
  • 网络Traditional logic
  1. 传统逻辑认为A、E、I命题都可以换位,而O命题不能换位。

    Traditional logic thinks proposition A , E , I can be reversed while proposition O can not .

  2. 直言命题变形推理形式“SAP→SOP”的成立,超出了传统逻辑理论中“前提中不周延的项在结论中不得周延”这一普遍规律的限制。

    The deformed reasoning form " SAP → OP " in categorical proposition goes beyond the rule in traditional logic that non-distributive item in premise cannot distribute in conclusion .

  3. 传统逻辑教材现代化的进程中存在以下四个技术问题:把如果非p那么非q提升为必要条件假言命题的标准表达式;

    There exist four technique problems in modernizing the logic textbooks : promote " if not p , then not q " as the type of standard expression , which is hypothetical proposition of necessary condition ;

  4. 直言判断的周延问题是普通逻辑推理特别是三段论的一个基本问题,这个问题直接关系到A、E、I、O四分法、传统逻辑三段论乃至整个传统逻辑演绎体系的生存。

    Distribution of categorical judgment is a basic problem in universal logic deduction , especially in syllogism . It directly concerns 4 divisions of " A ? E ? I ? O "? traditional logical syllogism and even the existence of the whole traditional system of logical deduction .

  5. 如VanMeterAmes认为铃木与Dewey都是传统逻辑的批判者,都企图对二分法进行消解;又铃木与Heidegger都从存在和经验上去把握作为主体的人。

    For example : Van Meter Ames declares both Suzuki and Dewey are the critics of traditional logic , they all try to de-construct the method of dichotomy ; moreover , both Suzuki and Heidegger grasp " person " as a subject through Being and experience .

  6. 传统逻辑不仅面临来自现代逻辑的挑战,同时也面临来自其自身的挑战。

    Traditional logic is facing challenges of both modern logic and itself .

  7. 传统逻辑是具有巨大应用价值的学科。

    Traditional logic is a subject which has applied value .

  8. 传统逻辑教科书必须拒斥集合概念

    The Set Concept Must be Rejected by the Textbooks of Traditional Logic

  9. 将滑模变结构控制和传统逻辑门限控制进行比较。

    Moreover , Compare the SMC control effect with traditional logical control effect .

  10. 解决四个技术问题,实现传统逻辑教材的现代化

    Solving Four Technique Problems , Modernizing Traditional Logic Textbooks

  11. 传统逻辑中论证的预设理论是可资借鉴的理论之一。

    Theory of presupposition on argument in traditional logic is one of such theories .

  12. 丰富传统逻辑;

    The enrichment of the traditional logic .

  13. 结果所采用的模糊推理方法解决了原系统中采用传统逻辑推理方法带来的子证据对于结论地位完全平等的问题。

    Results The full equality problem of evidence to conclusion in traditional logic is resolved .

  14. 也谈传统逻辑的改革途径

    On the Reforming ways of Traditional Logic

  15. 对传统逻辑中几个问题的探析

    Observations About the Problems in Traditional Logic

  16. 对传统逻辑的若干批评。

    The criticism of the traditional logic .

  17. 我们清楚,我们的建议意味着对欧盟传统逻辑的颠覆。

    We are aware that our proposal amounts to turning the traditional EU logic upside down .

  18. 传统逻辑只是性质逻辑或类逻辑,而不是关系逻辑。

    It is only property logic or analogy logic , and it isn 't relation logic .

  19. 西方传统逻辑讲谬误,主要指形式谬误;中国古代逻辑讲谬误,主要指实质谬误。

    Fallacies refer to formal fallacies in the western logic theories while in ancient China factual ones .

  20. 金岳霖的逻辑思想主要体现在他的传统逻辑和现代逻辑的思想之中。

    Jin Yue Lin 's logical thoughts is mainly reflected in his traditional and modern logical thoughts .

  21. 弗雷格打破了传统逻辑的体系结构,建立了现代逻辑研究体系,开创了对现代逻辑的研究。

    He has broken the traditional logic system structure , and established the modern logic research system .

  22. 传统逻辑和模态逻辑在分析自然语言假言命题方面都存在缺陷。

    Traditional logic and modern logic have some defects in analyzing the hypothetical proposition of natural language .

  23. 其对传统逻辑中一些争议的问题,都提出了自己独到的见解。

    To some controversial problems about the traditional logic , the author puts forward his original viewpoint .

  24. 如何对待传统逻辑与现代逻辑&兼谈逻辑学教学体系的构建

    Traditional Logic and Modern Logic : A Concurrent Analysis of the Construction of Teaching System of Logic Course

  25. 命运多舛生机依然&传统逻辑1在中国

    Traditional Logic in China

  26. 高压集成电路是高压电子器件与起控制作用的传统逻辑电路或模拟电路的单片集成。

    High-Voltage IC is monolithic intergration of High-Voltage electronic devices and traditional logical circuits of control or analog circuits .

  27. 什么是“命题”?对这个问题传统逻辑和现代逻辑有不同的回答。

    What is the proposition ? With regard to this problem , Traditional Logic and Modern Logic have different answers .

  28. 历史证明,形式逻辑(传统逻辑)有其自身存在的理由、根据。

    However , it is attested by history that the existence of traditional logic has its own reason and foundation .

  29. 高校文科逻辑学教学在教学内容上应该坚持以传统逻辑为主,适当吸收现代数理逻辑的知识;

    Logic teaching in liberal art schools should focus on traditional logic and introduce some knowledge of modern mathematic logic .

  30. 众所周知,亚里士多德是西方逻辑学之父,他奠定了西方传统逻辑的基础。

    Is well known , Aristotle is the father of Western logic , he laid the foundation of traditional Western logic .