
  • 网络traditional logistics;Physical Distribution
  1. 在近代之前的传统中国社会中,物流实践广泛存在于社会经济生活的各个领域,几千年来,积累了丰富的传统物流经验与思想。

    In pre-modern traditional Chinese society , the practice of Physical distribution widely existed in all areas of social and economic life . For thousands of years , a wealth of traditional Physical distribution experience and thought has been accumulated .

  2. 基于RFID技术与WSN技术集成网络的独特优势,针对传统物流管理的弊端,在此基础之上设计出新的物流管理方案。

    Simultaneously the paper provided a Logistics management solutions which based on the unique advantage of integration of RFID technology and WSN technology and improved the disadvantages of traditional logistics management .

  3. 论文分析传统物流信息系统存在的问题及能够解决这些问题的J2EE标准,该标准是基于多层体系结构而定义的支持企业应用的构架。

    This paper analyzes the problems and shortages of traditional logistics information system , then introduces the J2EE specification which is based on multi-tier architecture and can solve the problems and serve for enterprise well .

  4. 针对传统物流预测方法的局限性,研究了基于BP模型神经网络的物流预测方法,即依据历史数据建立BP神经网络对其进行训练形成物流预测模型。

    This paper points out disadvantages of traditional logistics forecast methods and puts forward BP neural network based method . The new method uses historical data to establish and train BP neural network and thus obtain logistics forecast model .

  5. 本文在阐述BPR的基础上,探讨在电子商务对物流提出了更高的要求的今天,如何运用BPR原理有效地改造传统物流企业。

    This paper , based on the introduction of the BPR , searches the way to transform traditional logistics enterprises especially when Electronic Commercial raises a high claim to logistics nowadays .

  6. 随着全球经济一体化、协同商务和第三方物流的兴起,传统物流企业逐步转型,国内物流产业竞争逐步加剧,同时,我国加入WTO之后国外物流供应商加快了进军中国市场的步伐。

    With global integrated economy , collaborative commerce and third-party logistics , domestic traditional logistics enterprise is gradating , the competition of domestic logistics industry is pricking up , at the same time , overseas logistics enterprise mend their pace coming into home market after affiliating WTO .

  7. 本文首先对企业销售渠道及未来发展趋势作了详细的分析,介绍了物流的概念、现代物流与传统物流的区别,同时对HS公司的销售渠道、销售物流运作模式作了具体的介绍。

    First part of this paper analyzes the status of market channel and develop trend in enterprise . Then present some important concepts and difference between traditional logistics and modern logistics . Secondly the writer introduces market channel and sale logistics model of H. corp.

  8. 传统物流企业转型的战略思考

    The Strategic Thinking about the Transition on the Traditional Logistic Enterprises

  9. 现代物流与传统物流的基础理论研究

    Study on the Basic Theories of Traditional / Modern Material Flow

  10. 传统物流向现代物流转化模型研究

    On the Transformation Model of Traditional MF to Modern MF

  11. 我国有着为数众多的运输、仓储、储运等传统物流企业。

    There are many transportation enterprises and storage enterprises in our country .

  12. 相对于传统物流业,现代物流业属于产业的优化升级;

    Comparing with traditional logistics , modern logistics belongs to a favorable industry ;

  13. 传统物流企业向现代物流企业转型的对策研究

    The study of the transformation from traditional logistics enterprise toward modern logistics enterprise

  14. 一种有预约机制的S-MAC-S-MAC/F论传统物流与现代物流

    S-MAC with Forecast On Traditional M.F and Modern M.F

  15. 传统物流企业业务流程再造的研究

    Study on Business Process Reengineering for Traditional Logistics Enterprises

  16. 现代物流区别于传统物流的显著特征在于其快速反应。

    The difference between modern logistics and traditional logistics lies in its quick response capability .

  17. 传统物流存在诸多弊端,面临一次产业革命。

    An industrial reform is needed in the traditional logistics where lots of shortcomings exist .

  18. 分析了传统物流管理的缺陷及企业物流管理的基础&供应链管理理论,现代物流的发展要求企业必须高度重视和努力实践供应链管理模式;

    Development of logistics forces enterprise to place emphasis on SCM model and actively practice it .

  19. 传统物流企业的现代化改造

    Modern Reform of Traditional Logistic Enterprise

  20. 论传统物流与现代物流简述了中国传统职业道德教育思想;

    On Traditional M.F and Modern M.F This paper discusses Chinese traditional occupational moral educational thought .

  21. 21世纪,物流管理作为健全传统物流管理功能而备受关注。

    In the21st century , logistics management is paid attention for its consummating the traditional logistics management .

  22. 传统物流业与现代物流业的关系及转化

    The Relationship between Traditional Logistics Industry and Modern Logistics Industry and the Transformation from One to the Other

  23. 分析了企业的供应链管理与传统物流管理的不同及其内在联系,并阐述了供应链管理的发展过程;

    The different of business supply chain manage with traditional goods flow manage and internal relation are analysed .

  24. 农产品供应链物流整合实证研究传统物流果道中配五大量存货,形成供应链成员很大的风险。

    In traditional logistics channel there were plenty stocks so that to bring about much risk for members .

  25. 目前我国物流尚处于传统物流向现代化物流过渡的阶段,局部有所改善,但整体形式仍不容乐观。

    At present , our country 's logistics are still at the stage from traditional logistics to modern logistics .

  26. 工业港现有的物流模式属于传统物流模式,但具有发展现代物流的基础;

    Although the distribution mode of the industrial port is traditional , it has the foundation to develop logistics .

  27. 现代物流与传统物流的主要区别在于集装箱和信息技术的应用。

    The main differences between the traditional and modern logistics systems are the usage of containers and information technologies .

  28. 绿色物流一体化运作模式是在传统物流一体化运作模式的基础上,结合环境问题而发展起来的一种新的企业物流经营管理模式。

    The integrated operational mode of green logistics is a new corporate logistics management mode regarding the environment issues .

  29. 而电子商务活动亦对传统物流企业的生存与发展产生了不小的冲击与影响。

    However , e business activities also exert impact and influences on the survival and development of traditional logistics enterprises .

  30. 传统物流业己经不能满足企业日益增长的物流需求,必须向现代物流业转化。

    The traditional logistics can not meet the need of the enterprises , so it must be turned to modern logistics .