
  • 网络city logistics center
  1. 城市物流中心布局研究

    Research on City Logistics Center Location

  2. 对于优化城市物流中心之间的资源配置,其核心问题在于如何把多个物流任务合理的分配给不同的物流中心。

    For optimizing the allocation of resources between city logistics center , which the core issue is how a number of logistics tasks assigned to the proper city logistics center .

  3. 利用GIS分析城市物流中心的建立

    Analyze the Foundation of City Logistics Centers with GIS

  4. 全程物流枢纽城市物流中心选址评价问题研究

    Research on Location Evaluation of Logistics Center in Total Logistics Hinge Cities

  5. 城市物流中心车辆配送配载调度指派模型研究

    Study on Two-objective Programming Model of Loading and Delivery in City Logistics Dispatching System

  6. 介绍了利用模糊C-均值聚类方法实现城市物流中心选址的原理、流程以及聚类完成后的有效性检验指标计算。

    The paper introduces the principle of fuzzy C-mean clustering method and effectiveness certification calculation method .

  7. 本文明确了城市物流中心的概念,分析了城市物流中心的功能及对城市发展的影响,总结了城市物流中心建设存在的问题,提出了城市物流中心布局应依托城市交通网络的观点。

    This paper definitudes the concept of the urban logistics centre of civilization , analyses the function of the urban logistics centre and effect on city development , summarizes the existing problem of the urban logistics centre building .

  8. 基于电子商务下的城市物流配送中心系统的构建

    Establishment of Urban Logistics Distribution Center System Based on E-commerce

  9. 城市化物流中心的建设与规划

    The construction and programming of civilized logistics center

  10. 城市物流配送中心选址问题刍议

    Research On Site Selection of City Distribution Center

  11. 通过在某城市物流配送中心选址中的实例验证,体现了该算法对于物流配送中心选址问题的一般适应性。

    Practical application denoted that the parallel genetic algorithm has generality for the logistical distribution center location selection .

  12. 城市物流配送中心的选址,对实际的运营成本与效率有显著影响。

    The location of a city logistics distribution center will have great influence on its actual operating costs and efficiency .

  13. 城市型物流中心的服务区域划分原则是应该按经济区域而不是按行政区域进行。

    The principle that we divide service district of city logistics center should be according to " economic dis-trict " , not " administration district " .

  14. 城市核心竞争力与物流中心的形成

    Core Competitive Ability of City and the Development of Logistics Center

  15. 城市货运枢纽与物流中心规划的区别研究

    The Differences between the Urban Freight Hub Planning and Logistics Center Planning

  16. 城市物流园区及配送中心布局规划研究&以大连市物流园区建设规划为例

    Research on the Layout and Planning of Distribution Park in City-A Case of Dalian

  17. 定位准确的目标体系勾画出城市建设区域性物流中心的发展轨迹。

    The accurate objective-oriented system shows the outline of the development track of the regional logistics center in that city .

  18. 城市总体规划中应对城市物流中心总体格局、物流中心功能定位、物流基础设施平台、物流信息平台、物流业发展政策等方面作出原则安排。

    In the overall plan of cities we should arrange in principle the entire pattern of city logistics center , to locate function of logistics center , the installation platform of logistics base , the information platform of logistics , the development policy of logistics trade and so forth .

  19. 逐步改造城市与企业物流系统,建设城市物流中心,建设企业或社会化配送中心,强化物流硬件与物流软件的建设,推进各类物流装备的现代化;

    Reforming the cities ' and enterprises ' logistics system , establishing logistics center and social distribution center . To realize the modernization of logistics facilities step by step .

  20. 文中对城市物流配送决策问题作了重点研究,依据城市物流配送中心的特点,建立了城市物流配送决策问题的一般模型,并采用IPO功能设计加以解决。

    The logistics distribution decision problems are studied , on the basis of the characteristics of city logistics distribution center , set up logistics distribution decision problem of the general model , and uses the IPO function design to solve .