
  • 网络media economics
  1. 现实困顿之下的理性起步&2006年我国传媒经济学研究概述

    Theoretical Efforts on the Transitional Industry : A Review on Media Economics Research in China in 2006

  2. 站在世界传媒经济学大殿前&写在第7届世界传媒经济学术会议申办成功之际

    On world media economics

  3. 传媒经济学的交叉跨度与学科范式研究

    Media economic overlapping span and discipline model research

  4. 基于传媒经济学的媒体在危机传播中的功能及对策研究

    Functional Study of Media in Crisis Communication Based on Media Economics and the Coping Strategy

  5. 技术消费是技术哲学、传媒经济学和消费经济学边缘产生的概念。

    Technical consume is a concept extended from the edge of technology philosophy , media economics and consumption economy .

  6. 格雷厄姆·默多克是西方传媒政治经济学的主要开创者、当今英国新左派的代表人物。

    Graham Murdock is representative of the British new left school and chief initiator of media political economics .

  7. 而且,传媒理论界对传媒资本运营的经济学认识也落后于传媒本身的资本运营实践,这就造成了理论与实践的脱节。

    And the media theory circles ' understanding to economics of the media capital operation lags behind the capital operation practice of media itself , so it has caused the theory to be divorced from practice .