
  1. 中国会展旅游业运行机制研究

    Research on the Operational Mechanism of China 's Mice Tourism Industry

  2. 试论上海会展旅游业的条件优势和人才瓶颈

    Advantages and Talent Bottlenecks of the Development of Shanghai Exhibition Tourism

  3. 对于会展旅游业的研究也成为国内旅游界研究的重点之一。

    The research on MICE is one of the important projects in domestic tourism field .

  4. 中小城市会展旅游业的构建&以怀化市为例

    On Construction of MICE Tourism in a Middle or Small City & Take Huaihua as an Example

  5. 文章就宁波会展旅游业所处的现状及其发展谈了看法和发展对策。

    The article reviews the present situation and countermeasures of the conference and exhibition tourism in Ningbo .

  6. 近年来,我国会展旅游业发展迅速,会展旅游成为各大城市竞相发展的产业。

    Recently , MICE Tourism in China develops rapidly and all the big cities develop it against each other .

  7. 20世纪90年代以来,我国会展旅游业发展迅速,年增长速度达到20%以上,已初具规模。

    From the last decade , China 's MICE tourism develops rapidly , with a high annual growth rate at 20 % .

  8. 通过对国内外会展旅游业的发展简要的概括和总结,认为会展旅游是一个蕴涵巨大价值的高利润、高产出和联动效应大的旅游项目。

    The article gives a brief introduction to the development of MICE home and abroad , and recognizes MICE tourism as a high-profit 、 high-yield and high-correlation tourism item .

  9. 而后对中国会展旅游业的发展现状进行了深入的剖析,并构建出中国会展旅游业规范发展的运行机制。

    The thesis furthers the analysis of the current situation about the MICE tourism industry of China , and tries to structure the operational mechanism of the normative development of the MICE tourism industry of China .

  10. 改革开放以来,中国会展旅游业从无到有、从小到大,以年均约20%的速度发展,已经成为旅游经济的新增长点和国民经济发展的新亮点。

    Since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening-up , China 's MICE tourism industry has developed dramatically by average 20 % annually , and has become a new momentum of tourist economy , and thus has been put into the foreground of national economy .

  11. 是会展业和旅游业相结合的产业。

    It is a combination of exhibition industry and tourism industry .

  12. 浅析北京会展及奖励旅游业现状及发展趋势

    Trial Analysis of Status Quo and Trend of Development of MICE

  13. 试论会展业与旅游业的产业对接

    On Connection between Mice Industry and Tourism Industry

  14. 会展经济与旅游业的结合&以重庆为例

    The Integration of the Meeting Industry and the Exhibition Industry & A Case Study of Chongqing

  15. 会展旅游是会展业与旅游业相结合的衍生产品,具有很强的产业关联度。

    MICE Tourism is a product that MICE industry and the tourism industry unifies , and it has very strong industrial connection .

  16. 旅游会展已成为旅游业的主要方向之一,旅游会展教育也快速发展起来。

    In recent years , tourism MICE has already become one of the main direction of tourism industry , and tourism MICE education has developed fast .

  17. 厦门空港的旅客主要源于商务旅客和旅游旅客,预计商务会展业和旅游业的增长率分别为0%~10%和20%。

    The major passengers of Xiamen airport is business people and travelers , predict business exhibition industry and tourism industry growth rate was0 % ~ 10 % and20 % .

  18. KimPriez是新奥尔良会展旅游局分管旅游业的高级副总裁。

    Kim Priez , senior vice president of tourism , New Orleans Convention and Tourism Bureau .

  19. 作为一种新兴的旅游产品,会展旅游是世界旅游业重要的客源市场和争相竞争的目标市场。

    The new-emerging MICE tourism is an important market of customer source and a competitive target market in the world tourist industry .

  20. 基于这一体系提出了武汉会展旅游发展模式,即会展业与旅游业利益共享机制和分工协作体系的建立。

    Based on the framework , the thesis forms the developing mode of Wuhan MICE tourism .

  21. 随着世界经济一体化,国际会展旅游活动日益频繁,会展旅游业则被认为是继金融、贸易后,最具有发展前景的产业之一。

    Following the world economic integration , MICE tourism activities have become increasingly frequent . Following financial and trade , it is regarded as one of the most promising industries .