
  • 网络holding cost;storage cost
  1. 最后通过数值仿真,揭示了运输成本、租箱成本和存储成本等参数和空箱运输能力的不确定性对集装箱空箱分派策略的影响机制。

    Finally the simulation results show the internal rule reflecting the influence of transportation cost , rent cost , holding cost and the uncertainty of the residual capacity for empty containers on the policy of empty container allocation .

  2. 布隆伯格能源(BloombergEnergy)预计,到2020年,太阳能电力的电池存储成本每度可下降57%。

    Bloomberg energy predicts that battery storage costs will fall 57 % a kilowatt-hour by 2020 .

  3. Amazon实现ReducedRedundancyStorage(RRS),为用户提供最小化总存储成本的一种方式。

    Amazon implements Reduced Redundancy Storage ( RRS ) to provide users with a means of minimizing overall storage costs .

  4. 这些数据增加了宽带的传输负荷,同时增加了XML数据的存储成本,造成存储空间不必要的浪费。

    These data increase the transmission burthen of broadband , and increase the cost of storaging XML data , resulting in an unnecessary waste of storage space .

  5. XML压缩&当在行中内联来节约存储成本时,在XDA对象中采用XML压缩。

    XML compression & Using XML compression in the XDA object when inlined in the row provides storage savings .

  6. 这样,不仅大大减少了存储成本,而且LotusDomino邮件服务器上的处理器占用减少了。

    In addition to the excellent storage cost reduction that has been achieved , processor utilization on the Lotus Domino mail servers was also reduced .

  7. 通过这些版本,Lotus开发人员仔细地筛选出了最有利于降低TCO的目标:磁盘空间、存储成本、I/O操作和操作维护成本。

    With these versions , Lotus developers carefully picked what are often the highest value targets for reducing TCO : disk space , storage costs , I / O operations , and the cost of operational maintenance .

  8. 平均存储成本为74元人民币/G;

    Average cost for this system was 74 RMB / G ;

  9. 集中式存在资源相对集中,存储成本高的缺点。

    Centralized exist relative concentration of resources , storage cost disadvantage .

  10. 存储成本仍意味着一个下限,而这个下限是零以下。

    The storage costs still imply a lower bound , but one below zero .

  11. 所有服务器共享数据的惟一副本,从而降低数据存储成本。

    A single copy of data is shared among the servers , lowering data storage costs .

  12. 硬件压缩增加了在备份媒介上的可用储存空间,减少了存储成本。

    Hardware compression increases the available storage space on the backup media , which reduces storage costs .

  13. 新体系的采用与减少剩余库存和减少存储成本有关。

    The adoption of a new system has to do with reducing surplus stocks and storage costs .

  14. 所有这些节省了存储成本,在许多情况下改善了性能。

    All of this results in a savings in storage costs and , in many cases , improved performance .

  15. 在模糊函数原理下,给出了模糊总存储成本。

    The fuzzy total inventory costs of the model under the fuzzy arithmetical operations of Function Principle are proposed .

  16. 如果事件的数目很大,则一个委托一个字段的存储成本可能无法接受。

    If the number of events is large , the storage cost of one field per delegate may not be acceptable .

  17. 为了最大限度减少运输和存储成本,必须制定出最优的运输和存储调度方案。

    To minimize farthest the total cost of transportation and inventory , the optimal transportation and inventory scheduling scheme must be arranged .

  18. 净销售额:产品销售价格,扣除运输成本,包装成本,存储成本和保险费,剩余的金额。

    E.Net sales : sales price of the product deduct transportation costs , packaging costs , storage costs and insurance premiums , the amount remaining .

  19. 存储成本下降和新规定的出台,令公司需要存储的客户及交易信息、数据大幅增加,更是加剧了这一问题的严重性。

    Falling storage costs and new regulations have exacerbated the problem by dramatically increasing the amount of data that companies are required to store about their customers and transactions .

  20. 图片转为文本是必要的,一是图片的存储成本高,它比文本大得多,在一些小容量的设备中不能有效存储;二是图片中的内容也不能被搜索到。

    The transformation into text is useful because scanning a book produces images , which are difficult to store on small devices , expensive to download , and cannot be searched .

  21. 此外,视频和音频记录的存储成本非常高,因为此类数据的量很大并且不能有效地压缩其体积。

    In addition , video and audio feeds are extremely costly to store due to the large volumes of this type of data collected , coupled with its poor compression characteristics .

  22. 该模型考虑了存储成本,自有箱的闲置费用,租箱能力约束。

    Box Collection 's Fun The models take into account the storage cost , the left unused cost of shipper own containers and the quantity restrictions to the containers for renting .

  23. 这些问题问得很好,您会发现,在极大地降低存储成本时,您并不需要付出巨大的代价。

    These are all great questions , and you 'll be happy to learn that while these features significantly reduce your storage , they do not come at a high price .

  24. 传统的企业库存管理侧重于优化单位个体的库存成本,从存储成本和订货成本出发确定经济订货量和订货点。

    The traditional inventory management always focus on optimizing the inventory cost of the company itself . It makes its decision of order quantity according to its inventory cost and delivery cost .

  25. 采用压缩启动技术,能降低嵌入式系统的存储成本,保证在未来相当长的时间内,功能增强的软件版本可在现有的硬件基础上运行

    In a word , the startup compression technology can save the memory cost of embedded system , and assure that the function-enhanced compressed image can run in the existing hardware in the future time

  26. 然而传统关联计算成像算法要求目标的海量探测,造成系统成像速度缓慢,数据的传输和存储成本巨大,限制了关联成像的研究发展。

    However , its traditional correlation algorithm demands many times of detection of an object , which results in the slow imaging speed of the imaging system , and the tremendous expense on data transmission and storage .

  27. 前者满足信息在备份、归档、安全以及访问控制等应用上的需求,后者侧重于降低单位信息的存储成本同时确保存储系统的I/O性能。

    The former is to satisfy application requirements of information , such as backup , archival , security and access control , and the latter is to reduce storage cost , while guarantee the overall I / O performance .

  28. 传统的库存管理只是针对单个企业而言,侧重于优化单一的库存成本,从存储成本和订货成本出发确定经济订货量和订货点,这些理论与方法难以适应供应链管理环境的要求。

    Traditional inventory management only face to individual enterprises , focus on the optimization of a single inventory costs , economic order quantities and order starting point are established on storage and order costs , the theory and methods can 't adapt to the supply chain management environment .

  29. 随着RAM和磁盘存储设备成本的降低,在软件开发商中间存在这样一个倾向,不再顾及应用程序的大小。

    As the cost of RAM and disk storage has decreased , there has been a growing trend among software developers to disregard the size of applications .

  30. 但在过去十年中,随着数据存储的成本大幅下降,EMC步履维艰,它采取的一些收购行动也未能扭转其命运。

    The company has struggled over the last decade as the cost of data storage has plummeted , and as additional acquisitions failed to reverse its fortunes .