
  • 网络Corporation
  1. 建立并完善公司制企业内部控制是建立我国现代企业制度的关键性环节。

    Establishing and perfecting the internal control system of corporation business is the key link of the construction of modern firm system in China .

  2. 公司制企业内部控制研究

    The Study of Internal Control in Corporation Business

  3. 研究背景:CFO(ChiefFinancialOfficer)在我国译作首席财务官或财务总监,是现代公司制企业中最重要、最有价值的高层管理职位之一。

    CFO ( Chief Financial Officer ) is one of the most valuable management jobs on the senior level in the enterprise .

  4. 公司制企业委托代理契约的模型设计

    The Designing of Mode of Entrusting - Deputizing Contract in Companies

  5. 比较个人独资企业,合伙企业,公司制企业的特色。

    Compare the features of proprietorships , partnerships , and corporations .

  6. 试论公司制企业产权结构的发展趋势

    The developmental trend of the property structure of the corporations

  7. 第七章论述产权经济学家的公司制企业理论。

    Chapter seven is on the theories of corporate firm .

  8. 在现代公司制企业中,财务融资方式与公司治理直接相关。

    In modern companies , financing mode is related to corporate governance .

  9. 国有公司制企业内部控制制度存在的问题及对策清末公司制企业的治理与监管

    On the Problems and Countermeasure of Internal Controlling System of State-owned Company Enterprise

  10. 铁路支线建立公司制企业的探讨

    Probe into Setting up Enterprise in Mode of Company for Railway Branch Lines

  11. 非对称信息条件下公司制企业的委托&代理分析

    Analysis on Principal-Agent of Corporate-System Enterprises under Asymmetric Information

  12. 关于公司制企业党建工作的探讨

    Explore the Party Building Work in Company-system Enterprises

  13. 新型公司制企业产权制度的创新

    Industry Property Right Innovation for New Pattern Enterprise

  14. 第四章探讨的是公司制企业利益协调机制的外延。

    Chapter four chiefly entitles the extension about the harmony of benefit inside company .

  15. 本文以规范的公司制企业为背景,探讨了会计系统在现代公司治理结构中的作用及局限性。

    This paper approaches role and limitations of accounting system in modern corporate governance .

  16. 简析公司制企业财务风险的防范

    Prevention and Control of Enterprise Financial Risk

  17. 股份公司制企业在资本筹集的过程中,呈现出诸多的特点。

    In the process of capital raised , AG Enterprises showed a lot of features .

  18. 年薪制是公司制企业普遍采用的经理人报酬制度。

    Annual salary system is a widely adopted remuneration system for managers of incorporated enterprises .

  19. 公司制企业所有者与经营者的代理问题理论与实证分析

    The Theory and Positive Analysis of the Agency Problem between Owner and Manager in Modern Company

  20. 财务重述究其原因,是由于在现代公司制企业中,所有权和经营权相分离。

    The basic reason of financial restatement is separation of management and ownership in the modern corporations .

  21. 论公司制企业的规范化发展

    On Normal Growth of Enterprises

  22. 股东或经理与债权人的矛盾冲突是现代公司制企业的另一对主要利益冲突。

    The popular promoted way to resolve the agency conflict between shareholders and managers is to design the .

  23. 使用不对称信息经济学的背景知识,讨论公司制企业中股东与经理人的委托-代理关系。

    This paper deals with the principal-agent relation between shareholders and managers using the knowledge of asymmetric information .

  24. 随着我国公司制企业的发展,出现了一种特殊的公司形式&一人公司,一人公司已经被越来越多的国家立法所承认。

    With the development of company system there appears a special company , which contains only one shareholder .

  25. 可持续增长是公司制企业实现股东财富最大化的长远目标。

    The sustainable growth is the corporation 's final object to the maximum of the stock-holder 's wealth .

  26. 伴随着公司制企业的建立,所有权与经营权逐渐分离,代理问题由此产生。

    With the establishment of corporative enterprises , the gradual separation of ownership and management causes agency problems .

  27. 实验证明,此方法简洁、有效,对生产实践具有一定的可行性和实用性。产权明晰与家族企业向现代公司制企业转型

    The method has perspicuity and practicality . The Perspicuity of Property Right and Family Business ' Changing to Corporation

  28. 现代公司制企业最显著的特征是公司所有权与经营权相分离,由此导致了委托-代理关系的产生。

    The prominent feature of modern publicly-owned corporation is separation of ownership and management , giving rise to principal-agent relationship .

  29. 至今有关法人治理结构的规定未能解决公司制企业内部约束机制问题,构造出资产所有者对资产支配者有效的控制的内部机制,是建立现代企业制度的关键。

    Up till now , regulations for governing corporate supervisory institution have not solved the problem of constraint mechanism within enterprise .

  30. 近些年来,公司制企业发展迅速,在整个私营企业中已经非常具有代表性。

    In recent years private corporations have come a long way in development , and become extremely representative among private enterprises .