
  1. 并结合城乡统筹就业的特点构建了劳动力配置模型。

    Combined the characteris-tics of the urban and rural employment , this paper constructs the reasonable workforce allocation model .

  2. 城乡统筹就业是统筹城乡经济发展的一项重要内容,对于维护社会和谐稳定,促进人的全面发展和社会全面进步,建设和谐社会都有重要作用。

    An overall planning of urban and rural employment is important in our socialist construction and also an inevitable choice to coordinate the economic society between the urban and rural .

  3. 但经济结构日趋合理、企业改革深化、劳动关系理顺、城乡统筹就业,都对经济的发展发挥着良性作用,则是好事。

    But , the rationalization of the economic structure , the deepening of enterprise reform , the straightening up of labor relations and the overall arrangement of urban and rural employment are playing a positive role in economic development .

  4. 北京市城乡劳动力统筹就业存在的主要问题是宏观缺乏指导,就业渠道不畅和劳动力素质偏低。

    The main problems concerning making overall employment plan for urban and rural labor force are lack of macro guidance , unsmooth employment channels and comparatively low labor quality .

  5. 如何促使城乡有机融合主要从以下方面着手:加大对农业的支持和保护力度,建立城乡统筹的社会就业体系,公共财政体制,发展农村社会保障等。

    How to keep the melting of urban and rural areas should be done as following : strengthening the support and protection to agriculture , building employment system of urban and rural areas and public finance system , and developing the social guarantees of rural area .