
  • 网络stock cooperation system;the joint stock cooperative system
  1. 我国农地股份合作制发展问题研究

    Studies on the Development of Stock Cooperation System in Our Country

  2. 股份合作制是一种全新的企业组织形式。

    Stock cooperation system is a new form of enterprise organization .

  3. 信托、MBO与锰企业股份合作制

    Trust MBO and Stock-Collaborate System

  4. 始兴县林业股份合作制探讨

    On forestry share-holding cooperative system in Shixing county , Guangdong Province

  5. 从股份合作制企业的性质看其表决权

    Nature of a Joint stock Enterprise and the Right to Vote

  6. 股份合作制企业收入分配制度及其模式

    System and Model of income Distribution in a Stock Cooperative Enterprise

  7. 对高校引入股份合作制办学的思考

    Thoughts on the introduction of joint - stock system into colleges

  8. 对股份合作制改革实践与发展的思考

    Thinking for the Reforming Practice and Development of Stock Cooperative System

  9. 农村社区股份合作制的制度创新研究

    Studies on the Institutional Innovation of Rural Community Share-holding Cooperative System

  10. 城市化进程中农村股份合作制改革研究

    The Research of Rural Share Cooperation System Reform Duration the Urbanization

  11. 我国农地股份合作制的法律问题探析

    Legal Study of China 's Joint-stock Cooperative System of Agricultural Land

  12. 浅谈地勘单位股份合作制改革中的问题和思路

    Problems and Thinking on share cooperative system in geological prospecting units

  13. 石油小企业进行股份合作制改造的问题探讨

    A Discussion on Reforming Small Petroleum Enterprises by Using Shareholding Cooperation System

  14. 从团队理论看股份合作制的效率

    On the Efficiency of Joint-Stock System from the Viewpoint of Team Theory

  15. 推进股份合作制健康发展促进科技与经济紧密结合

    Promote share-cooperation system , integrate science & technology with economy

  16. 集体所有制、合作制和股份合作制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Collective Ownership , Cooperative System and Share Cooperative System

  17. 松桃县林农股份合作制营林案例

    The Case on Stock Cooperative System of Forest Management in Songtao County

  18. 股份合作制企业中劳动权与股东权的冲突初探

    Confliction between labour rights and shareholder in share cooperation enterprises

  19. 股份合作制崛起中的村治模式转换&以广东省万丰村为个案

    The Transformation of Village Administration in the Rise of Stock Cooperation System

  20. 地勘单位股份合作制问题探讨

    Discussion on share and cooperation system in geological prospecting unit

  21. 股份合作制企业法律运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating Mechanism of the Share Cooperation System

  22. 股份合作制的中国市场经济特色初探

    On Characteristics of the Shareholding and Cooperation System in China

  23. 股份合作制是兼有合作制与股份制两种经济形态的新型组织形式。

    Stock corporation is the combination of co-operation and shares .

  24. 土地股份合作制:农村土地流转模式的重大突破

    Land joint stock cooperative system : contryside land transferring mode 's breakthrough

  25. 农村土地股份合作制的经济解释与分析

    Economic Analysis on Land Joint - stock Cooperation System in the Village

  26. 农户参加土地股份合作制的影响因素研究

    Study on Influence Factors of Peasants Joined the Rural Share Cooperation System

  27. 股份合作制:农地规模经营的一种有效形式

    Shareholding Cooperative System : An Effective Form of Scale Management of Farmland

  28. 国有小型企业实施股份合作制中的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in State-owned small Enterprise of Joint-stock Cooperation

  29. 股份合作制的内在规定性及制度评价

    The Internal Definition and the Evaluation of the Joint-Stock System

  30. 关于煤炭行业发展股份合作制企业的若干意见

    Views on developing joint-stock cooperative enterprises in the coal industry