
chénɡ shì fánɡ dì chǎn shuì
  • urban real estate tax
  1. 浅议城市房地产税中土地使用权的计税依据

    Tax Basis of the Right of Land Use in Urban Real Estate Tax

  2. 应该缴纳城市房地产税。您有应缴税的东西吗?

    Yes , they are subject to the city property tax . Have you anything dutiable ?

  3. 我国现行不动产税制主要有城镇土地使用税、房产税及对外资企业征收的城市房地产税等。

    Of our country current real estate tax system mainly includes urban land royalties , house property tax and urban housing and land tax that is imposed on overseas-funded enterprise , etc. .