- 网络Accounting Manipulation;Accounts Manipulations

So , inevitably , did the 2011 scandal at Olympus , where successive leaders covered up accounting manipulation .
Share Structure , Accounting Manipulation and Investor Protection & Experience from China Listed Companies
Japan is not unique in any of this , despite a succession of scandals over the past two decades at Yamaichi Securities , Kanebo Nikko Cordial , Livedoor and others .
Financial Manipulation Analgsis about Business Combination Purchase Method
On Problems of Listed Companies in Controlling Accounting
Joint Use of Accounting Manipulation and Transaction Planning & Evidence from Long-term Asset Impairment
Identification Of Accounting Manipulation
Do Banks Effectively Discern Companies ' Accounting Frauds ? & A Perspective of Bank Debt Default of Chinese Listed Companies
Against the special economic background in china , there exists the important relationship between share structure , accounting management and investor protection .
This paper analyzes the simulated case of firm merger . We recognized the possibility of financial manipulation using purchase method for financing decision .
Based on the empirical study , the paper holds , without investor protection , the negative correlation of share holding and accounting manipulation and the non-obvious correlation between of shareholder status and accounting manipulation .
However some enterprises take advantage of the inadequate assets depreciation plan and manipulate the accounting . As a result the information in the accounts is untrue , which hampers the operation of the market economy .
On Listed Company Accountant Information Manipulating Behavior and Control Countermeasures
The Practical Research of Controlling Accounting Profits in Listed Company
Spotting and Taking Precaution Against Manipulating Means of Accounting Information of Listed Company
Because of various motivations , managers often manipulate accounting surplus for their own interests .
Self-evident , the researches on spotting and taking precaution to accounting information manipulation of listed company , have important theory and realistic meaning .
If the board of directors can take advantage of their supervision and control function , accounting earnings operating behaviors against shareholders ' objectives would decrease , and increase the cost of managers providing unconservative accounting information , and improve corporate governance effect , so the accounting conservatism is improved .
The governor manipulates accounting information , its purpose is to affect the governor 's decision by changing the finacial report for reflecting the condition and the management outstanding , in order to satisfy the enterprise benefits to maximize .
Analysis of accountant 's manipulation of profit of reducing value of assets
On Problem and Strategy of Profit Manipulation of Accounting Method for Business Combinations
This article plans in the induction analysis the profit of enterprise adjustment under the original accounting standards in the usual method foundation , discusses the new accounting standards to the profit of enterprise adjustment restriction and the existence new adjustment space .
And management of a listed company means the policies can be said to be varied and can be manipulated by accounting standards and accounting policies , the use of transactions between related parties , carried on corporate earnings management through asset restructuring and other forms .
Finally , the limits of accounting system provide space for accounting manipulation .
The main path of the listed company controls the accountant information is the accountant information manipulating and the false accountant . The main reason of the accountant information manipulating is the benefit driving and weak supervision and we should adopt the correspond countermeasures to manage .
From the annual reports of listed company in resent years , the asset depreciation of accounting policy has already become one of the tools which the listed companies manipulate the earnings .
Meanwhile , we introduce false accounting information spotting technology existed , and design every main point of spotting accounting item on the basis of the accounting information manipulation .
In the case of Accounting Policies was supervised seriously making use of Accounting Estimates had been a common way to manipulate profit .
For a long time , the accounting profession discuss excessively manipulation of accounting policies and accounting information from the quality perspective , while neglect the same thing that accounting policies and accounting information also has social attributes .
However , driven by the interests , companies sometimes legitimate and reasonable by the accounting change to meet the needs of their own interests , in particular , is a listed company , using the manipulation of accounting changes for the profit situation is particularly serious .