
  • 网络storage cost;warehousing cost
  1. 仓储成本去年提高了23%。而在中国中央电视台(CCTV)做广告的成本自2007年以来已提高了近50%。

    Warehousing cost was up 23 per cent last year , while the cost for advertising on CCTV , the national broadcaster , has risen almost 50 per cent since 2007 .

  2. 由于期货溢价曲线相当陡峭(换言之,未来的价格会上涨),加之借款和仓储成本低廉,这会带来丰厚的收益。

    Because the futures curve is in steep contango ( in other words , prices rise into the future ) and borrowing and warehousing costs are low , this generates a solid return .

  3. 本文提出的瓦楞纸箱CAD,能使瓦楞纸箱包装设计用料成本、运输成本、仓储成本的包装总成本最小,因而最优。

    The fibre box package CAD can make the fibre box design with less cost of material , distribution and storage in this thesis . The optimal design is also obtained .

  4. 明星设计师李鼐含将展示闪工厂(Pop-UpFactory),它是A4工作室的一项临时实验,为当地社区生产简单的产品,几乎或完全没有物流或仓储成本。

    The star designer Li Naihan will present Pop-Up Factory , a temporary experiment by A4 Studios to manufacture simple products for the local community with little to no distribution or storage costs .

  5. 在确定影响仓储成本诸因素后,简单分析了传统成本预估方法的不足,介绍了BP神经网络以其能够处理多因素、不确定性、非线性问题的特点在仓储成本预估中的应用。

    Simply analyze the deficiency of traditional method in costs forecast , then illuminate the BP ( Back Propagation ) neural network with its characters in deal well with multi-factor , uncertainty , nonlinear problem can appropriately used in storage costs forecast .

  6. 负责预算和控制送货与仓储成本。

    Responsible for the budget , delivery control and storage cost .

  7. 努力降低仓储成本,提高仓储运作效率是仓储管理的主要目标之一。

    One of the main objectives of warehouse management is that reduce storage costs effectively and improve operational efficiency .

  8. 其一,它能在订单到达时,根据订单要求生产产品,从而大幅削减了仓储成本;

    One is the ability to build products to match orders as they come in , slashing its inventory costs .

  9. 通过科学有效的库存控制方法来降低仓储成本,以确保新的仓储管理方案能够解决问题。

    Through scientific and effective methods to reduce inventory control inventory cost , to ensure that the new scheme can solve problems .

  10. 化肥运输成本、仓储成本等化肥供应过程中的相关成本过大,是导致化肥价格居高不下的原因之一。

    Fertilizer transportation costs , storage costs in the process of fertilizer supply costs associated with too much fertilizer is one of the reasons for high prices .

  11. 该项目可降低堆场仓储成本6%,提高码头生产效率15%。

    With the 3C technology , the cost of storage on the stacking yards may be cut down by 6 % and the production efficiency of the terminals may be increased by 15 % .

  12. 其次本文分析了影响农村家电销售交货期优化的四个因素,包括销售量、仓储成本、配送成本以及销售收入。

    Base on the above research , the paper analyzes the four factors , including sales volume , warehouse cost , distribution cost and sales revenue , which are relate to the optimization of due date .

  13. 针对物流成本控制子系统特性,结合子系统流程分析,构建了以订单为系统驱动订单处理成本控制、采购成本控制、仓储成本控制、配送成本控制四大子系统模型。

    Aiming at characteristic of the control sub-system of logistics cost , the paper combining the process analysis of sub - system , construction four sub-system models based on spire structure of order processing , procurement , warehousing , and transportation .

  14. 物流成本过高,而港口物流处于同样状态,港口的运输成本、仓储成本、管理成本均达不到国际港口的先进水平,但这也为港口物流发展提供了巨大空间。

    Logistics costs are too high , and in the same state of port logistics , port transportation costs , warehousing costs , management co-sts can not reach the international advanced level of the port , but also pr-ovide a huge port logistics development space .

  15. 如何设置和维持一个合理的库存水平,以平衡存货不足带来的短缺风险和损失,以及库存过多所增加仓储成本和资金成本成为一个企业必须回答的问题。

    A scenario has to be addressed by each enterprise is that how to design and maintain a reasonable inventory level in order to balance the risk and loss due to out of stock and higher storage and capital cost because of high inventory level .

  16. 本文所建立的仓储成本计算模型与基于成本的仓储类型决策方法能为企业仓储类型决策提供参考依据,具有一定的实用价值。

    This paper builds a storage cost calculation model and puts forward a storage type decision-making technique based on cost . Both can be a reference for the company 's storage decision-making on storage type , which on this point , proves to be practically valuable .

  17. 结构优化以包括包装成本、物流成本、仓储成本在内的整体费用为目标函数,通过优化瓦楞纸箱结构及装载模式,最大限度地降低商品的生产、物流、仓储成本;

    The structural optimization regards whole expenses as goal function including packing cost , logistics cost , and storage cost . Through optimizing the structure of corrugated paper case and loading mode , the structural optimization can reduce the cost of production , logistics and storage to the maximum extent ;

  18. 在此基础上,构建业务流程二维表数据模型,应用ABC法对仓储作业成本进行定性分析,并构建定量模型求解资源作业效率、资源成本及标准化的作业任务量等关键参数。

    Then a comprehensive application of ABC method has been made up for an in-depth analysis of warehousing activity cost . The research conducts further models to solve resource-efficiency , resource-costing as well as standardization model of the amount of task .

  19. 而在玩具供应链环境下的各个环节企业中,相当一部分成本的浪费是来自于玩具供应链的信息流通不畅而造成的仓储物流成本过高。

    Enterprises in all aspects of the toy supply chain environment have a considerable portion of the cost of waste from warehousing and logistics costs caused by poor flow of information within the toy supply chain .

  20. 上层规划从决策者的角度出发,通过考虑物流节点布局与运输作业、仓储作业成本间的关系,使广义物流总费用最小;

    The upper level problem is to minimize the generalized logistics ' total cost from the terms of decision makers by taking account of the relationships of the logistics points layout , the transport cost and the storage cost .

  21. 由于阿里巴巴旗下拥有客对客的淘宝网和商对客的天猫商城等平台【注7】来让买卖双方联系起来,该公司无需承担物流或是仓储方面的成本。

    Because its Taobao ( consumer-to-consumer ) and Tmall ( business-to-consumer ) platforms connect buyers and sellers , the firm does not carry the cost of logistics or inventory . It makes none of the products it sells .

  22. 物料费用通常占制造成本50%以上的比例,因此,物料与仓储管理以及成本控制已经成为影响产品市场竞争力的关键因素,与企业的效益密不可分。

    Material costs usually account for more than 50 percent of manufacturing costs ratio . Therefore , material and warehouse management and cost control have an impact on the competitiveness of key market factors , and the efficiency of enterprise .

  23. 木片是人造板、造纸业的主要生产原料之一,木片在运输过程中,存在着体积大,重量轻的问题,导致运输费用和仓储费用等成本加大,使木片原本不大的利润空间下降得更低。

    Wood chips is one of raw materials of panel and papermaking industry . During the transportation of wood chips , there are issues of volume increasing and losing weight . So the expense of transportation and storage become larger and the profit of chips turn lower .

  24. 在中化南通公司这样的典型仓储企业实施作业成本法,需要根据仓储企业特点预先设定有针对性的实施方案。

    As a typical warehousing business , Sinochem Nantong should design a targeted program before implementation , in accordance with the characteristics of business .

  25. 原有的MIS系统已经难以满足立体仓库新的需求,为了合理配置仓储资源、降低仓储成本、控制仓库业务流程,需要对立体仓库空间对象及其相互之间复杂的时空关系进行研究。

    The existed MIS systems have difficult to meet new needs of stereoscopic warehouse . In order to allocating storage resources rationally , reducing storage costs and controlling the warehouse business process , it is necessary to analyze and model the objects of stereoscopic warehouse and their relations .

  26. 第三方仓储具有更加专业化的服务,仓储成本更加低廉,可以有效满足大型电子商务公司仓库货物进出频繁、物品种类繁多等要求。

    More specialized services , less warehousing costs provided by third-party warehousing company can be meet the needs for large-scale e-commerce company with the characteristic of frequent in or out of storage and diversity of items .

  27. 对于物流企业来说,运输与仓储是最重要的利润来源,降低仓储成本、增加仓储利润也就极为重要。

    For most logistics enterprise , transport and inventory are the most important resource of profit To find the way reduce cost of inventory and increase profit of it is very important .

  28. 运用一些财务成本分析指标来评介仓储选择方案中的合理性及优劣。建立了仓储选择的财务成本分析模型。

    The paper apply some financial cost analysis indexes in evaluating the rationality of warehousing plans and which is better , further more , establishes financial cost analysis model for the choice of warehousing mode .

  29. 论述传统和现代两种仓储思想的对立与统一;讨论市场经济条件下零库存思想在降低仓储成本中的指导地位;

    This paper expounds the contrariety and unity between the traditional and the modern warehouse thought , discusses the guide position for the thought of the zero stock to lower the warehouse cost under the market economy , and analyzes the application problem and its resolvent .