
  • 网络Public Rental Housing;public housing
  1. 提出利用REITs解决公租房融资困境的新思路。

    Secondly , the idea of Using REITs to solve the financing difficulties of Public rental housing construction .

  2. 最后,为保障ABS融资模式能有效的在公租房建设中发挥作用,论文从宏观和微观两个层面提出了一些运行保障的建议。

    Finally , in order to protect the financing pattern of ABS on the construction of public rental housing can be effectively run , this paper put forward some proposals from the macro and micro levels .

  3. 公租房REITs的模式设计。

    Thirdly , Mode designing of REITs . of public rental housing .

  4. 这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长兼首席执行官在纽约布鲁克林区东纽约(EastNewYork,靠近贝德福德-施托伊弗桑特)的公租房中长大,但现在住在中央公园附近。

    The chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs grew up on a public-housing project in East New York – close to Bedford Stuyvesant – but now lives by Central Park .

  5. 同时指出了公租房REITs面临的风险和问题,并提出合理化建议。

    Meanwhile points out the risks and problems of REITs of public rental housing , and put forward rational Suggestions .

  6. 在分析REITs的基础上研究了利用REITs开展公租房融资的必要性和可行性。

    On the basis of the analysis of REITs this paper analysis the the necessity and feasibility of use REITs to public rental financing .

  7. 同时,设计出了公租房实施ABS融资的基本运行流程,并对其作了简单的融资效率分析和案例分析。

    Meanwhile , this paper designed the basic operating process of the financing pattern of ABS on the construction of public rental housing , and made simple analysis about the financing efficiency and the case of it .

  8. 指出当不存在政府租金补贴时,上海具有推出公租房REITs的可行性,但不具备推出廉租房REITs的可行性。

    The conclusion is that when there is no government rent subsidies , it is possible to introduce the public rental REITs but impossible to introduce low-rent housing REITs .

  9. 我们要建足够的公租房,让所有工人都有房住。

    We will build enough public housing for all the workers .

  10. 不止是建设些保障住房,比如公租房或者限价房。

    Not only build the Low-incoming House , like Public-Rent-House or Price-Limit-House .

  11. 依靠政府财政融资并不能支撑规模巨大的公租房建设。

    Rely on government financial resources can not support large-scale construction of public rental .

  12. 但公租房仍存在一些问题。

    There are still some problems .

  13. 例如,广东省去年5月份就发布了一项公租房计划。

    Guangdong , for example , launched a public rental housing plan in May last year .

  14. 据孙翔透露,在深圳申请公租房十分容易。

    According to Sun , it is quite easy to apply for public housing in Shenzhen .

  15. 大部分由政府提供的公租房为40平米小户型,十分适宜年轻人居住。

    Most of the properties provided are 40-square-meter apartments , which are suitable for young people .

  16. 看似无利可图的公租房开发建设让各路资金望而却步。

    Development and construction of public rental seems tobe unprofitable to discourage funds from various quarters .

  17. 大规模的公租房建设,需要投入巨大的财力,如何保证资金的长效供给,政府面临巨大压力。

    Large scale of public rental housing needs huge financial resources , The government faces great pressure .

  18. 目前,我国大多数城市已进入公租房的前期建设阶段。

    At present , most cities in China have entered the pre-construction phase of the public rental .

  19. 公租房是公共财产,所有权属于公租房管理部门,那么融资、建设及管理等都需要由政府和国有企业来主导。

    So the financing , construction and management are all led by the government and state-owned enterprises .

  20. 施永青说:香港政府在做城市规划时会为公租房预留空间。

    In Hong Kong the government saves space for public houses when planning urban areas , said Shi .

  21. 在此基础上,利用演化博弈论,对公租房代建项目中核心利益相关者的行为关系进行演化博弈。

    Then analyze the behaviors of the core stakeholders of the public housing by using evolutionary game theory .

  22. 论文主要进行了三个方面的研究:①公租房的融资现状研究。

    This paper mainly studies on three fields . Firstly , Status of financing of public rental housing .

  23. 公租房是用来提供给城市中、低收入者中住房困难家庭租住的社会公共住宅。

    The public rental housing is social public housing which provide to low , middle-income housing difficulties family .

  24. 其次,对我国公租房融资现状的概括和分析。

    Secondly , this paper made a summary and analysis of the current financing situation of public rental housing .

  25. 但大量公租房的建设,无疑会产生诸多后期运营管理问题。

    But a large number of public rental housing will no doubt generate a lot of post-operational management problems .

  26. 其中最重要的原因就是公租房建设的资金不足。

    One of the most important reasons is the lack of funds in the construction of public rental housing .

  27. 国外一系列经验表明,这些问题的出现很有可能导致公租房社区向贫民窟的转化。

    According to a series of experiences abroad , these problems may cause the transformation from public rental housing to slums .

  28. 本文研究思路为:一、梳理相关研究综述,为重庆公租房有效运转提供经验借鉴。

    Research ideas in this article : First , comb Related Research , the effective functioning of the Chongqing public rental Experience .

  29. 香港中原地产董事长施永青称,需认真考虑公租房的位置。

    Shi Yongqing , chairman of Centaline Property Agency Limited in Hong Kong , said locations for public housing are carefully considered .

  30. 用人单位可协助毕业生申请公租房,其房租要比市场价格低30%。

    Employers can help graduates apply for basic housing , rents for which are 30 percent cheaper compared with the market price .