
  1. 注册会计师存货舞弊的审计识别

    The Audit Recognition of Inventory Irregularities of Registered Accountants

  2. 但我们可以看到,在诸多财务舞弊案例中,注册会计师均未能有效识别存货舞弊并控制其审计风险,最终导致审计失败。

    But as we can see , in many cases of financial fraud , the CPAs have failed to effectively identify and control the risk of inventory fraud , resulting in audit failures .

  3. 企业存货财务舞弊的识别及防范

    Identification and Prevention of Financial Fraud for Enterprise Stock

  4. 存货计价会计舞弊行为的审计

    Auditing of Fraudulent Practices in Inventory Pricing Accounting

  5. 缺乏诚信的企业常常利用编造虚假资料、随意变更存货计价方法、存货成本核算不规范、人为调账等方式进行存货财务舞弊。

    Enterprises of lacking integrity often make financial fraud by fabricating false information , arbitrarily changing in inventory valuation , accounting nonstandard inventory cost and artificially adjusting account etc.