
  • 网络Public consumption;Public Spending
  1. 对reconcile的最终调用告知JDT去通知其它相关各方(象PackageExplorer视图):您的模型更新已准备好作为公共消费品。

    The final call to reconcile tells the JDT to notify other interested parties like the Package Explorer view that your model updates are ready for public consumption .

  2. 气象服务的社会效益是由气象服务产品的公共消费性所决定的;气象服务产品生产与消费的投入同GNP的增量这两者的比较即是服务社会效益的宏观经济概括;

    Decided by the public consumption of its products , the social benefit of meteorological service is the comparison between the GNP increment and its consumption and consists of the policy making benefit , the public benefit and the special benefit .

  3. 公共消费品经营:民营优先

    Management of Public Consumer Goods : Priority to Private Management

  4. 公共消费品的特性与国有企业定位

    The Features of Public Consumer Goods and the Orientation of State Enterprises

  5. 公共消费:农民工社会权利保障的新视角

    Public Consumption : New Idea to the Social Rights Guarantee of Migrant Workers

  6. 他削减了税务,提高了公共消费。

    He cut taxes and increased public spending .

  7. 公共消费支出对居民消费支出在总体上呈现正向变动,对居民消费具有挤入效应。

    The effect of government public consumption expenditure on household consumption expenditure showed positive changes , it called crowding-in effect .

  8. 政府采购制度的推行是公共消费领域的一种制度性的创新。

    The promotion of the governmental purchasing system is a kind of system innovation in the field of the public consumption .

  9. 近期的酒丑闻涉及了著名的国有企业中石化,其也吸引了公众对三大公共消费的关注。

    The recent liquor scandal involving a well-know state-owned enterprise , Sinopec , has also drawn public attention to the " three public consumptions " .

  10. 公共消费品消费上的非竞争性或非排他性及其决定的公共消费品的范围是国有企业定位的重要理论依据。

    They two , together with the scope of public consumer goods they determine , are important theoretical basis of the orientation of state enterprises .

  11. 随着公共消费中对福利途径的重视,林业领域的投资大多数情况下是以创造就业的项目出现的。

    With the rise of a more welfare approach to public expenditure , investment in the forest sector was mostly in the form of employment-generation schemes .

  12. 在这种情况下,私人和公共消费只要能抵消生产率增长,让就业和劳动力供应保持同步增长就可以了。

    We will then need just enough growth in private and public spending to offset productivity growth and keep job growth in line with the supply of new workers .

  13. 在中国,一时冲动和购买草率是公共消费的关键因素,相比之下,个人奢侈品消费行为也就显得更加冷静和慎重。

    Private consumption of luxury items in China is also likely to represent a more calm and reflective experience , in comparison with the excitement and frivolity often key to public consumption .

  14. 因此,从飞机到红酒,个人奢侈品消费市场需要采纳借鉴公共消费的常用策略和关联性。

    As a result , the marketing of privately consumed luxury items , from jets to red wine , needs to adapt from the strategies and associations often employed where public consumption is concerned .

  15. 经过二十多年对私人消费品领域的渐进式改革以后,我国的经济改革已进入到公共消费品经营改革这一新阶段。

    After more than 20 years of gradual reform in the field of private consumer goods , China 's economic reform has now come to a new stage of reform in the business of public consumer goods .

  16. 公共消费支出作为政府支出的一个重要组成部分,其与经济增长之间的关系始终是经济学界关注和探讨的热点问题之一,可谓众说纷纭、观点不一。

    As an important component of government expenditure , public consumption expenditure , together with economic growth , has been one of the hot issues drawing attention and discussion from economists . People have various kinds of opinions and viewpoints .

  17. 本文运用经济增长理论分析公共消费支出的社会经济效应,并以中国相关数据为样本进行实证检验,并提出相关的政策建议。

    This paper uses the theory of economic growth to analyze the social and economic effect of public consuming expenditure . Data in China are filled as samples to carry out an empirical test , and some policy suggestions are put forward .

  18. 挤出效应的正确含义是指一定时期消费(私人消费或公共消费)对投资(私人投资或公共投资)的替代,而并非仅指政府开支对私人开支的替代。

    Abstract Correct meaning of Crowding-out effect is the substitution of investment ( both private and public investments ) by consumption in a certain period ( both private and public consumption ), which does not only mean the substitution of private expenditure by government expenditure .

  19. 中国计划更加依赖市场力量、让法律体系变得更可预测、加强家庭和公共消费,这可能释放出又20年的追赶式增长潜力,尽管增速会低于过去几十年。

    Planned shifts towards greater reliance on market forces , a more predictable legal system , and stronger household and public consumption , might release the potential for another two decades of catch-up growth , albeit at a more measured pace than in recent decades .

  20. 另一方面,保尔森无意间成了凯恩斯的信徒,他不仅在用巨额的政府账户赤字努力为金融部门纾困,同时也在用公共消费替代锐减的私人部门消费。

    On the other side , Mr Paulson has emerged as an unwitting disciple of Keynes , running a huge government deficit in an effort not merely to bail out the financial sector but also to provide a public sector substitute for sharply falling private sector consumption .

  21. 公共物品消费过程中所具有的非排他性和非竞争性特点,导致市场在提供公共物品时出现失灵现象,在这种情况下,政府成为公共物品的唯一提供者。

    Because of public goods ' two characteristics , non-excludability and non-rivalry , the market cannot provide it efficiently , the government become the sole providers in the public goods market .

  22. 本章首先从公共健康消费和个体健康消费两个方面切入,利用面板数据模型分析城乡卫生医疗服务非均等造成的收入差距扩大效应。

    This chapter firstly analyzes the effects in widening income gap of the non-equal health and medical services in urban and rural areas , by using panel data models . It is analyzed with respect to the two aspects which are consumption of public health and consumption of individual health .

  23. 不过,中国经济依然高度失衡,其最显著的特征是消费(包括公共和个人消费)占经济的比重异常低,而投资的比重异常高(两者都接近GDP的一半)。

    Yet China also has a highly unbalanced economy whose most striking feature is the extraordinarily low share of consumption , public and private , and extraordinarily high share of investment ( both close to half of GDP ) .

  24. 作者认为,市场经济体制要求政企分离,要求公共商品的消费和供给与私人商品的消费和供给分离。

    Demand the separation of supply and consumption between public goods and private goods .

  25. 目前,中国公布的财政刺激计划,并没有试图提振公共和私人消费,而是旨在使中国经济度过难关,直到可以再次出口。

    Alas , the planned stimulus does not attempt to boost public and private consumption . It aims , instead , to keep the economy ticking over until it can start exporting again .

  26. 如何有效的解决公共建筑能源消费问题,不仅有助于合理利用资源和改善生态环境,对我国目前的电力建设也会有深远的影响。

    The solution of the energy consumption in office buildings will not only make good use of resource and improve ecological environment , but also have a long effect on electric construction in our country .

  27. 为了实现7%的GDP预期增长率,(公共及私人)消费必须以9%的实际增长率增长,投资则须以4.6%的增长率增长。

    To achieve the expected 7 per cent GDP rate of growth , consumption ( public and private ) needs to grow at a real rate of 9 per cent while investment grows at 4.6 per cent .

  28. 华为支付,与苹果支付、三星支付相似,可以支持用户的餐饮、公共交通和购物消费,原理主要是通过手机的近程通讯(NFC)功能与支持此功能的POS终端来实现的。

    Huawei Pay , which is similar to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay , enables users to pay for everything from meals to public transportation to goods via NFC - provided that the vendors also have point-of-sale ( POS ) terminals that support the technology .

  29. 试论公共图书馆读者的消费权益

    Discussion on Consumption Rights and Interests of Readers in Public Libraries

  30. 我国政府公共财政投入的消费效应分析

    An Analysis of the Effect of Public Finance Input on Consumption