
  • 网络Equity Transfer Contract;hetong
  1. 关于瑕疵股权转让合同的效力认定,首先介绍了常见学说,并且对各种学说进行了简要的分析。

    Firstly , the common doctrine is introduced and analysis briefly .

  2. 首先,分析违反股东优先购买权条款而订立的股权转让合同的效力,结论为此类合同是相对无效合同。

    The contract which violated the shareholders preemptive right terms is ineffective .

  3. 合法有效的股权转让合同需要当事人忠实履行,方能达到股权转让的目的。

    The intention of share transfer requires parties to perform the contract loyally .

  4. 股权转让合同或协议;

    Share Transfer Contract or Agreement .

  5. 最后,我提醒你股权转让合同别忘了缴印花税。

    Finally , I would like to remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer .

  6. 对于未经登记的股权转让合同引起的纠纷,应区分为内部纠纷和外部纠纷。

    The disputes of the unregistered equity transfer contract should be divided into internal disputes and external disputes .

  7. 其他股东行使优先购买权将与转让方形成强制缔约股权转让合同的效力。

    Other shareholders ' exercising the right of preemption will force the parties to transfer side effect of the share transfer .

  8. 该部分主要论述瑕疵股权转让合同的效力及后续民事责任的承担问题。

    This part mainly discusses the issue of validity of the defective equity transfer contract and the commitment of the civil liability .

  9. 然而,在司法实践中,对违反公司章程另有规定的股权转让合同效力却存在较大的争议。

    However , in judicial practice , there is a big controversy in validity of contract on transferring shares which infringes this term .

  10. 在公司成立后或签订股权转让合同后取得公司签发的出资证明书;

    Had been established after the company or signs the stockholder 's rights transfer contract to obtain the investment certificate which the company signs and issues ;

  11. 因此股权转让合同中的对公司财产质量瑕疵担保条款应该是有效的,以此保证股权的合法、有序转让。

    Therefore , the assurance of the company 's asset system should be established in order to ensure equity is transferred in a legal and order way .

  12. 除法律法规规定以批准或登记为生效要件外,股权转让合同原则上应自合同成立之时起生效。

    Except for the ratification or registration as the legal effective standard , Stock Transfer Agreement should in principle come into effect since the establishment of the agreement .

  13. 本文第三部分首先从合同的有效性出发,审视了股权转让合同生效的具体法律要件。

    In the third part , we begin with the validity of a contract and examine the specific legal essentials for a valid contract of share right transfer .

  14. 该股权转让合同获得外商投资企业审批机关批准的,对转让方的诉讼请求,人民法院应予支持;

    If the competent examination and approval authority for foreign-invested enterprises has approved such equity transfer contract , the people 's court shall support the transferor 's legal action ;

  15. 笔者认为,除了瑕疵出资致使公司法人人格否认的情形,其他情况下瑕疵出资股权转让合同应为有效合同。

    The author believes that , equity transfer contract in the case of defect contribution shall be valid , apart from corporate legal person gird denial causing by defect contribution .

  16. 之后简要介绍了瑕疵股权转让合同有效的情形。五、瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担。

    At last , some circumstances about the valid transfer contract of the defective stock right are introduced . Fifth , how to bear the burden after the transfer of the defective stock right .

  17. 文章首先分析了瑕疵出资人的法律地位,在此基础之上辩证的运用商法思维和民法思维,分析了瑕疵出资股权转让合同的效力。

    The paper discusses legal status of defects investors firstly , and then analyses contract effectiveness and liability issues of Defective Share Transfer on this basis , using of dialectical thinking of commercial law and civil law .

  18. 第四部分:股东优先购买权的法律保护,主要论述转让股东侵害其他股东优先购买权的情形下与第三人所订立股权转让合同的效力。

    Part ⅳ: legal protection of the shareholders ' preemptive right , mainly discusses the effect of contract when transfer case against other shareholders ' pre-emption rights of shareholders and share transfer contract concluded by the third person .

  19. 第三部分在论述股权转让合同效力演变以及对效力现状评价的基础上,得出关于未经批准的股权转让合同效力的结论:经当事人报批而行政审批机构不予批准的合同,系完全无效合同。

    The third part , after discussing the evolution of contracts on the share transfer and the evaluation of validity of contracts , draws the conclusion that without the approval of the administration , the contract is an invalid contract .

  20. 按照瑕疵出资的不同分类标准,股东瑕疵出资的表现形式分为出资义务的不履行和出资义务的不当履行。第二章,瑕疵出资股权转让合同的效力。

    Accordance with the different classification criteria , defects of contribution usually performs as the non-performance and improper performance on the responsibility of capital investment . Chapter ⅱ discusses the legal effect of the transfer agreements with defective capital contribution .

  21. 如果股权转让合同当事人未将股权转让事宜通知其他股东,征询其意见,则该股权转让合同宜认定为部分无效合同,具体是指股权交付无效,可得以补正,且该补正具有溯及力。

    If the parties in the share transfer contract fail to notify the other shareholders for advice , the share transfer contract should be recognized as a partial invalid contract , which refers to correcting the valid of share transfer .

  22. 认定除法律、行政法规规定股权转让合同成立后须报有关行政机关批准登记外,股权转让合同自成立起生效。

    The equity transfer contract that meets the requirements of transfer process is effective from the establishment , excepting that the law and administrative regulations formulate that equity transfer contract should be approved and registered by the administrative authorities after the establishment .

  23. 该部分是本论文的第一个重点,主要介绍和分析了理论界和司法实务界对于出资瑕疵股权转让合同效力的几种学说,包括绝对无效说、绝对有效说、折中说和区分对待说。

    This is first important part of the article , which mainly introduces and analyzes several theories from the theory and judicial practice about the effect of defective share transfer contracts , including absolutely invalid said , absolutely effective said , compromise said and distinguished between said .

  24. 具体问题主要分为四部分:第一部分主要分析股权对外转让合同问题,对有限责任公司股权对外转让合同的有效要件和特殊情形下股权对外转让合同的效力等做出了分析。

    Specific issues mainly include four parts : The first part analyses problems of equity foreign transfer contract .

  25. 跨国股权转让要受到合同法、公司法和证券法等法律规范的调整。

    Cross-border Equity Transfer is adjusted by Contract Law , Company Law and Securities Law etc. , which diversifies across different countries .

  26. 特别是在股权转让过程中,股权转让合同所涉及的法律关系主体呈现出多元化的趋势,股权的瑕疵必然对相关主体的合法权益产生不利的影响。

    Especially in the process of the transfer of shares , the contract may involve multiple relations ; the defective shares inevitably have adverse impaction on the related persons .

  27. 最后,得出笔者的结论:如果其他股东否决股权转让,则该股权转让合同宜认定为完全无效合同,并不得救治。

    Finally , the writer comes to the conclusion : If the other shareholders vote against stock transfer , the share transfer contract should be regarded as an invalid contract , and it should not be treated .

  28. 因股权转让导致的股权变动须经过股权转让合同的签订及履行、公司内部股东名册变更登记、公司登记机关登记三个阶段。

    There are three stages before the changes of shareholdings resulting from the transfer of shareholdings are accomplished : the signature and the performance of the agreement , the change of registration for the shareholder list in the corporation and the registration in the relative authority .

  29. 这种出资瑕疵的行为将会导致大量出资瑕疵股权的产生,因此由出资瑕疵股权转让所引发的出资瑕疵股权转让合同效力问题以及出资瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担问题也相伴而生。

    The behavior of defective capital contribution leads to a large number of defective shares , so the transfer of defective shares will refers to the effect of the contract and the liability of the defective contribution .