
  • 网络symbol consumption;symbolic consumption
  1. 符号消费是以追求时尚和品牌为特征的。

    The character of symbol consumption is pursuing fad and noted brand .

  2. 试论符号消费视角中的体育消费

    Discussion on Sports Consumption from the Angle of Symbol Consumption

  3. SPA的缘起是基于以符号消费为代表的后现代主义消费行为兴起和对生活样式的细分。

    The SPA appears on the basis of quick rising of late-modernism consumption behaviors as well as the subdivision for different life styles that are both characteristic for symbol consumptions .

  4. 电视广告形态变革与符号消费场所的形成

    The Revolution of Television Advertising and Shape of Symbol Consuming Spot

  5. 符号消费社会的包装设计语义学探析

    Research of Package Design Semantics in Symbol Consumption Society

  6. 论符号消费与休闲体育消费伦理构建

    Symbol Consumption and Ethic Construction of Leisure Sports Consumption

  7. 消费社会与马克思主义&波德里亚的符号消费理论

    Society of Consumption and Marxism & On Baudrillard 's Theory of Code Consumption

  8. 当今的消费已步入了符号消费的年代。

    Now consumption steps to the period of symbol .

  9. 成都社会分层与符号消费行为研究

    The Study of Social Stratification and Symbolic Consumption Behaviours of the Citizens in Chengdu

  10. 消费主义影响下的符号消费

    The Symbolic Consumption under the Effection of Consumerism

  11. 电影作为典型的符号消费,是消费社会的风向标。

    Film as a typical sign of consumption , consumer society is the vane .

  12. 鲍德里亚总结出:符号消费是解释一切消费现象的根据,并对消费社会进行审视和批判。

    Tally up the symbol consumption is all consumption phenomenon according to explain the .

  13. 符号消费理论研究&解析波德里亚的消费社会

    On the Research of Symbol Consuming Theory & analysis to consumer society of Jean Baudrillard

  14. 药品包装中的符号消费

    The Symbol Consumption of Medicines Package

  15. 符号消费与广告伦理

    Symbolic Consumption and Advertising Ethics

  16. 符号消费的意义解读

    The Purport of Symbol Consumption

  17. 嘉莉是个永不满足的女人,其欲望经历了从物的消费到符号消费的嬗变。

    Being an insatiable woman , her desire evolves from the consumption of things to that of signs .

  18. 同时,符号消费形成了新的消费文化价值观。

    And consumer culture in this specific social pattern is prominently represented by the prevalence of symbolic consumption .

  19. 随着社会的不断发展,符号消费在现代经济中的意义日益得到体现。

    Along with the development of society , the purport of symbol consumption is realized gradually in modern economy .

  20. 而工业文明所催生的文化消费及从具象到符号消费的消费社会形成了它的时代基础。

    Additionally , cultural consumption caused by industrial civilization whose forms turn material into symbol , constitute its background .

  21. 有别于一般产品的使用价值消费,崇拜性消费具有符号消费的特点。

    Unlike the use value of consumer products in general , worship consumption has the characteristics of symbolic consumption .

  22. 符号消费指向的不是消费物自身,而是物所承载的符号价值,即其体现的消费者的身份、地位和品味。

    The symbol consumption doesn 't refer to the consuming goods , but the symbol value of the consuming goods .

  23. 本文在研读了鲍德里亚的原著之后主要将符号消费理论概括为三个方面的内容。

    Based on the study of the original Baudrillard after theoretical generalization main will symbol consumption in three aspects of content .

  24. 消费意识形态通过符号消费渗透进人的无意识中.为资本主义的合法性辩护。

    The ideology of consumption infiltrates into people 's unconsciousness through the consumption of signs , and maintains the capitalistic legitimacy .

  25. 鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。

    Jean Baudrillard 's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx 's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist 's theory of consumer alienation .

  26. 以现代符号消费来揭示当代资本主义社会的异化状态,实现对当代资本主义社会另一维度的社会批判。

    Announce the alienation state of the contemporary capitalist society by consuming in modern symbol and realize the other dimensions of contemporary capitalist society .

  27. 鲍德里亚所关注的符号消费、大众传媒等问题越来越成为西方社会关注的焦点和热点,并且随着我国的现代化建设进程的加快,这些问题也开始在我国社会出现。

    Baudrillard paid attention to the question of mark consumer 、 mass media which has increasingly become the focal attention and hot of Western society .

  28. 其次是符号消费理论的特征首先是符号是符号消费理论的灵魂,然后是文化消费符号化。

    Second is a symbol consumption theory feature is first symbols are symbol consumption theory , and then is the soul of symbolic culture consumption .

  29. 首先是符号消费理论的内容,其中着重阐述了符号消费的差异性原则以及符号消费的广告效应。

    First is a symbol consumption theory content , including emphatically expounds the principle and the differences of symbol consumption of symbol consumption effect of advertisement .

  30. 尊重符号消费社会的规律,将符号学广泛应用于现代电视广告的制作、改良和突破创新之中具有重要的实践意义。

    Respect the symbol consumption society rules , making , improvement and innovation of semiotics is widely used in modern television advertising has important practical significance .