
  • 网络warehousing;warehousing industrie;Storage
  1. 七是服务业,包括代理业、旅店业、饮食业、旅游业、仓储业、广告业及其他服务业;

    Service industry , including agencies , hotels , catering , tourism , warehousing , leasing , advertising and other services ;

  2. 如何紧贴市场和产业需求,培养出适合仓储业需求的高素质技能人才,成为高职院校物流管理等相关专业关注的焦点。

    How to keep abreast of the market and industry demand , cultivate the high-tech warehousing talents , has become the focus of logistics management and relevant professional in high vocational college .

  3. 本文通过对3PL概念、3PL与仓储业的关系进行分析,指出3PL对改善仓储业物流的作用及仓储业向3PL转变是现代物流发展的客观要求与必然趋势。

    This article explains the 3PL concept , analyzes the relationship between 3PL and storage enterprises and points out that 3PL has use to improve the logistics of storage enterprises in west and storage enterprises will inevitably change into 3PL .

  4. 指出:在西部大开发中,仓储业转变为3PL是保持市场竞争力的有效方法,具有广阔的市场前景,发展3PL势在必行。

    This article concludes that in the development of the western China the change from storage enterprise the 3PL is effective means to keep the competition of market and will have a promising future and therefore it is imperative to develop 3PL .

  5. 仓储业作业危害因素分析

    The Analysis on the Dangerous and Harmful Factors of Warehouse Industry

  6. 中国仓储业发展状况实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Development of China 's Storage Industry

  7. 物流时代仓储业的空间布局研究

    Research on the Distribution of Warehousing Industry in Logistics Times

  8. 因而收益管理在第三方仓储业也具有广阔的应用前景。

    Therefore RM also has considerable applicative promising in the warehousing industry .

  9. 浅谈我国现代仓储业存在问题及发展对策

    Analysis on the Problems and Development of Modern Warehouse Industry in China

  10. 仓储业是物流系统中一个重要的组成环节。

    The storage is one of the important link in the logistics system .

  11. 特别是应该大力发展现代物流业、仓储业,配置国际物流中心的职能。

    In particular should vigorously develop modern logistics , warehousing , distribution international logistics center functions .

  12. 该系统的设计与开发已经在现代仓储业中起到了举足轻重的作用。

    The design and development of this system has played a decisive role in modern warehousing industry .

  13. 随着物流仓储业的迅速发展,仓储业面临新一轮的重新洗牌。

    With the rapid development of the logistics storage industry , the storage industry faces the shuffling anotherly of new round .

  14. 信息技术业和交通运输仓储业上市公司的的资产负债率水平基本处于最佳资本结构水平。

    The debt ratio levels of information technology industry and traffic transport and storage industry listed company stand around the best capital structure level basically ?

  15. 本文研究了射频识别技术近年来的发展趋势,探讨了其在仓储业的发展前景和应用模式。

    This thesis studies the development trend of Radio Frequency Identification technology in recent years and explores its prospect and application mode in warehouse industry .

  16. 在结合我军军事仓储业发展现状的基础上,本文拟就21世纪军事仓储业的发展前景进行初步描述。

    Combined with the reality of our military storehouse , my article just want to make a elementary description about the further outlook of the 21st century ' military storehouse .

  17. 同时,在经营效益、信息化建设等企业内部管理以及政府宏观调控方面都存在明显的问题,它们制约着我国现代仓储业的进一步发展。

    On the other hand , apparent problems have come into being in such aspects as economic benefit , information management , enterprise 's internal management and government 's macro-regulation and control .

  18. 物流时代的到来,不仅引发了流通业的巨变,而且也给传统仓储业的改革创新带来难得的发展机遇。

    The coming of logistics times does not only cause the great changes of circulation industry but also brings uncommon opportunity for development of the reform and innovation of traditional warehousing industry .

  19. 本文对现代物流的特点,我国仓储业存在的不足进行了分析,提出了一些关于传统仓储业向现代物流转化的建议。

    This article is based on the analysis of modern logistics feature and the lacks of our traditional storehouse industry , then point out some suggestions about traditional storehouse industry transform to modern logistics .

  20. 在物流仓储业兴起的同时,其所面临的各种风险也被企业和保险公司所认识,其中,仓储企业的火灾风险备受企业和保险公司的关注。

    While the rising of the logistics warehousing , various kinds of risk are recognized by enterprises and insurers , even fire risk of storage is paid an increasing attention by enterprises and insurers .

  21. 随着深圳市将物流产业作为21世纪该市发展的三大支柱产业之一,在深圳经济发展当中,仓储业自然而然被提升到一个十分重要的位置上来了。

    As Shenzhen regards logistics industry as three major pillar industries in 21st century , in the economic development of Shenzhen , the storage industry has been brought to a very important position naturally .

  22. 城市滨水区曾是城市的中心区,交通、工业和仓储业等聚集之地,在城市发展过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Urban Waterfront was once not only the heart of city , but the habitation of transportation facilities , industry and ports . It played an very important role during the evolution of city .

  23. 现代物流业是融合运输业、仓储业、货代业和信息业等的复合型服务产业,作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,已成为世界经济发展的热点之一。

    Modern logistics industry is an integration industry , which include transportation 、 warehousing and IT industry , as an advanced form of organization and management skill , it has become the hotspot of the world economic .

  24. 提出了一种新的结构模型,适用于制造/仓储业的计划、调度和控制系统,能有效地防止干扰,并且可以全局最优化考虑和控制。

    Each has its own merits and demerits . A new architecture is presented to be used in manufacture / storage plan , scheduling and controlling system which can effectively prevent interference in an overall optimization way .

  25. 随着最近两年物流业和零售业的迅速发展,仓储业的发展越来越快,仓储的机械化、自动化、现代化已经成为迫切的需要。

    With the fast development of logistics and retailing , the warehouse industry grows quickly in recent years . It is the high time that we should make the mechanization , automatization and modernization of storage become truth .

  26. 高额现金持有公司分布最多集中在市场竞争激烈程度高的制造业等,而市场竞争程度较低的采掘业,水电煤气生产供应业,交通运输及仓储业,选择高额现金持有的公司比例很低。

    High cash holdings firms generally concentrate in high fierce-competitiveness manufacturing industry , but low fierce-competitiveness drilling industry , hydropower and gas industry , transportation and warehousing industry , the proportion of choosing high cash holdings is low .

  27. 近几年来,由于政府大力加强运输硬件的基本建设,运输行业得到了极大的发展,而仓储业的发展相对落后,成为企业供应链中的瓶颈因素。

    In recent years , with the enhanced transport infrastructure by government , transport sector has been tremendous development in the storage industry , but the storage is relatively backward which is becoming one of the bottlenecks in the supply chain .

  28. 由于工业、建筑业与交通运输及仓储业是内陆能源大省山西最重要的温室气体排放部门,了望其能源消费与温室气体排放形态与特性,有助于提高政策有效性。

    As the industrial , construction and transportation and warehousing sectors are the most important greenhouse gas emitting sectors in Shanxi of energy inland province , to outlook its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions patterns and characteristics , will help to improve policy effectiveness .

  29. 伴随着仓储业的迅猛发展和市场竞争的不断加剧,收益问题已成为第三方仓储企业关注的一大热点,而其中核心问题之一就是有关不确定环境下第三方仓储能力分配问题。

    With the fast development of warehousing industry and the increasing intensity of competitive market , the revenue problem has become a hotspot that arouses great concern from the third party warehousing ( 3PW ) companies . One of the key problems is the warehousing capacity allocation under uncertainty .

  30. 发展与化学工业区配套的现代仓储物流业、设备安装、机维修加工。

    Modern logistics , warehousing , equipment assembly and its maintenance are affiliated industries and will be developed .