
  • 网络Inventory Level;stock level
  1. 采用JIT供货管理模式能够大大降低存货水平,最大限度地减少库存成本,但是,由于库存与运输存在着二律背反关系,减少库存的同时会导致运输成本的增加。

    The implementation of JIT management modern can reduce inventory level and cost furthest . Because the relationship of inventory cost and transport cost are antinomy , it will result in more transport cost while reduce inventory amount .

  2. 存货水平、营业毛利率与企业提供商业信用成显性正相关关系。

    Inventory level and operating profit margin are significantly positive with the commercial credit supple .

  3. 通过应用CRP,零售商把自己当天的销售和存货水平讯息提供给制造商,制造商就可以根据这些讯息来确定其生产和存货水平。

    With CRP , manufacturers make production and inventory decisions based upon information on retail sales and inventory levels , which are provided by retailers on a daily basis .

  4. 研究表明,Nash合作博弈均衡时的订货数量、存货水平、全国性(或地方性)广告水平、渠道成员各自期望利润以及系统期望利润都要大于Stackelberg主从博弈均衡时的相应值。

    The results show that , ordering quantities , the stocking level , the national or local advertising rate , the respective expected profits of channel members , and the system expected profits at Nash co-op equilibrium are higher than those at Stackelberg equilibrium .

  5. 充分考虑市场需求的不确定,建立供应链垂直合作广告的博弈分析模型,博弈模型能同时考察供应链中制造商和零售商的合作以及零售商的存货水平。

    Considering the impact of demand uncertainty , this article extends vertical cooperative advertising models .

  6. 为什麽存货水平这麽多?

    Why are inventory levels so high ?

  7. 采取什么程序以保证保持适当或理想的存货水平?

    What procedures are in place to ensure maintenance of appropriate or optimal inventory stock levels ?

  8. 本文的研究意义在于能准确地预测和进行存货水平的控制,对实现存货决策至关重要。

    Mainly the research contribution of this thesis is to carry on Forecast accurately and to control inventory level .

  9. 你期望产品扩张增加还是减少?这会对存货水平有什么影响?

    Do you expect product proliferation to increase or decrease ? What impact would this have on the inventory levels ?

  10. 其次,物流配送系统的运作必须以不断降低存货水平为前提,而计划、生产、物流的重新组合可以减少周转时间。

    Second , the premise of logistics distribution system must reduce storage , plan , produce and combination will reduce turnover time .

  11. 具体操作层面的决定,则围绕不同地点的存货水平展开,无论市场如何波动,保证对客户需求的满足。

    Operational inventory decisions revolved around optimal levels of stock at each location to ensure customer satisfaction as the market demands fluctuate .

  12. 在集中型的供应链中,供应商在线渠道的基本存货水平与需求推介无关。

    When the supply chain is centralized , demand referral has no impact on the level of base stock in supplier online channel .

  13. 为各部门员工提供研究和解决差异、建议纠正措施的支持来管理存货水平并支付存货;

    Provide support to departmental staff by researching and resolving discrepancies , recommending remedial actions to manage inventory levels , and disbursement of inventory .

  14. 设计适当的需求推介方案可以降低整个供应链的基本存货水平,从而改善供应链绩效。

    Well-designed solution to demand referral decreases the level of base stock with the result that the performance of the supply chain is improved .

  15. 存货水平和流动比率则说明了企业使用商业信用在企业生产经营过程中的必要性和保障。

    Inventory levels and the current ratio is the use of commercial credit to the necessity and protection in the process of production and operation .

  16. 手表行业所面临的困境在香港市场上依然表现得尤为突出,在过度拥挤的香港市场上,过高的存货水平进一步强化了这些不利因素的影响。

    The industry 's difficulties remain particularly acute in Hong Kong , where the effects have been worsened by excessive stock levels in an overcrowded market .

  17. 例如,一些包括动产以及满足需要的交易活动的例子有,在哪里生产和生产什么?原材料来自于哪里以及如何设定存货水平等。

    Examples include the effects and tradeoffs of which demand to satisfy , where and what to manufacture , where to source products , and how to set target inventory levels .

  18. 为什麽存货水平这麽多?他们应该维持多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平?请为6种欧洲款的产品选择建议一个最佳订购政策。

    Why are inventory levels so high ? How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in europe ? Suggest an optimal ordering policy for the6 European options .

  19. 分析工程机械零配件需求,并结合正态分布、t分布、泊松分布的理论,计算合理的零配件存货水平和安全库存值,以达到特定的服务水平的要求。

    Analyzing the spare parts demand of engineering machinery , and use normal distribution , t-distribution and Poisson distribution theory to calculate the reasonable inventory level and safety stocks , to meet the service level requirement .

  20. 自变量中,内部因素包括:企业资产规模、营业利润增长率、企业存续时间、存货水平、流动比率、营业毛利率、带息负债率。

    Independent variable , the internal factors included : the scale of corporate assets , operating profit growth , the corporate existence of time , inventory levels , current ratio , operating margin , interest-bearing debt ratio .

  21. 毛利率越高的公司,更容易通过价格歧视来获得更多的利润,存货水平越高的的公司,则通过商业信用的提供来实行促销,扩大销售。

    The company with the higher the margin , more easily through price discrimination to get more profit , and the company with higher inventory levels , through the provision of commercial credit to the implementation of the promotion , expansion of sales .

  22. 在电子零售商属性当中,进入市场时间对与价格离散显著正相关,而履约可靠度、物流与配送、存货水平、消费者意识、第三方认证则对于价格离散没有影响。

    In the electronic tradesman attribute , the duration in the market shows the positive relation to the price dispersion , but the reliability in fulfillment , shipping and handing , inventory position , consumer awareness and third party attestation show no relation to the price dispersion .

  23. 回顾定购单,做出调整必要的调整以支持客户交货要求及存货目标水平。

    Review open purchase order commitments and make the necessary adjustments to support customer delivery requirements and inventory level objectives .

  24. 去年底,由于在西方销售不振,存货达到历史水平的两倍,但如今存货已经恢复到正常水平,尽管付出的代价是第一季度净利润锐减。

    Inventories hit double their historical level at the end of last year as Western sales dried up , but are back to normal , albeit at the cost of a first-quarter dive in net profits .

  25. 此外,未售的房产存货仍然接近历史水平。

    Also , the unsold inventory of homes remains near record levels .

  26. 现在,大米、玉米和其它大宗农产品的存货也位于健康水平。

    Inventories of rice , corn and other commodities are also at healthy levels .

  27. 文章认为,我国制造商实施VMI的主要目的在于降低存货成本和延长付款周期,从长期来看,VMI的机制有利于降低整个供应链的存货水平;

    Manufacturer 's major aims to implement VMI are to reduce inventory cost and postpone payment cycle . In a long term , the VMI mechanism is benefit to cut down the inventory in the whole supply chain .