
  • 网络stock market
  1. 最后,进论述软件产品在存量市场经营的商业模式方法。

    Finally , this thesis analyzed software business model approach on the stock market .

  2. 房地产增量市场与房地产存量市场互动机理分析

    Analysis on interaction mechanisms between the incremental market and the stock market of real estate

  3. 论房地产存量市场与流量市场均衡

    On Equilibrium of Real Estate Stock and Flow Market

  4. 所谓房地产存量市场是指已开发的现存房地产供给与需求;

    The real estate stock market is the demand and supply of existing real estate .

  5. 房地产商品的耐用性特征决定了房地产市场可以划分为存量市场和流量市场。

    The characters of red estate durable commodity determine that the real estate market include stock market and flow market .

  6. 基于同质面板因果检验的住宅增量与存量市场价格关系研究&以武汉市为例

    Analysis on Relationship of Housing Price between Incremental and Stock Market with Homogenous Non-Causality Test in Panel Data & A Case of Wuhan

  7. 如何维持和保留自己的存量市场,并为其提供高品质、个性化的服务,同时开拓新的市场成为了各电信运营商竞争的焦点。

    How to maintain and keep inventory market , provide high quality and personalized service , and explore new market at the same time becomes competitive focus of telecommunication operators .

  8. 住宅增量市场与存量市场是住宅市场的主要组成部分,两者运行状况直接影响整个住宅市场的发展。

    Incremental housing market and stock housing market are the main components of the housing market , the operation of two markets will directly affect the development of the housing market .

  9. 为了有效遏制日趋严重的客户流失,降低居高不下的营销成本,提高电信运营商的经济效益和存量市场的竞争力,保持电信业务持续、健康、有效的发展,建设客户维系与挽留系统非常具有现实意义。

    So Telecom Customers Retention System will decrease increasingly customers churning rate , save marketing cost , bring in profit and competitive ability for telecom companies and help mobile service 's healthy and steady development .

  10. 随着新一轮电信重组的完成,电信企业之间的全业务竞争更加激烈,存量市场的用户争夺成为常态。

    Along with another reorganization of the telecommunication industry being accomplished , the whole business competition among the telecommunication enterprises has become increasingly intense . The contention for customers in the stock market is now the regular situation .

  11. 集团公司决定在重视存量市场环境下,为充分发挥全业务经营优势,建立系统支撑手段,通过产品、资费、服务等手段,增加对客户的粘合度,提升客户满意度和离网门槛。

    So the group decides to set up the system support means in the condition of high attention to marketing in order to make full use of business advantages , and increase the adhesiveness to customer , satisfaction and precondition of off-line .

  12. 电信市场重组后,具有移动通信业务经营权的三大运营商之间竞争进一步加剧。如何将存量市场深耕细作,如何有效地发掘潜在市场是各运营商都着重考虑的问题。

    With the mature of telecom market and the increasing competitiveness among the three major telecom companies empowered with mobile service , how to further cultivate current market and to effectively explore potential market have become the primary concern for the trio after reshuffling .

  13. 从发展前景来看,存量房市场有着巨大的发展潜力。

    As viewed from the prospect , the existing building exchange market has a huge development potential .

  14. 同时投资增长过快、结构性矛盾、价格虚增、市场行为欠规范及存量房市场发展滞后等问题也应引起高度关注。

    But there are some problems , such as excessively rapid investment increase , structural problem , incorrectly high price , irrational market character and lagging stack building market , etc.

  15. 二是大力发展住房二级市场(存量房交易市场),盘活住房存量;

    To develop secondary housing market ( stocking housing exchanging market ) forcefully ;

  16. 应用协整检验和葛兰杰因果关系检验法,研究了上海市2001~2003年住宅一级市场(住宅开发、销售市场)与二级市场(存量房交易市场)之间价格的关系。

    Using cointegration relationship test and Granger causality test , some conclusions about relationship between commercial housing sale price and existing property bargain price in Shanghai are obtained .

  17. 资本、技术存量较高以及市场稳定的大中型制造企业,选择企业人力资本投资,形成长期雇佣和企业内部劳动力市场机制,是保持企业稳定发展、达成企业目标的有效途径。

    The large and medium-scale manufacturing enterprises with capital and technology highly kept in storage and a stable market demand choosing the long-term employment and forming workforce market system inside enterprises , would be an effective way to keep steady growth and realize its goals .

  18. 他说现在货物存量很多;,市场正在走出谷底等等。

    He said , the inventory is high ; the market is bottoming out and so on .

  19. 随后把上海短期住房市场分为增量房和存量房两个市场,运用非均衡市场的供需函数模型对其进行了定量实证分析。

    Then a disequilibrium model is employed to analyze the demand and supply equations of both new-constructed and stock housing markets .

  20. 土地收购储备制度建设构筑了城市存量土地的卖方市场;推进了土地利用方式的转变,调控了土地市场,刺激了经济的发展;

    System construction of land purchase and reserve constituted the seller market of city land existed , advanced the change of land use way , adjusted and controlled land market , stimulated economic development ;