
  • 网络Logistics cost;Cost
  1. 第六部分,物流成本控制的绩效评价

    Chapter six discusses the appraisement of controlling logistics cost .

  2. ERP环境下企业物流成本管理研究

    Study on Business Logistics Cost Management in the Environment of ERP

  3. 制造企业物流成本ABC计量研究

    The Manufacture Enterprise Logistics Cost Measure Based on Activity-Based Costing

  4. 因此,在ERP环境下分析企业物流成本的成本构成,并构建新的核算体系,实现企业物流成本的完整、高效核算具有现实意义。

    Therefore , it is meaningful to analysis the cost of logistics and structure an accounting method to account the logistics cost completely and efficiently under the ERP environment .

  5. 在我国加入WTO后,市场竞争更加激烈,降低物流成本、提高物流水平,从而提高企业的市场竞争能力就成为企业发展新的主题。

    After China joined WTO , the competition of market incandesces , the new subject of the domestic enterprise development is to reduce the logistics cost , improve the logistics level and competition ability in new market .

  6. 因为基础设施比较薄弱,如果你在这么偏远的内陆城市开店,物流成本要高得多,中国人民大学(Renminuniversity)教授黄国雄指出。

    The logistics costs are much higher when you have stores in cities so far inland because the infrastructure is weaker , says Huang Guoxiong , a professor at Renmin University in Beijing .

  7. 然后,运用模型核算物流成本,解决北京中信汽车物流公司仓储中心(VSC)选址问题。

    Afterwards , the paper uses one of the models to solve the VSC site decision problem for Beijing CITIC Auto Logistics Company .

  8. 通过对美国、日本、中国等国家与地区宏观物流成本及其构成与GDP的关系分析,解析出一国物流总成本及其构成与该国GDP关系的一般性规律。

    Through the analysis on logistics cost and GDP of the United States , Japan , China and others countries , the relationship between logistics total cost and its components with the country 's GDP was analysed .

  9. 论文主要采用格兰杰因果检验法和回归方法,来分析三次产业结构、基础设施与物流成本占GDP比重间的关系。本文主要应用的是中美两国产业结构、基础设施、物流成本数据。

    In this study , we adopt the test of Granger causality and Multiple regression to figure out the exact relationship of industry structure 、 infrastructure and logistics costo This article mainly apply to the data of US and China .

  10. 第三,将作业成本法(Activity-basedCosting,简称ABC)引入物流成本计量,建立了制造企业物流成本ABC计量模型,并详细分析了制造企业运用作业成本法计量物流总成本的可行性。

    To fulfill this aim , this article imports the activity based costing into the measurement of logistics cost and analyzed in detail the feasibility of measure the logistics total cost by the activity based costing in manufacture .

  11. 论文结论如下:(1)在5%的显著水平上,工业产出占GDP的比例构成了物流成本占GDP比例变化的原因,也就是产业结构会对物流发展产生影响。

    The conclusions of this study are as follows : ( 1 ) At 5 % significance level , the ratio of industry output to GDP is Granger Casuality of the ratio of logistics cost to GDP , it means that industry structure will influence logistics development .

  12. 山东省社会物流成本占GDP的比重比江苏省高了整整两个百分点,说明我省物流产业总体发展水平较低,与兄弟省份相比还存在一定的差距。

    The fact that two percentages higher than Jiangsu Province in the number logistics costs accounted for the proportion of GDP , means that the overall development of logistics industry of our province is relatively low , and there is still a gap between Shandong and other provinces .

  13. 论文从供应链物流成本管理体系的构建、先进物流成本管理理念的引入、先进物流成本管理方法的运用三个方面对HL公司物流成本管理的优化提出了具体的实施建议。

    At last , this paper gives specific suggestions of the optimization of logistics cost control for HL company in the formation of supply chain logistics cost control system , the introduction of advanced logistics cost control concept and advanced logistics cost control method .

  14. 物资供应中的物流成本管理

    Management of the material Flow Cost in University 's Material Supply

  15. 包装对物流成本和客户服务的影响研究

    Influence of the Package in the Logistics Cost and Customer Service

  16. 第5章主要论述企业物流成本的控制及核算方法,从局部控制和综合控制两个角度结合物流过程来分析物流成本的控制策略。

    Chapter 5 discusses the cost of logistics and its check .

  17. 先进管理信息系统下的企业物流成本管理

    Logistical Cost Management of Enterprise Under the Application of Advanced MIT

  18. 降低物流成本是现代物流的重要研究课题之一。

    Reducing the logistics cost is an important research in modern logistics .

  19. 制造企业显性与隐性物流成本计算研究

    Calculation of Explicit and Implicit Logistics Cost in Manufacture Corporation

  20. 第五部分,物流成本控制方法。

    Chapter five discusses the ways of controlling logistics cost .

  21. 物流成本探析&运输成本与库存成本的关系研究

    Research on Logistics Cost & Relationship between Transportation Cost and Inventory Cost

  22. 物流成本管理的系统控制方式探讨

    Research on cost management of logistics in the pattern of systematical control

  23. 如何计算物流成本是当前物流企业关注而又重要的问题。

    It is important and significant to figure out the logistic cost .

  24. 物流成本及物流成本管理(一)

    Logistics Cost and Logistics Cost Management ( 1 )

  25. 企业物流成本现状研究;

    Enterprise 's logistics cost current situation is studied ;

  26. 传统的成本核算体系不能满足物流成本管理的需要。

    The traditional cost accounting system can 't meet the logistics cost management .

  27. 基于业务流程的制造企业物流成本控制模型研究

    Research on Manufacturing Enterprise 's Logistics Cost Control Model Based on Business Process

  28. 火力发电企业物流成本控制研究

    Study on Logistics Cost Control of Thermal Power Plant

  29. 物流成本的管理与控制是一项复杂的系统工程。

    The physical distribution cost management and the control are a complex systems .

  30. 生产企业的物流成本分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Logistics Costs in Manufacturing Enterprises