
cái zhènɡ fǎ xué
  • Fiscal Law;science of financial law;financial jurisprudence
  1. 汤教授首先指出自己在学术研究上的一点体会,即财政税收和法学联系非常紧密。

    Professor Tang first pointed out that he in a scholarly research 's experience , namely the fiscal levy is close with the legal science relation .

  2. 财政收入行为是财政法学研究的一个全新领域,也是财政法理论体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Fiscal revenue behavior is a brand-new domain in the research of fiscal law as well as an important component in fiscal law theoretical system .

  3. 财政法制的完备需要财政法学理论研究的深化,而理论研究的深化必须从已经取得的成果开始。

    It needs the theory study of public finance law deepens to perfect the public finance law system , but the theory study deepening must begin from the obtained result .