红),超过了亚马逊甚至苹果。

    A study out this week from the Boston Consulting Group found that Tencent had the highest shareholder total return ( share-price appreciation plus dividends ) of any large firm globally from 2008 to 2012 & topping Amazon and even Apple .

  5. 剩余40%的排名依据是各企业在过去五年的股东权益总回报率。

    The rest of the ranking formula , 40 percent , is based on a company 's total return to shareholders over five years .

  6. 与之相反,在重新分配资金方面最为积极的公司在各项业务之间调配的资金量占自身资金总额的56%以上,它们带给股东的总回报也比前者多30%。

    By contrast , the most aggressive re-allocators companies that shifted more than 56 % of their capital across business units over that period delivered 30 % higher total returns to shareholders .