
  • 网络Accounting information consumption;consumption of accounting information
  1. 会计信息消费是指会计信息消费者选择、分析使用会计信息,做出投资决策并在投资中获得收益,满足其增加财富的需求。

    The consumption of accounting information is a process in which people apply accounting information to help them make decision and get interests .

  2. 我国资本市场中会计信息消费问题

    Research on the Consumption Problems of Accounting Information in China

  3. 会计信息消费不足:基于产权视角的分析与改进

    On the Insufficiency of Accounting Information Consumption : Analysis and Perfection in the Perspective of Property Right

  4. 目前,会计信息消费中存在水平低、质量不高、一次性消费行为等问题。

    Accounting information consumption is confronted with the problems of low proficiency , poor quality and one-time-consumption .

  5. 利用消费经济学研究框架,界定会计信息消费的涵义,提出了会计信息消费有效三因素,按照消费内容将会计信息消费体系分为会计信息消费水平、会计信息消费者结构和会计信息消费者行为。

    I explain this conception from accounting information consumption level , the component of accounting information consumer , the behavior of accounting information consumer .

  6. 通过对中外会计信息消费结构的比较可以发现,实施虚假消费的会计信息消费者倾向于与会计信息生产者合谋,侵占其他会计信息消费者的利益。

    Comparing the structure of accounting information consumers of China with that of western countries , it is found that the accounting information consumers with false demand tends to conspire with accounting information producers to expropriate the interest of other accounting information consumers .

  7. 其管理内容广泛,特别是会计信息生产管理和会计信息消费管理更是重中之重;本文针对制约企业会计信息资源管理的不同因素提出了相应的策略。

    The content of management on it is extensive , especially the accounting information producing and consuming management The management tactics have been advised according to the limiting factors to management on accounting information resources of business enterprise .