
  1. 亚马逊的无人机计划名为“PrimeAir”,在2013年启动,致力于开发能够直接将包裹快递到客户家中的空中交通工具。

    Amazon 's drone programme , known as Prime Air , has been working since 2013 on developing aerial vehicles that can deliver packages directly to customers " houses .

  2. 包裹快递公司敦豪(DHL)首席执行官约翰•穆伦(JohnMullen)表示,该公司已开始在整个亚洲地区感受到削减库存的影响,他认为这是一个令人担心的问题:一些公司被吓呆了。

    John Mullen , chief executive of DHL , said the parcel delivery company had started to feel it throughout Asia and viewed it as a worrying issue : Some companies are petrified .

  3. 美国包裹快递集团联邦快递(fedex)将于5月份在中国首次推出保证次日送达业务,突显出中国运输和物流服务的日益成熟。

    FedEx , theUS package delivery group , is to launch guaranteed next-day deliveries within China for the first time in May , highlighting the increasing sophistication of transportation and logistics services in the country .

  4. 我们还在中国提供联邦快递品牌的国内包裹快递服务。

    We also have established a fedex-branded domestic parcel service there .

  5. 因此,尽管包裹快递公司可以达到技术优势和好的设计,他们还要把环境作为整体因素来考虑。

    So , while the package delivery company can achieve technical excellence and good design they will have to take into account the environment as a whole .

  6. 长期以来,亚洲文件和包裹快递服务需求都是跨境递送,最近几年,由于国内支出增加促使国内快递服务需求升温,情况发生了变化。

    Demand for rapid delivery of documents and package services in Asia has long been about exporting goods to other countries , it has changed in recent years after a rise in domestic spending prompted a greater need for local services .

  7. 我要把包裹作为快递邮件给你寄去。

    I will express the parcel to you .

  8. 不过,这些补救措施相当复杂,而且涉及各种不确定性,包括DPD是否有能力或意愿挑战敦豪(DHL)和联合包裹等领先快递企业。

    However , the remedy was complex and involved uncertainties , such as whether DPD had the ability or inclination to challenge the likes of DHL and UPS in express delivery .

  9. 而像联合包裹或者联邦快递这样的快递服务才意味着好消息的到来。

    Pleasant deliveries probably arrive by a parcel service such as UPS or FedEx .

  10. 我想将这包裹发航空快递。

    I want to send it by airmail .

  11. 一签完收条后,我们就会冲回家去拆包裹,而快递员则会奔向他的下一个目的地。

    And the minute the receipt is signed , we dash back to unpack , while the courier rushes to his next destination .

  12. 交易量增加1600万英镑到50100万英镑,在邮件业务中的“表现持续强劲”,尤其是包裹和特殊快递业务。

    Turnover rose £ 16m to £ 501m , with " continued strong performance " in the mail business , especially packets and special deliveries .

  13. 交易量增加1600万英镑到50100万英镑,在邮件业务中的表现持续强劲,尤其是包裹和特殊快递业务。

    Turnover rose # 163 ; 16m to # 163 ; 501m , with continued strong performance in the mail business , especially packets and special deliveries .

  14. 这里再做一个类比:如果你需要一个包裹尽快地快递,没有限速可能会更好。

    To use an analogy again : if you need a package delivered as fast as possible , it might be better if there were no speed limits .

  15. 今天,包裹托运商联邦快递公司有一些好消息,该公司表示最新一季的利润上涨了14%。

    For package shipper Fedex , some good news today , the company says its latest quarter profits were up 14 % .

  16. 以美国的联合包裹公司和联邦快递为例分析不同产业阶段下两家公司竞争战略的转变途径及手段,揭示了产业生命周期对业内企业战略的影响。

    This paper takes UPS and FedEx for example , analyzes two companies ' strategic transformation approach and means , and reveals the industry stages ' effect on the strategic choice .

  17. 近日,广东省深圳市整治无证电动自行车、货运三轮车的行动使当地快递服务陷入瘫痪,包裹大量堆积,快递员疲于应对。

    A crackdown on the use of unlicensed electric bikes and freight tricycles in Shenzhen , Guangdong province , has paralyzed courier services , leaving delivery workers struggling to cope with piles of undelivered packages .