
  1. 中央财政宏观调控能力不断增强;

    Continuous strengthening the macro-regulating capacity of central fiscal policies ;

  2. 经济波动理论与财政宏观调控政策

    Economic Fluctuation Theory and Fiscal Macro - Regulation Policy

  3. 经济常态、经济波动与财政宏观调控

    Economic normality , economic fluctuation and fiscal macro-regulation

  4. 在这期间,政府进行了四次财政宏观调控。

    During this period , the government has undertaken four times of fiscal macro-control .

  5. 多重困境与多重目标下的财政宏观调控

    Analyzing the Fiscal Macro-control Policies in the Face of Multi-ply Dilemmas and Multi-ply Targets

  6. 财政宏观调控积极有效

    Public finance 's active effect in macro-control

  7. 第二节主要介绍了发展中国家韩国财政宏观调控的实践。

    Section Two gives some facts on the practice of fiscal macro-control in developing country of Korea .

  8. 第一节主要介绍了发达国家美国和日本财政宏观调控的实践。

    Section One gives some facts on the practice of fiscal macro-control in developed countries of US and Japan .

  9. 本文的主要观点:一是强化财政宏观调控职能,合理控制非税收入规模;

    Main views of this paper : Firstly , enhance the macro - regulation control function of finance , and rationally control the scale of the nontax revenue ;

  10. 第二章主要介绍了几个典型国家美、日、韩三国财政宏观调控的实践,从中得出一些对我国实施积极财政政策有益的启示。

    Chapter Two mainly introduces the practice of fiscal macro-control in three typical countries of US , Japan and Korea with hope to get some insightful enlightenment for our implementation of proactive fiscal policies .

  11. 主要表现为需求不足、经济增长乏力、重复建设严重、经济结构失衡、预算内资金短缺、财政宏观调控功能弱化。

    Mainly for lack of demand , economic growth is weak , repeat the construction of serious structural imbalances in the economy , the shortage of budget funds , the financial macro-control function of weakening .

  12. 最后从提高财政宏观调控水平、健全财政收入、稳定增长机制、调整优化财政支出结构、提高财政管理水平等方面,探讨了今后如何开创财政工作新局面。

    At last , the paper discusses about the respects of improving macro - control , strengthening financial revenue , stabling growth mechanism , adjusting financial expenditure and advancing financial management , then it looks into the future of our financial work .

  13. 自动稳定器与相机抉择:财政政策宏观调控机制的权衡与完善

    Automatic Stabilizer vs. Discretion : Weighing and Perfecting on Macro-control Mechanism of Fiscal Policy

  14. 虽然中国制定反垄断法存在压力,但是制定反垄断法有利于提高中国企业的竞争力,遏制跨国公司的垄断势力和改善国家的财政和宏观调控。

    Although faced with many difficulties , the adoption of the Antimonopoly Law will increase the competitiveness of the Chinese enterprises , curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations and improve the financial and macro control by the state .

  15. 我国卫生福利政策与财政投入的宏观调控

    The macro control about financial appropriation and welfare policy for health

  16. 财政法是宏观调控法的重要组成部分,它在宏观调控法中具有重要地位和作用。

    Financial Law is the significant part of the macro-adjustment legislation and plays important role in it .

  17. 财政政策作为宏观调控的一种手段,主要是通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求。

    As a means of macroeconomic control , Fiscal policy mainly regulates aggregate demand through fiscal spending and tax policy .

  18. 财政赤字是宏观调控的手段,对其评价,关键是看宏观经济状况和社会总需求小于总供给,财政赤字就是好的;

    The financial deficit is a means of macro adjustment and control , the key to appraise it is to see the macro-economic situation .

  19. 财政支出作为宏观调控的重要组成部分,对一国经济增长尤其是地方经济增长有着重大的影响。

    As an important component of the macroeconomic regulation and control , financial expenditure has a significant impact on national , and especially local economic growth .

  20. 随着税收在国家财政和社会宏观调控中发挥越来越重要的作用,为了更好地履行管理职能,税务行政部门试图通过最高权力机关的立法,获得更多更大的权力。

    As tax is playing amore and more important roles in national finance , tax administration is attempting to get more rights by laws made by the supreme right department .

  21. 因此,要增强稳健财政政策的宏观调控功能,必须遵循公共支出的基本原则,合理安排国债资金的投向,努力提高财政支出效率。

    Therefore , to strengthen macroscopic regulation , we must follow the basic principle of public expenditure , arrange the national debt fund reasonably and enhance the efficiency of fiscal expenditure .

  22. 为了改变经济发展的困难状况,采取稳健的货币政策和积极的财政政策进行宏观调控,是实现国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的重要保障。

    In order to change the difficult situation of economic development , adopt a prudent monetary policy and active fiscal policy for macro-control is to achieve sustained , rapid and healthy development of an important guarantee .

  23. 指出了我国纳税人税收筹划现状存在的问题,并从理论和实践两方面分析了我国纳税人税收筹划现状对我国财政收入、宏观调控、资源配置以及税收法治环境等方面产生的影响。

    The article analysed some problems of current Chinese tax planning , including theoretical and practical analysis of the effects of tax planning on finance income , macro-control , allocation of resources and tax legal system in China .

  24. 税收仍然是国家组织财政收入和宏观调控的重要手段,是政府取得资金满足社会公共需要的最佳形式和主要形式,在政府收入体系居于主导地位。

    Tax is still the national fiscal income and an important means of macroeconomic control is to obtain government funding to meet the public needs the best form and the main form of government revenue in the system occupy the leading position .

  25. 发挥计划、财政、金融在宏观调控中的协调作用

    Balance of the Development of Project and Finance with Macroregulation

  26. 财政货币政策在宏观调控中的协调配合

    Fiscal and Monetary Policies Coordination in Macroeconomic Control

  27. 积极发挥财政职能促进粮食宏观调控

    Fiscal Instrument for Grain Regulation

  28. 财政支出作为财政宏观调控政策的主要组成部分,对经济增长的作用也越来越重要。

    Fiscal expenditure is more and more important to the economic growth as main of the macro-economic policy .

  29. 国债是国家筹集资金缓解财政压力,实施宏观调控的重要手段。

    Publishing national debt is an important means to raise funds , alleviate financial tension and implement macroscopic modulation .

  30. 财政政策作为国家宏观调控的杠杆,历来都是各国政府作用于经济的重要手段。

    Fiscal policy as a leverage of national macro-control has always been the role of Governments in the economy means .