
  • 网络Be Consumed;consume;consumed consumers
  1. 传输协议:数据服务可以通过可靠的(如MQSeries上的JMS)或非可靠的(如HTTP)消息传输协议被消费。

    Transport protocol : data services could be consumed via reliable ( such as JMS via MQ Series ) or unreliable transport messaging protocols ( such as HTTP ) .

  2. Auden大众媒体提供的,不是流行的艺术,而是像食物一样要被消费的娱乐,然后忘记掉,再被新的菜式所替代。

    What the mass media offers is not popular art , but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food , forgotten , and replaced by a new dish . - W.

  3. 在被消费所控制的语境中,他们被远远地抛出了美的殿堂。

    They are divorced from beauty in the context of consumption .

  4. 这些东西在被消费掉以前也是财富。

    These things also are wealth until they have been consumed .

  5. 快速小说就是快餐,它很容易被消费很容易被遗忘。

    Fast fiction is like fast food ; its easily consumed and easily forgotten .

  6. 计算环境:数据服务可在多数平台上被消费。

    Computing environment : data services could be consumed from a plethora of platforms .

  7. 被消费、被抛弃与被征服&美国跨种族爱情片中的华人女性

    Used , Abandoned , and Conquered : Chinese Females in American Films Featuring Inter-Racial Romances

  8. 银行账户的冷峻现实,会阻止你被消费的兴奋劲儿给压倒。

    The reality of your bank account will prevent you from succumbing to shopping excitement .

  9. 除非华尔街的信心恢复,不然美国没有足够的资金被消费。

    Unless the confidence in Wall Street returns , Americans won'thave enough money to spend .

  10. 买进的股票是为了在更高价位卖出,而不是被消费掉。

    The stock bought is to be re-sold at a higher price , not to be consumed .

  11. 服务描述,契约和方针构建元件在模型当中的出现展示了服务是如何被消费的。

    Service description , contract and policy building blocks appear in models that show how services are consumed .

  12. 波德里亚认为,在消费社会里,休闲已经成为文化记号和被消费的对象。

    Baudrillard thinks that leisure in consumer society has become cultural signs and an object to been consumed .

  13. 共分四个部分:一、阐述美女文化的实质,美女文化是一种视觉的、可被消费的媒介文化,是电视中的娱乐元素之一;

    Belle culture is a visual , and consumer-oriented media culture , also an entertainment element in TV ;

  14. 如果每个人都在吃加利福尼亚卷,他们就知道这种食物很快会被消费掉,要再多做一些。

    If everybody is eating California Roll , they can see that they 'll run out soon and make more .

  15. 户外广告被消费文化包围的同时也必然受到消费文化的支配和影响。

    The outdoor advertisement was surround by the consuming culture , so it should be influenced and controlled by the consuming culture too .

  16. 来自队列的事件被消费后,它们被放置进一个容纳区域中,并在那里构建一组相关事件。

    After events from the queue are consumed , they are put into a holding area where they build a set of related events .

  17. 有些基因改造植物将是其本身的基因经过了更改,而不是加入了外来基因,这样的植物应更容易被消费维权者所接受。

    some plants will have their own genes tweaked rather than foreign genes added , which should make them more acceptable to consumer activists .

  18. 所有的服务操作都有一种方法,去指示服务实际上是如何执行的,以及被消费的服务实际上是如果被使用的。

    All of the service operations have methods that indicate how the services are actually carried out and how the consumed services are actually used .

  19. 最糟糕的是原本独立于其他事物的艺术也在大规模生产中不可避免地变成了可以被消费的商品。

    The worst of all is that art , originally independent from others , irreversibly becomes a consuming item in the process of mass production .

  20. 当然,与此相对的是,每一种投资级葡萄酒的供应量总是固定的,而且在其成熟并被消费后就会减少。

    This is , of course , set against the fixed supply of each investment grade vintage , which then decreases as it matures and is consumed .

  21. 云提供的虚拟化物理资源、虚拟化基础设施、虚拟化中间件平台和业务应用程序,作为云中的服务被消费。

    Virtualized physical resources , virtualized infrastructure , as well as virtualized middleware platforms and business applications are being provided and consumed as services in the Cloud .

  22. 服务只有被消费了才有用;所以,要规定服务的效用,最好的方式就是描述消费者对它们有何期望。

    Services are useful only insofar as they are consumed , and so the best way of specifying their usefulness is to describe what consumers expect of them .

  23. 在文学被消费、被商品化的大潮中,它是文学热爱者的精神高地,闪耀着纯文学理想的点点星火。

    In the tide that literature is consumed and commercialized , the pure literature journal is the literature lovers ' spirit highlands that shining spark of literary dream .

  24. 当代中国社会在诸多方面都已凸显出消费社会的典型特征,商品的符号价值也正逐渐成为产品使用价值之外一个重要的被消费对象。

    The contemporary society has show a lot of typical characteristics of consumer society , meanwhile the sign-value has been becoming an important object in consumption beside the use value .

  25. 然而,当这些服务被消费时,卡车的成本也逐渐通过折旧从资产负债表上消除而进入费用账户。

    As these services are received , however , the cost of the truck gradually is removed from the balance sheet and allocated to expense , through the process called " depreciation " .

  26. 中国消费市场中的符号消费,尤其是轿车作为符号被消费的现象越来越广泛,造成了一系列的社会问题,同时也引起了社会各界的关注。

    The symbol consumption , especially that of the private cars becomes more and more popular in China 's consuming market . Such phenomenon also leads to a series of social problems , which meanwhile calls all circles ' attention to it .

  27. 笔者认为,商业外观可以定义为:能够被消费群体所识别,并给他们带来特殊视觉体验的,承载着产品或服务内在文化和价值的显著商品整体形象外观特征的组合。

    The author believes that trade dress can be defined as : trade dress can be identified consumer groups and give them a special visual experience , carrying the products or services value to the internal culture and the overall image of the appearance of significant features of commodity combinations .

  28. 流行趋势元素(FashionTrendElement,FTE)是在未来特定时期和区域中能被目标消费群广为接受的设计元素代表了品牌服装在未来市场的潜在需求。

    Fashion Trend Element ( FTE ) is the design elements which would be widely accepted by the target consumers in the certain time and area in future , which represents the potential future market demand .

  29. 消费者是有限理性的问题解决者,因此IDB实验被用于消费行为领域的研究。

    Since consumers are problem solvers with bounded rationality , IDB is fitted for the studies of consumer behavior .

  30. 女人的天性其实决定她们会主动化身审美对象被社会消费。

    The nature of women depended on taste of the mess .