
  1. 科派斯塔克说,人们对经济紧缩和欧元稳定的忧虑使得过去一年欧元区城市的生活成本指数降低了,而加拉加斯能跻身前20则是由于人为的高汇率管制。

    Copestake said fears over economic austerity and the stability of the euro had pushed the index of euro zone cities down in the past year while the inclusion of Caracas was due to artificially high exchange rate controls .

  2. 加拿大城市温哥华依然是北美地区最贵城市,在生活成本指数榜单上名列第21位。

    The Canadian city of Vancouver remains the most expensive location in North America , ranked 21st in the index .