
  • 网络passive management;passively managed
  1. 通过对Oracle性能的主动和被动管理,以及优化工具SQLTrace、EXPLAINPLAN和优化器的使用,缩短了数据仓库用户查询响应的时间,提高了查询效率。

    By using active and passive management for Oracle and optimize tools like SQL TRACE EXPLAIN PLAN and ORACLE OPTIMIZER , the query response time is shortened and the efficiency is improved .

  2. 因此,笔者认为应改变班级管理模式,变对班级的被动管理为对班级主动建设,通过建设班级共同体,有效发挥班级应有的育人功能。

    Therefore , I think that we should change the class management mode , changing the passive management to the class to active construction .

  3. 阐述对医院在用医疗设备使用和维修的一种积极管理方式.有别于通常意义上的被动管理。

    We expatiate on an initiative management mode of medical instruments and equipments ' operation and maintenace , which is different from the usual passive management .

  4. 石化公司扩建项目,也逐步由缺乏计划性的被动管理,向主动控制的项目管理阶段转变。

    The transformation of expanded projects has been taking place step by step from passive management lacking of plan to project management that could be controlled actively .

  5. 近年来,通信行业得到了迅猛的发展,网络建设的速度和数量远非以往可比,通信工程建设管理也逐步由缺乏计划性的被动管理向主动控制的项目管理阶段转变。

    In recent years , the communication industry has enjoyed a fast and great development , together with the rocketing network construction . The construction management in communication engineering was once managed in a passive manner and lack of programming .

  6. 探讨了将高校突发事件中的大学生从被动管理者变为理性判断的个体,信息沟通机制的构建是重中之重,以及高校具有构建有效的信息沟通机制的客观条件。

    Discussed the incident from university college students into a rational judgment of passive managers individual , the construction of information communication mechanism is the top priority , and an effective of university of information communication mechanism to objective conditions .

  7. 本论文的创新之处是:把高速公路看成一种资源,提出经营高速公路的理念,变被动管理为主动经营。

    The innovation point of view in this thesis is : Regard the expressway as a kind of resource , propose that manages the theory of the expressway , change and manage the management in order to take the initiative passively .

  8. 被动型管理外包可弥补汇兑损失,但如果管理者对冲的币种升值了,那么这种管理外包自身也会产生亏损。

    Passive overlays compensate for currency losses but if the currency that the manager is hedging against appreciates , they generate their own losses .

  9. 企业如何从被动环境管理转变为主动环境管理,把环境关注结合到企业战略管理中去是解决环境问题的关键。

    It is a key of solving environmental problem how to manage environment from passive to active , and how to incorporate environmental concern with strategic management .

  10. 继续教育工作开展十多年来,取得了一定的成绩,但还存在不少问题,如学习动机较为被动,管理认识不到位,教学内容陈旧空泛,教学方法呆板机械等。

    It has gained a certain achievements but still has a lot of problems , such as the passive study motive , less consciousness of management , the boring teaching contents and mechanical teaching methods etc.

  11. 让交通安全工作工作由被动的管理模式转化为主动的、所有交通参与者共同的参与模式,不仅仅降低交通管理中人力和物力投入,更有利于构建和谐的交通社会环境。

    Let traffic safety management work from passive to active , all the participants a common mode of participation , not only reduce traffic management of human and material resources , and more conducive to harmonious social environment .

  12. 但国内高校普遍存在筹资方法单一、被动,管理缺乏配套法律法规和专业人才等问题,不同程度地妨碍了高等教育的变革和发展。

    But the problem of the way to raising fund is single and passive , and , lack of laws and regulations , moreover , short of professional men in the management , hold back the reform and development of the higher education .

  13. IT管理&从被动到主动管理

    IT Management - From Passiveness to Initiative

  14. 第四部分即第七章研究银行经济资本的实践及启示。通过建立我国商业银行资本有效供给的长效机制,变被动资本充足管理为主动审慎资本充足管理。

    The fourth part is Chapter Seven and mainly studies the practice of economic capital management in China and gives revelation .

  15. 交易型领导有四个因素,即权变奖励、积极的例外管理、被动的例外管理、自由放任。

    Transactional leadership has 4 factors , that is , contingency reward , active exemplary management , passive exemplary management and laissez-faire .

  16. 由于口译服务的特性与目的为解决特定问题,因此口译员通常采取较被动的方式管理如接案量等之口译相关业务。

    Due to the inherent nature of interpretation as a problem-solving service , interpreters usually rely on passive strategies to obtain interpretation assignments .

  17. 因此,当前影响中医医院科研课题管理的因素有科研课题管理体制机制不健全、管理理念陈旧、管理方式被动单一、管理职能局限于日常工作,无法体现中医特色。

    Therefore , the factors of management of scientific research projects are imperfect systems of management , old concept of management , unitary and passive management method and its confined function to daily works .

  18. 当前许多企业迫于利益相关者压力与企业社会责任实施绿色管理,是一种被动型绿色管理,不利于企业竞争优势的增强。

    Many companies , forced to stakeholder pressure and corporate social responsibility , had implemented green management , which was a " passive green management " and not conducive to the implementation of green management from a strategic height to promote their competitive advantage .

  19. 被动空中交通流量管理中的动态排序算法

    Dynamic Queue Algorithm in Passive Air Traffic Flow Management

  20. 在这样的条件下,昆明易制毒化学品的行政管理也就处于被动配合外地行政管理的态势。

    In such circumstances , kunming precursor chemicals administration is passive with nonlocal administration .

  21. 在多伦多的环境,一个做市商作为被动的角色来管理市场的流动性。

    In the TSX environment , a Market Maker manages market liquidity through a passive role .

  22. 本文对目的机场的飞机降落时间问题进行了系统地分析,并利用互换理论对问题进行了推导与建模,得出了被动空中交通流量管理中的动态排序算法。

    This paper analyses systematically the problem of airplane landing time at destination , obtains the models by the interchange theory and dynamic queue arithmetic of passive air traffic flow management .

  23. 虽然撒手不管,让别人去做事不够令人激动,也缺少声望,但我们认为,这是接受被动参与优秀的管理层所能失去的唯一东西。

    While there may be less excitement and prestige in sitting back and letting others do the work , we think that is all one loses by accepting a passive participation in excellent management .

  24. 巴克莱全球投资者原本只是一个被动的指数基金管理者,但该公司意识到,需要承担风险,以抵消被动投资领域的利润率挤压。如今该公司已成为全球最大的对冲基金经理之一。

    BGI grew up as a passive index player , but realised the need to assume risk to counteract margin compression on the passive side and is now one of the largest hedge fund managers .

  25. 该文在分析主动网络与被动网络中资源管理差别的基础上,提出了主动节点资源管理方案,并在原型系统中实现了该方案。

    This paper analyzes the difference of resources management between active network and passive network , and explores the issues of resources management in an active network node . These issues are implemented in the prototype system .