
  • 网络be employed;falsification of graduates employment status
  1. 这些标准在1999年被MBA就业服务委员会正式采用。

    Those standards were officially adopted by the CSC in 1999 .

  2. 此外,一些雄心勃勃的大学生不满意被人就业。

    Moreover , some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others .

  3. 我们不能允许底层40%的人被剥夺就业、医疗和教育机会。

    We cannot allow the bottom 40 percent of the population be denied opportunities for jobs , health , and education .

  4. 产出萎缩当然值得重视,这主要是因为,被挡在就业市场门外太久的劳动者往往会永久性地变得心灰意冷。

    Lost output certainly matters , not least because workers shut out of the job market for too long tend to become permanently discouraged .

  5. 员工传统的终身就业观念逐渐被提高终身就业能力的观念所取代;员工个体开始为自己的职业生涯进行重新规划,并承担主要责任。

    The traditional lifelong employment concept was gradually replaced with the concept of improving lifelong employability ; employees began to redesign their careers and assumed primary responsibilities .

  6. 据估计,截至到现在,包括那些被大材小用的就业者在内,美国未充分就业人员的总数已经达到近900万。

    Some estimates put the total number of " underemployed " Americans including those who are doing jobs for which they are overqualified at about 9 million .

  7. 为此,国务院明确要求把做好被征地农民就业培训和社会保障工作作为征地制度改革的重要内容。

    To this end , the State Council explicitly requested to do good job training for landless farmers and social security reform as an important part of the .

  8. 来自北京的知名教育心理专家兼顾问温方(音译)建议学生不要被那些有关就业市场不景气的调查与报道所误导。

    Wen Fang , a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing , advises students not to be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market .

  9. 这些人在职时没有被反映在就业人数中,眼下失业了也没有被反映在失业人数中,但他们仍然(非法地)呆在这个国家。

    These people did not show up on the employment rolls when they were working , and do not show up on the unemployment rolls now they are out of work but they are still ( illegally ) in the country .

  10. 该引擎已经被调整与斯洛文尼亚就业服务局VT2-600增压器设置,其荧光棒权力,赛道上经过验证的性能选择,和可靠性。

    The engine has been tuned with an ESS VT2-600 supercharger setup , chosen for its copious power , race-proven performance , and reliability .

  11. 一旦违反该类有关准入的限制性规定,即可被认定为非法就业。

    Once violating such restrictions , aliens can be easily identified as Illegal Employment .

  12. 在法国和德国,这可以被称作是充分就业,即使考虑到其劳动力市场的结构性差异。

    In France and Germany this would be called full employment , even considering the structural differences of their labour markets .

  13. 早期由于征地后国家会给被征地农民安排就业工作,矛盾不明显。

    Previously , the contradiction is not obvious since the state would provide employment for the peasants whose land has been recruited .

  14. 在衰落和被淘汰的部门就业的劳动者,随着国民经济结构的变化,需要另谋职业,转移工作部门。

    With the national economic structure changing constantly , those working in languishing or failed industries need to find new jobs elsewhere .

  15. 然而,瑞士的就业率很高,而且,比起技术变革,强劲的瑞郎被视为当地就业面临的更大威胁。

    However , Swiss employment rates are high - and the strong franc rather than technological change is seen as the bigger threat to local jobs .

  16. 在竞争激烈的社会中,整形手术常被视为实现就业和良好人脉关系的必备条件。但要是负担不起高档诊所该怎么办呢?

    In this hyper-competitive society , plastic surgeryis often seen as a prerequisite to job and relationship success.But what if you can 't afford these high-endclinics ?

  17. 由于没有很好的解决被征地农民的就业和养老等长远问题,他们成为影响我国社会稳定的巨大不稳定因素。

    Without resolving problems of the peasants without land such as getting jobs and providing for the aged , they will be tremendous unsteady factors which affect our society .

  18. 在无边界职业生涯时代,以雇员忠诚换取就业保障为特征的心理契约,正逐步被以绩效换取就业能力为特征的新的心理契约所取代。

    In the era of boundaryless career , the psychological contract characterized by employees ' loyalty to job security is increasingly replaced by the new psychological contract characterized by the performance of employability .

  19. 为了解决被征地农民的就业与生活问题,我国相继出台了农转工和农转居这两种安置方式。

    To solve the living and working problems of the farmers whose lands are expropriated , two methods for settlement , " farmers to workers " and " farmers to citizens " are undertaken .